Change Page URL

Before you begin, keep in mind that changing a page's URL can affect its ranking in search results, so make sure your choices are logical and make sense within your site's structure.

  1. To edit a page's URL, log into Drupal and enter your group's subsite.
  2. Choose  View nodes next to your group's name.
  3. Find the node you wish to modify and choose  Edit node, or use the  Create node button to create a new node.


  4. Click  PAGE LOCATION on the right side of the node edit window.


  5. Use the  Parent Page dropdown to choose what appears between "" and the last slash in your page's URL.
  6. Enter a  URL Slug to specify what comes after the last slash in your page's URL. If you do not specify a slug, the system will generate one for you (not recommended). Recommendations for creating a good slug:
    • Use spaces or dashes to separate words.
    • Do not use slashes (/).
    • Spelling and grammar matter.
    • Prepositions will be ignored.
      Example of page URL slug
  7. Any changes you make to the  Parent Page and  URL Slug will be reflected in the  Permalink beneath your page's  Title.
    • The  Edit button to the right of  Permalink is another way to change your URL Slug.


  8. Save your changes.
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