function [T , Y] = myeuler(f,tspan,y0,n) % Solves y' = f(t,y) with initial condition y(a) = y0 % on the interval [a,b] using n steps of Euler's method. % y must be a column vector and f must produce column vectors % The dimension of y0 must match that of y and f % T will be a n+1 column vector contianing the times % Y will be a (n+1) by d matrix where d is the length of y a = tspan(1); b = tspan(2); h = (b-a)/n; % step size t = a; y = y0; % t and y are the current variables T = a; Y = y0'; % T and Y will record all steps for i = 1:n y = y + h*f(t,y); t = a + i*h; T = [T; t]; Y = [Y; y']; end plot(T,Y)
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