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Past Medal of Merit Awardees

The Medal of Merit is awarded to alumni who have achieved distinction in their chosen fields. The Medal of Merit was formerly titled the Certificate of Merit. In 1979, the Alumni Association Board of Directors officially renamed the award, and all past Certificate of Merit recipients are listed equally as holders of the Medal of Merit.

2023 Awardees

  • Ariel C. Armony, MAIA ’90
  • Larry H. Small, PH.D. ’84
  • Brian Stultz, BFA ’83

2022 Awardees

  • Christopher B. Jones, BA ’65
  • William T. Newman, Jr., BFA ’72
  • Marlon A. Primes, BSJ ’86
  • Jon J. Snyder, BSC ’87

2020 Awardees

  • Kevin J. Everson, MFA '90
  • Paul L. Hubbard, BSED '65
  • Carolyn Bailey Lewis, PhD '07
  • Lucian P. Spataro, Jr., MS '91, PhD '93

2019 Awardees

  • Jeffrey M. Baran, AB-POL, MA ’98
  • Robert Emmett Boyle, BS ’70
  • Elizabeth S. Campbell, MFA ’97
  • Mona E. Miliner. BSH ’92, MHA ’94
  • Abdul Williams, BSC ’94

2018 Awardees

  • Thomas W. Brennaman, BSS ‘12
  • Ronald R. Burns, BSH ’85, DO ‘89
  • Luke S. Frazier, MM ‘09
  • Mark D. West. BSC ‘78

2017 Awardees

  • Lynn Johnson, MA '04
  • Cherron Payne, BSC '95
  • Jacqueline Reau, BSJ '92, MSA '12

2016 Awardees

  • John P. Gainor, Jr., BSC '78
  • Francis "Frank" Papay, BA '75

2015 Awardees

  • Joel C. Hunter, BS '70
  • Rober Shook, MFA '74
  • Art Stellar, BSEd '69, Med '70, PhD '73

2014 Awardees

  • Gary J. Olmstead, MFA '66
  • Jack Myslenski, BSIT '73
  • Arthur J. Marinelli, BA '64
  • Joe B. Harford, BS '73

2013 Awardees

  • Dolores K. Hanna, AB '49
  • Martin J. Savidge, BSJ '81
  • Amy Sage Webb, BSJ '90

2012 Awardees

  • Joseph P. Becherer, BFA '87, MFA '90
  • Sidney A. Davis, BSJ '52
  • George Mooradian, BFA '70
  • Lucy Sexton, BFA '82

2011 Awardees

  • Carla E. Lucchino, MSIS '82
    Achievement in Leadership
  • Everett Louis Overstreet, BSCE '67
    Achievement in Engineering & Technology
  • William J. Rakatansky, BARC '72
    Achievement in Architecture
  • Matthew Stark, BSED '51, AB '51
    Achievement in Public Education and Social Justice

2010 Awardees

  • Jeff Finkle, BSC '76
    Achievement in Economic Development
  • Laura Justice, BA '92, MED '96, PhD '00
    Achievement in Language & Literacy
  • Jenny Holzer, BFA '72
    Achievement in Art

2009 Awardees

  • McClellan A. DuBois, MA '71
    Achievement in Intelligence and Information Systems
  • Matthew E. Rubel, BSJ '79
    Achievement in Retailing Industry
  • Paula M. Shugart, BSC '81
    Achievement in Television and Entertainment Production

2008 Awardees

  • Jeremy N. Foley, MED '76
    Achievement in College Sports Administration and Leadership
  • Jeanne M. Gokcen, BSHS '82, MAHS '84
    Achievement in Interactive Speech Solutions
  • Sedat I. Gokcen, BSEE '82, MA '84
    Achievement in Interactive Speech Solutions
  • Joseph K. Jachinowski, BSEE '79
    Achievement in Electronic Medical Systems-Comprehensive Information Technology for Oncology Management
  • Larry M. Starr, BSED '68, MED '71
    Achievement in Professional Athletic Training

2007 Awardees

  • Mark C. Arnold, BSISE '81
    Achievement in Business
  • Robert A. Biscup, DO '80
    Achievement in Medicine
  • Robert L. Chandler, MS '72
    Achievement in Health Care
  • Michael E. Jackson, BSED '68
    Service on Behalf of our Nation’s Veterans and their families

