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Distance Learning Presentation Principles

Technical Information

Distance Learning Presentation Principles

Make the organization of presentation explicit:

  • Give an Overviewand
  • State the learning objectives.

Work with the camera. Speak to it. Reach toward it... like you would to a good friend. Remember, to the audience, you’ll be involving them.

Interactwith the near and remote audiences through questions or use your usual approach to solicit input from the remote audience (example: “Any questions from the other about Dayton?” )

Developopen-ended questions for the audience as a part of your advance planning. Ask for analysis or multiple perspectives on a case.

Moveslowly and deliberately and stay in camera range.

Pausebefore responding to questions – allow time for the remote audience to “unmute” microphones and respond.

Coordinatewith the distance learning technicians to learn what presentation style will work best with the equipment at your site. Sites with newer equipment will be able to present both the slides and the speaker at the same time via picture-in-picture, or a second monitor. Older units will only be able to present either your visuals, or yourself (both can’t be seen at remote sites at the same time). By introducing slides and then personally reinforcing those concepts on-camera you will be more effective. Trainees need to focus on the speaker, not on her (or his) props.

Point-outconcepts or images on your slides with a computer mouse to draw the trainees attention – do notuse laser pointers, which can only be seen locally and are not effective for a distant audience.

Speak clearlyand project with an appropriate volume.

Repeat questionsasked by participants at your location, so that other sites will know what has been asked.

Remember: an audience retains

  • 10% of audio heard and
  • 20% of visuals seen, but
  • 65% of audio and visuals combined.

People are used to being passive viewers of TV. YOUhave to help them become activeparticipants.

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