%Improper Integrals %If you modify this file, please indicate here and in the footnote %Math263B \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{times} \pagestyle{empty} \addtolength{\textwidth}{1.2in} \addtolength{\textheight}{1.2in} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-.58in} \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-.58in} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0} \parindent = 0cm \parskip = .1cm \begin{document} \begin{center} {\Large Improper Integrals\footnote{Copyright \copyright 2002 Larry Snyder and Todd Young. All rights reserved. Please address comments to young@math.ohiou.edu.}} \end{center} \begin{enumerate} \item Enter the following sequence of commands: \\ \verb& syms x &\\ \verb& int(1/sqrt(x^6 + 1), 0, inf) & \dotfill Calculates symbolically\\ \verb& double(ans) & \dotfill Converts to a numeric format\\ \verb& quadl('1./sqrt(x.^6 + 1)', 0, inf) & \dotfill Calculates numerically \item Use the commands above to evaluate the following integrals (you will encounter error messages in some of them): \begin{enumerate} \item $ {\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \frac{1}{x^{2/3}}dx}$ \hfill (Use \verb& 1/x^(2/3)&.) \item $ {\displaystyle \int_1^\infty \frac{1}{x + 1}dx}$ \item $ {\displaystyle \int_1^\infty \frac{\ln x}{x^2}}$ \hfill (Use \verb& log & for natural logarithm.) \item $ {\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \sin{^2}(x)dx}$ \hfill(Use \verb$ (sin(x))^2 $) \end{enumerate} \item Try to use \textsc{MatLab} to evaluate the following functions using commands in \#1: \begin{enumerate} \item $ {\displaystyle \int_{-1}^1 \frac{1}{x^2}dx}$ \item $ {\displaystyle \int_0^1 \frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}dx}$ \end{enumerate} \item What are some problems with calculating improper integrals numerically? \item Try the following: \\ \verb& int(1/x^5, 1, inf) & \\ \verb& int(sin(x^3)/x^5, 1, inf) &\\ \verb& double(ans) & \\ Comparing the integrands of these two integrals, should the second one converge? Does the answer for the second integral make sense? \item Prepare a brief (\verb$< $1 page) written report describing what happened and answering all the questions. Use complete sentences and standard mathematical notation. Writing quality will play a part in the grade. \end{enumerate} \vfill \noindent \textsf{This exercise explores improper integrals both symbolically and numerically. Evaluating improper integrals symbolically is precarious because it is hard for the computer to handle the symbol $\infty$ correctly. Evaluating numerically is also difficult because one cannot actually compute all the way to $\infty$, one must stop at some finite place. } \end{document}
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