2006 Awardees

  • William J. Keenist, BSJ '80, MSA '82
    Achievement in Sports Communication
  • Gerald E. Radcliffe, AB '48
    Achievement in Jurisprudence
  • Robin L. Smith, BFA '72
    Achievement in Documentary & News Production
  • Criss E. Somerlot, BSED '69
    Achievement in Athletics

2005 Awardees

  • David M. Crane, BGS '72, MA '73
    Achievement in International Law
  • Michael A. Crary, MA '76, PHD '78
    Achievement in Speech-Language Pathology
  • Nancy M. Haag, AB '78
    Achievement in Business
  • Peter A. King, BSJ '79
    Excellence in Sports Reporting

2004 Awardees

  • Frank P. Krasovec, BBA '65, MBA '66
    Achievement in Business
  • David R. Scholl, PHD '81
    Achievement in the Sciences
  • Anuraj H. Shankar, BS '84
    Achievement in Public Health
  • John R. Venable, BBA '81
    Services to the United States Air Force

2003 Awardees

  • Arlene “Phoebe” Beasley, BFA '65
    Achievement in the Arts
  • John A. Roush, BSED '72
    Achievement in Educational Administration
  • Edward S. Robe, AB '59
    Achievement in Chosen Field (law) and Service to the Community
  • Palakorn Suwanrath, MAIA '73
    Achievement in Leadership in his Country (Thailand)

2002 Awardees

  • Robert E. Brenley, BSED '77
    Achievement in Sports
  • C. Brent DeVore, BSJ '62
    Achievement in Academics/Administration

2001 Awardees

  • Kenneth J. Kies, BGS '74
    Achievement in Government and Law
  • Yvette McGee Brown, BSJ '82
    Achievement in Public Service and Law
  • D. William Schlott, BS '58
    Achievement in Medicine
  • Charles F. Wiedenmann, BSED '70, MED '73, PHD '78
    Achievement in Education

2000 Awardees

  • William A. Dillingham, BBA '71
    Achievement in Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Karol A. Ondick, BSEE '55
    Achievement in Engineering and Service to Alma Mater
  • Peter T. Lalich, Sr., BSCO '42
    Service to Athletic Department and Alma Mater
  • Harry W. White, AB '69
    Achievement in the Field of Law and Service to Alma Mater

1999 Awardees

  • Andrew N. Alexander, BSJ '72
    Achievements in Communication
  • Robert E. Fallon, AB '69
    Achievement in Banking and Finance
  • JoAnn Fregalette Jansen, BSED '70
    Achievement in the Arts
  • Matthew T. Lauer, BSC '97
    Achievements in Communication
  • Marge E. Spooner Voelker, '51
    Service to Alma Mater

1998 Awardees

  • Bonna Price DeMarco, BSHE '65
    Service to Alma Mater
  • David Neal Keller, BSJ '50
    Achievement in Communication
  • Howard E. Nolan, BSAE '57
    Achievement in Engineering
  • Stanley Plumly
    Achievement in the Arts
  • C. David Snyder, BBA '74
    Achievement in Business

1997 Awardees

  • Carolyn E. Balogh, BSED '59
    Service to Alma Mater and Achievement in Business
  • Raymon B. Fogg, BSCE '53
    Achievement in Business and Service to Humanity
  • Richard Budd Werner, BSCO '53
    Achievement in Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Thomas E. Wheeler, BSED '71
    Achievement in Aviation and Service to Alma Mater

1996 Awardees

  • Jonathan Freeman, BFA '72
    Achievement in the Performing Arts
  • Richard N. Janney, AB '63
    Achievement in Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Ray E. Kellogg, BSEE '51
    Service to Alma Mater
  • The Honorable Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, MAIA '79
    Distinction in International Relations and Communication
  • Marie P. White, AA '52
    Service to Alma Mater

1995 Awardees

  • James H. Jewell, AB '31
    Distinguished Service in Medicine
  • Laura Landro, BSJ '76
    Achievement in Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Frank Underwood, BSCO '54
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Donald H. Voelker, BSME '52
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Robert D. Walter, BSME '67
    Distinction in Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Matthew J. Wickline, BSC '83
    Distinction in Television and Film Writing and Producing

