function w = Tapprox %MATLAB routine for visualizing Taylor approximations %Created by Winfried Just, department of Mathematics, Ohio University %Last modified: January 29, 2003 syms x disp(' ') input('Enter the formula for your function. \n'); f = ans g = f; disp(' ') input('Enter the value of a. \n'); a = ans P = subs(f , a); disp(' ') input('Enter the left endpoint of your interval. \n'); left = ans disp(' ') input('Enter the right endpoint of your interval. \n'); right = ans disp(' ') input('Enter the lower limit of the y-axis. \n'); lower = ans disp(' ') input('Enter the upper limit of the y-axis. \n'); upper = ans n = 1; while 0 < 1 disp(' ') disp('Hit ENTER to continue of Ctrl^C to quit') pause disp('The degree of the Taylor polynomial is: ') disp(n) hold off ezplot(f, [left , right]) g = diff(g)/n; P = P + subs(g, a)*(x - a)^n; hold on ezplot(P, [left , right]) axis([left right lower upper]) n = n + 1; end
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