Deanna Clifford
In her position, Deanna works to support the continued growth and development of the Voinovich Academy, located in Dublin. She manages operational, marketing and new business development activities for professional and executive education programs and related initiatives.
Deanna has a Bachelor of Science in Communication and a Masters of Arts in Communication from Ohio University. She started her career at the university as a public information coordinator for the Ohio University Telecommunications Center.
Her most recent position was as the Manager of Access and Integration at the Ohio Department of Aging in Columbus. There, she planned, directed and evaluated agency initiatives related to access to services. Before her time at the Ohio Department of Aging, Deanna worked as the Director of Community Relations at Area Agency on Aging 11 in Youngstown.
She has volunteered for the Ohio Senior Olympics since 2007, and has been the Board President of the Ohio Senior Olympics since 2016.