1994 Awardees

  • W. Barry Adams, BSJ '74, MAIA '83
    Distinction in University Advancement and Service to Alma Mater
  • Vanessa Bell-Calloway, BFA '79
    Distinction in Performing Arts
  • Sanford D. Elsass, BSED '70
    Achievement in Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Gerald G. Loehr, BSIE '52
    Distinction in Engineering and Service to Alma Mater
  • John E. Reynolds III, BSCO '57
    Achievement in Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Lawrence E. Stewart, BSCO '49
    Distinction in Jurisprudence
  • David C. Wilhelm, AB '77
    Distinction in Political Affairs and Service to Alma Mater
  • Janet Williams, BSED '73
    Service to Alma Mater

1993 Awardees

  • Tony E. Buba, MFA '76
    Distinguished Accomplishments in Film Making
  • Charles E. Emrick, BSCO '51, MSJ ‘52
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Donald D. Howard, MA '56
    Significant Achievement in Historical Research and Higher Education
  • M. F. Line, Jr., BSCE '62
    Significant Accomplishment in Higher Education
  • Dennis M. Morgan, BGS '76
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater & Achievements in Public Service
  • Robert H. Miller, PHD '62
    Significant Accomplishments in Higher Education
  • T. Richard Robe, BSCE '55, MS '62
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Susan L. Wall, BFA '72, MFA '73
    Significant Accomplishments in Fine Arts

1992 Awardees

  • Richard D. Anderson, '73
    Achievement in the Performing Arts
  • Richard H. Brown, BSC '69
    Achievement in Business and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Cletus P. Kurtzman, BS '60
    Achievement in Applied Micro Biological Research
  • Herman A. Leonard, BFA '47
    Achievement in Commercial Photography
  • Joan E. Mace, BGS '78
    Achievement in Aviation and Education
  • Ralph A. Marrinson, BSCO '62
    Achievement in Health Care and Medical Services
  • Sheila Rowan McHale, AB '68
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Amelia G. Tunanidas, DO '82
    Achievement in Medical Practice and Administrations

1991 Awardees

  • Dean E. Baesel, BSCO '42
    Business and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • James D. Cole, EE '13
    Engineering and Volunteerism to Community
  • Glenn E. Corlett, BBA '65
    Business and Service to Ohio University
  • Mary Pallay Covell, BSED '36, MED '40
    Education and Volunteerism to Community
  • Charles J. Grant, AB '71
  • Alan D. Rust, MFA '73
    Fine Arts and Theatre
  • Ambassador Dato Paduka Haji Mohammad Suni Bbin Haji Idris, BA '65
    International Diplomacy
  • Jeanne L. Warner, BS '70, MBA '72
    Business and Service to Alma Mater

1990 Awardees

  • Milton Goll, AB '35
    Biotechnology and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Germaine Rita Hahnel, AB '53
  • Paul David Miller, AB, BSC '71
    Television Directing
  • Akira Noguchi, MS '54
    International Business and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Clarence E. Page, BSJ '69
    Journalism and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Jay D. Pinson, BSME '50
    Engineering Education
  • James J. Ragan, MA '67, PHD '71
  • Edward A. Sprague, BS '41
    Medicine and Loyalty to Alma Mater

1989 Awardees

  • Norman J. Crabtree, BSED '50
    Aviation and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Richard L. Daubenmire, BSEE '63
  • Paul W. Glabicki, MFA '74 '80
    Film, Art, and Education
  • Brandon T. Grover, Jr., BSAG '50
    Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Melvin A. Harris, MA '65, PHD '71
    Mass Communication and Entertainment
  • Lois P. McGure, BFA '61, MFA '69
    Theater, Education, and the Arts
  • Ralph S. Quatrano, MS '64
    Education and Botany
  • David Kung-Chuen Shao, AB '72
    International Business and Loyalty to Alma Mater

1988 Awardees

  • Robert N. Aebersold, MS '59
    Education Administration
  • Larry R. Gale, AB '42, MS '47
    Conservation and Wildlife Management
  • Robert C. Hughes, BBA '65
    Business and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • John M. Jones, BSCO '49
    Business and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Thomas J. Meyer, BSCH '63
  • Steven M. Newman, BSJ '77
    Furthering Human Understanding and Promoting Goodwill Among World Cultures
  • Caryl B. Rentz, BSED '45
    Education and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • William E. Sprague, BS '48
    Volunteer Service to Mankind

