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Copyright \copyright 2002 Larry Snyder and Todd Young. All rights reserved.
Please address comments to young@math.ohiou.edu.}}
\item Try the following commands:
\item \verb&syms x &
\item \verb&f = x^2 &
\item \verb&f1 = diff(f) &
\item \verb&X = -3:.05:3; & \dotfill Makes \verb&X& into an array with entries
from \verb$-3$ to \verb$3$
\item \verb&F = subs(f, X); &
\item \verb&F1 = subs(f1, X); &
\item \verb&plot(X, F, 'b', X, F1, 'r') &
\item Explain exactly what happened.
\item\label{rat} Repeat the above procedure for the function
g(x) = \frac{x^5 + x^3 + 2}{8x + 1}
\verb&(Input as: g = (x^5 + x^3 + 2) / (8*x + 1))&.
\item Use the command \verb& ezplot(g1, [0 3]) & and then
change the interval until you can accurately guess a solution of $g'(x) = 0$.
Then try:
\item Enter \verb& solve(g1) & and describe the results. Which part of the output
is relevant? Did the computer find this output symbolically or numerically?
\item What is the percentage error of your guess.
\item Prepare a brief (\verb$< $1 page) written report answering all
the questions. Use complete sentences and standard mathematical notation.
Do {\bf not} get a printout.
\textsf{The user must consider the derivative as a function, and they must
consider issues of scale in plotting functions with asymptotes.}