1987 Awardees

  • Robert P. Axline, BSCO '57
    Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Elizabeth Grover Beatty, BSED '17
    Community Service
  • Harvey J. Breverman, MFA '60
  • Wai-Kai Chen, BSEE '60, MSEE '61
    Engineering Education
  • Timothy L. Dlamini, MAIA '78
    International Diplomacy
  • Malcolm M. Prine, '51
  • Dolores Houser Russ
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Stephen V. Smith, '71
    Performing Arts
  • Dolores Zackel Wirkiowski, AB '62
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater

1986 Awardees

  • Paula L. Cizmar, AB '71
  • James W. Crum, BS '52
    Philanthropy and Humanitarian Service
  • Rondle E. Edwards, PHD '70
    Education Administration
  • Robert B. Goldberg,BS '66
    Plant Molecular Biology
  • Samuel D. Greiner, BSME '55
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Bruce A. McElfresh, BFA '66, MFA '78
    Photographic Editing
  • L. Dale Springer, BSEE '49
    Devotion and Service to Alma Mater

1985 Awardees

  • Ljubisa S. Adamovich, MBA '58
  • J. Michael Bloom, BFA '62
    Theatrical Management
  • Donald M. Compton, BSCO '44
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • Cornelius L. Hooper, AB '56
    Health Administration
  • Mark M. Littler, BS '61, MS '66
    Botany and Biological Sciences
  • Janice B. Pae, AB '60
    Service and Loyalty to Alma Mater
  • David J. Smith, PHD '76

1984 Awardees

  • Arthur E. Aspengren, BS '55, MA '56
    Loyalty and Service to Alma Mater
  • William C. Byham, BS '58, MS '60
    Management and Industrial Training
  • Joseph S. Curtin, Jr., MAIA '77
  • Dean W. Jeffers, COED '36
    Business and Service to Alma Mater
  • Bessie B. Lockhart, KP '28
    Special Education
  • Dale F. Nitzsche, MED '60, PHD '64
    Higher Education
  • Robert H. Page, BSME '49
    Engineering and Higher Education

1983 Awardees

  • Arthur W. Engelhard, BS '50
    Plant Pathology
  • Paul R. Leonard, BSJ '65
    Public Service
  • Chandriah A. Rao, PHD '71
    Education and Service to Alma Mater
  • Lawrence R. Tavcar, BSJ '58
    Loyalty and Service to Alma Mater
  • Betty Thomas, BFA '69
    Performing Arts
  • Charles R. Standen, BSCO '39

1982 Awardees

  • Robert Arter, BSCO '50
    Military Career and Community Service
  • James L. Dine, BFA '57
  • Richard H. Feagler, AB '60
    Journalism and Broadcasting and Service to Alma Mater
  • William H. Heyen, MA '63, PHD '67
  • J. Warren McClure, BSCO '40
    Newspaper Industry and Service to Alma Mater
  • Oga Okwoche, BSED '66, MED '67
    International Diplomacy
  • John A. Raiser, BSAE '55
    Architectural Engineering
  • Ralph E. Schey, BSCO '48
    Business Marketing and Service to Alma Mater

1981 Awardees

  • Robert R. Baur, BS '48
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Shirley A. Baxter Berndsen, AB '51
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Samuel W. Howe, '50
    Community Involvement, Service to Alma Mater and Osteopathic Medicine
  • Claude G. Perkins, PHD '73
    Education and Community Service
  • Van Gordon Sauter, BSJ '57
    Journalism and Broadcast Industry
  • Michael J. Schmidt, BBA '72
    Professional Baseball
  • Phillip R. Trimble, AB '58
    International Diplomacy

1980 Awardees

  • Mohd Arif bin Bador, AB '75, MA '77
    International Affairs
  • Effie Condoporulos Chapman, AB '49
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Jay C. Chunn, II, BSCO '61
    Human Development
  • David L. Diles, '51
  • Herbert A. Einhorn, AB '33
    Corporate Law
  • Paul J. Gapp, BSJ '50
    Architectural Critic
  • Robert J. Kromer, BS ‘48
    Medicine and Service to Alma Mater
  • Ellis B. Miracle, BSED '29
    Education and Service to Alma Mater
  • James Walter Strobel, AB '55
    Science and Education

1979 Awardees

  • Benny Ray Bailey, PHD '75
    Community and Education
  • Martha J. Hunley Blackburn, BSED '16
  • Roger H. Dean, BSCO '40
  • W. Darrell Herron, AB '24
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Robert E. Holmes, AB '44
  • Helen Blackburn Hoover, ‘31
  • Joan Miday Krauskopf, AB '54
  • Lee Rich, BBA '44
    Television and Motion Pictures
  • Ichiro Seto, BSCO '53, MS ‘54
    Labor Relations
  • James T. Shipman, BSED '51
    Education, Physics, and Service to Alma Mater
  • Keith E. Welsh, BSED '60
    Devotion and Loyalty to Alma Mater

1978 Awardees

  • Clifton E. Baker, BSCE '43
    Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Frank L. Bowers, BSJ '57
    Journalism and Service to Alma Mater
  • Susan Anderson Kline, AB '59
    Medical Education and Administration
  • George H. Mitchell, Jr., BA '71
    Government Services
  • William R. Mnich, BFA '50
    Broadcasting and Management
  • Albert F. Ogunsola, MED '64
    Education and Service
  • H. Edwin Umbarger, BS '43, MS '44
    Biological Chemistry and Bacteriology
  • Asia H. Whitacre, AB '22
    Medicine and Support of Alma Mater

1977 Awardees

  • Kay Brabander, BFA '54
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Charles E. Glover, BSJ '49
  • Roger Morley, BSIE '53
  • William Withers, '38
    Marketing and Retail Management

1976 Awardees

  • Ariel C. Hollinshead, AB '51
    Field of Medicine
  • Mary McGarey, BSJ '42
  • Helen M. Robinson, '26
  • Earl Schreiber, '32
    Contributions to the Sporting World
  • Alan I. Weinberg, BBA '64
    Service to Alma Mater
  • J. David Scott, BSED '59, MED '60
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Marvin White, BSCE '47
    Field of Business and Commerce

1975 Awardees

  • James Anastas, '47
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Carol Baucher, AB '54
    Service to Alma Mater
  • J. David Carr, BSIE '42
    Business Accomplishment and Service to Alma Mater and Mankind
  • Wallace J. Hodes, BSJ '43
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Gail Knaus, BBA '64
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Jerome S. Mann, BFA '56
    Field of Business
  • Jody Galbreath Phillips, BSED '46
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Robert W. Reider, BSJ '39
    Service to Alma Mater and Community
  • George V. Voinovich, AB '58
    Service to Cuyahoga County and Distinction to Alma Mater
  • Harold F. White, BSCO '46
    Field of Law and Service to Alma Mater

1974 Awardees

  • Milton O. Berry, BS '50
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Max E. Groves, BSCO '58
    Service to Alma Mater
  • R. Kenneth Kerr, Jr., '46
    Service to Alma Mater and Mankind
  • Gene I. Maeroff, BSJ '61
  • Julia J. Nehls, MSHE '50
    Service to Alma Mater
  • John Poles, BSCO '50
    Admiralty and International Law
  • Vernal G. Riffe, Jr., LLD '77
    Service to the State of Ohio
  • Ludel Sauvageot, AB '27
    Service to Mankind and Public Relations
  • Claude F. Turben, AB '25
    Investment Management

1973 Awardees

  • Frank J. Battisti, AB '47
    Public Service
  • Patience A. Brandle, BSHE '42
    Service to Alma Mater
  • C. Ritter Collett, BSJ '42
    Sports Writing and Editing
  • E. Edward Evans, AB '45
    Academic Accomplishments
  • Joyce H. Herrold, AB '54
    Medicine and Welfare of Mankind
  • Olive Holmes, AB '38
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Richard H. McFarland, BS '50
  • Glenn Randall, BSED '59
    International Friendship and Understanding
  • Eugene F. Rinta, BSCO '38
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Peter Yanity, BS '49
    Service to Alma Mater

1972 Awardees

  • Herbert Adler, BSCO '39
  • Harry C. Beckley, ACCT '09
    Service to Alma Mater
  • George R. Evans, ABC '33
  • Stephen H. Fuller, AB '41
    Higher Education
  • James Hall, BSCO '56
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Wallace Johnson, AB '61
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Edward C. Keefe, AB '31
    Service to Mankind
  • Ralph C. Kircher, ABC '29
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Joseph P. Marsalka, BSCO '50
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Lawrence P. Eblin, BSCH '31
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Mary Elizabeth Lasher Myers, BSJ '42
  • Sanford Slavin, BSCE '47
    Land Development

1971 Awardees

  • Paul Fusco, BFA '57
  • Harry Lackey, BSED '33
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Stanley Liss, BSCO '42
  • J. David Lundberg, BSED '56
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Granville H. Martin, '21
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Donald Pease, BSJ '53
    Service to Alma Mater
  • John Russ, BSED '28
  • Donald Shafer, BSED '37
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Spencer Steenrod, BFA '53

1970 Awardees

  • Roger E. Ailes, BFA '62
  • William R. Butler, BSED '50
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Lester D. Crow, AB '23
    Higher Education
  • Maude Lee Dorsey, BSED '24
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Jack G. Ellis, BSCO '57
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Robert E. Forsythe, BFA '50
  • Foster Harmon, '34
    Fine Arts
  • Donald Moser, AB '57
  • Alan E. Riedel, AB '52
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Winston Riley, Jr., AB '26

1969 Awardees

  • Paul J. Anderson, BS '49
  • Janice B. Bixler, BSED '26
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Oakley C. Collins, BSED '35
    State Government
  • Edwin W. Darby, BSJ '42
    Journalism and Financial Reporting
  • Jack D. Gilbert, BSJ '52
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Robert A. Heimish, '43
    Service to Alma Mater
  • David L. Hostetler, MFA '49
    Fine Arts
  • William S. Jasper, AB '41
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Emil S. Kustin, AB '40
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Anthony O. Mathias, BSED, BSAG '16
  • Ann Mumma, AB '29
  • Everett C. Shingleton, BSCO '37
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Joan Herrold Wood, BSJ '52
    Service to Alma Mater

1968 Awardees

  • Vernon W. Deinzer, BSED '41
    Industry and Service to Alma Mater
  • Leona Hughes, BSED '30
    Service to Alma Mater
  • James L. Hupp, BSED '16
    Service to Community
  • Addie F. LaFrance, BSED '34
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Greta Lash, AB '17
    Service to Alma Mater
  • James R. Patrick, AB '52
  • Darrell H. Sams, AB '21
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Irving Shulman, AB '37
  • John H. Lafferty, BSCO '50
    Service to Community
  • Robert O. Snyder, BSCO '39
    Service to Alma Mater and Community
  • Grace E. Tolson, '35
    Service to Alma Mater

1967 Awardees

  • John E. Brown, BSED '37
  • Richard W. Eddy, BS '40
  • Seymour Maxwell Finger, BSED '35
  • Helen Gray, AB '32
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Lillie Greer, KP '25
    Service to Alma Mater
  • William H. Herbert, ABC '25
    Service to Alma Mater and Community
  • William L. Kircher, AB '36
  • William J. Manning, BSCO '39
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Cruse Moss, BSIE '48
  • G. Merritt Preston, '39
    Space Science

1966 Awardees

  • Paul C. Brickman, BSJ '46
  • Glenn H. Brown, BSCH '39
  • E. B. "Ted" Evans, AB '42
    Service to Alma Mater
  • John D. Hostutler, BSJ '50
    Public Service
  • Vincent Jukes, AB '30
  • C. Frederick Kittle, AB '42
  • John W. Meister, AB '38
  • Roger C. Quisenberry, BSEE '42
  • Richard G. Shrider, BSED '48
    Athletic Coaching
  • Russell D. Smith, BSEE '56
    Science Engineering

1965 Awardees

  • Ruhl J. Bartlett, AB '20
    Outstanding Career in History
  • John L. Boros, BSCO '41
    Service to Alma Mater
  • William E. Burt, AB '36
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Rhys D. Evans, AB '09
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Jeanette Grasselli, BS '50
    Chemical Research
  • William McCutcheon, BFA '48
  • Fred Schleichery, '47
  • Doris Sponseller, BSED '29
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Fred Swearingen, BSED '42
    Athletic Officiating
  • Alice Edwards Wright, AB '27
    Service to Alma Mater

1964 Awardees

  • Joseph Boggs, AB '41
  • George W. Byers, Jr., '51
  • Claude Chrisman, BSCE '32
  • Margaret Davis, BSED '32
    Service to Alma Mater
  • John B. Holden, BSED '32
    Adult Education
  • Mary E. Huck, BSHE '44
    Home Economics
  • Wilfred R. Konneker, BS '43, MS '47
    Nuclear Physics
  • Donald E. Perry, BSED '40
  • John H. Price, ABC '26
    Public Service
  • Fritz J. Russ, BSEE '42
  • Oscar A. Turner, AB '32

1963 Awardees

  • L. Bennett Coy, BSCO '52
  • Laurence G. Hauck, AB '33
  • James R. Hawkins, ABC '23
  • Martin L. Hecht, BSCO '46
    Service to Alma Mater
  • William R. Hess, BSED '47
  • Rupel J. Jones, '20
    Dramatic Arts
  • Ruth E. Kennedy, BSED '30
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Raymond S. Lupse, AB '32
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Edward F. Smith, BSCO '42
    Education and Business
  • Gerald T. Sprague, '20
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Milton J. Taylor, BSCO '50
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Gene Trace, '30
  • Elmer D. West, AB '30
  • Denver L. White, BSED '43
    Social Welfare
  • Robert E. Witschey, '32
    Certified Public Accounting

1962 Awardees

  • Richard R. Campbell, AB '47
    Newspaper Journalism
  • Lester N. Carney, BSCO '59
  • Raymond M. Clark, BSED '17
    Higher Education
  • Merrill F. Coolly, AB '16
    Education Guidance
  • K. Mark Cowen, AB '22
    Public Recreation
  • Joseph S. Gill, AB '38
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Paul J. Hyme, BSED '38
    Service to Alma Mater
  • D. Ben James, BSJ '43
    Service to Alma Mater
  • William R. Morris, AB '38
    Service to Alma Mater
  • James D. Murch, AB '15
  • Charles G. O'Bleness, BS '98
  • B. A. Renkenberger, AB '24
  • Edgar W. Shoemaker, ABC '26
    Service to Alma Mater

1961 Awardees

  • Joseph W. Begala, AB '29
    Collegiate Coaching
  • Kermit A. Blosser, BSED '32
  • John W. Bolin, '24
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Martha Essman Cleveland, BSSS '43
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Homer R. Cotterman, AB '22
    Teacher Training
  • Marilyn Francis, BSCO '41
  • Carl A. Frey, AB '25
    Science Education
  • Robert L. Hartford, ABC '36
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Laurence L. Jarvie, BSED '28
  • Harlan C. Koch, AB '19
    Graduate Study Administration
  • James R. McNesby, BS '43
  • Thomas Elder Morgan, BSCO '41
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Eric G. Orling, BSCH '35
    Business Management
  • Ernest E. Ray, '24
    Business Education
  • Robert W. Young, BSPH '30

1960 Awardees

  • Clarence P. Byran, AB '32
  • Marlette C. Covert, '29
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Russell W. Finsterwald, AB '17
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Darrell A. Grove, '30
    Real Estate Investment
  • Clinton E. Kasler, '25
    Construction Engineer
  • Donald E. McMichael, '26
    Business Management
  • Josephine Wuebeen Robertson, AB '21
  • Walter J. Shapter, '21
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Louis R. Shaw, '30
    Public Accounting
  • James E. Snyder, BSED '41
    Coaching of Basketball
  • Lorin Staats, AB '26
    Speech Education
  • Robert M. Wren, BSED '43
    Coaching of Baseball

1959 Awardees

  • Ralph F. Beckert, ABC '23
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Paul E. Belcher, AB '22
  • Ruth Brown, '32
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Vince Costello, '33
    Professional Football
  • Gilbert G. Courtney, '23
  • Beulah V. Gillaspie, BSED '25
    Higher Education
  • George N. Graham, AB '17
  • J. Grant Keys, '90
  • Richard O. Linke, BSJ '41
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Fred W. Phillips, AB '25
  • Richard L. Shelter, '43
  • John R. Sprague, '04
  • James W. Wisda, '09
    Service to Alma Mater
  • George A. Woodhouse, AB '21

1958 Awardees

  • William B. Edwards, BSED '32
    Educational Adminstration
  • Sara M. Endich, BFA '44
  • Dow Finsterwald, AB '52
    Professional Golfing
  • Blaine R. Goldsberry, BS '14
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Ward C. Halstead, AB '31
    Experimental Psychology
  • Gordon W. Herrold, AB '24
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Paul R. O’Brien, ABC '32
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Aaron S. Price, '21
    Medical Administration
  • Maurice F. Sheldon, AB '43
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Egbert P. Shetter, BSCH '28
  • Walter H. Stewart, CE '22
  • Howard Wendell, '34

1957 Awardees

  • Homer V. Cherrington, AB '16
    Distinguished Achievements
  • Henry H. Eccles, AB '15
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Hollie C. Ellis, BSED '20
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Peter F. Good, '26
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Forrest W. Hopkins, AB '36
    Business and Journalism
  • W. Amos Kincaid, ABC '23
    Educational Administration
  • Hazel Rigby Mast, '12
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Alvin A. Merendino, AB '36
  • Morris Rabin, AB '36
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Francis M. Rhoten, AB '28
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Carlos M. Riecker, AB '22
  • Harry L. Waddell, AB '33
    Industrial Publications

1956 Awardees

  • Paul H. Anderson, AB '37
  • Frank C. Baumholtz, BSED '41
    Professional Baseball
  • William R. Blumenthal, BSED '14
    Service to Alma Mater
  • J. Claire Evans, '01
  • James L. Fri, BSED '19
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Russell P. Herrold, AB, COM '16
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Evelyn Coulter Luchs, BSED '27
    Religious Education
  • Homer H. Marshman, AB '20
    Law and Business
  • Lewis H. Miller, '13
  • Samuel Renshaw, AB '14
    Experimental Psychology
  • Dwight H. Rutherford, ABC '26
    Service to Alma Mater
  • C. Paul Stocker, BSEE '26
    Electrical Engineering
  • John R. Whiting, AB '36

1955 Awardees

  • Gordon K. Bush, '24
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Rush Elliott, AB '24
    Higher Education
  • William H. Fenzel, AB '18
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Margaret H.Flory, '25
    Service to Alma Mater
  • C. Don McVay, AB '15
    Insurance Administration
  • Gertrude Maier, '23
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Dorothy Purviance Morgan, AB '40
    Service to Alma Mater
  • George C. Parks, PHB '08
    Service to Alma Mater
  • George W. Starcher, AB '26
    Higher Education
  • Jesse Zousmer, '35
    Radio and Television Writing

1954 Awardees

  • William E. Alderman, AB '09
    Higher Education and University Administration
  • Stanley Dougan, BS '14
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Malcolm Douglas, PHB '09
  • Brandon T. Grover, BSED '19
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Starke R. Hathaway, AB '27
    Clinical Psychology
  • Fred H. Johnson, '22
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Edwin L. Kennedy, AB '26
    Banking and Investment Management
  • Carr Liggett, AB '16
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Robert L. Morton, BSED '13
    Higher Education and Textbook Authorship
  • E. C. Raney, ELEN '08
    Technical Invention and Business Administration
  • Martin W. Watson, CE '11
    Construction Engineering and Civic Affairs
  • Clark E. Williams, AB '21
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Edward B. Wright, BSCO '38
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Gloria M. Wysner, AB '23
    International Interdenominational Christian Missionary Leadership

1953 Awardees

  • Arthur A. Brainerd, '14
    Illumination Engineering
  • George M. Brown, AB '31
    Service to Alma Mater
  • John G. Case, Jr., '13
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Frank M. Cavett, '28
    Screenplay Writing
  • Elizabeth J. Herbert, AB '22
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Dean E. Hess, MA '47
    Military Science
  • James Alexander Lyon, '02
    Internal and Cardiovascular Disease Medicine
  • Earl C. Shively, '21
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Don D. Tullis, '98
    Christian Ministry and Administration
  • Dorothy Lawrey Vorhees, BFA '37
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Hiram Roy Wilson, LITT '57
    Service to Alma Mater

No awards presented in 1952

No awards presented in 1951

No awards presented in 1950

No awards presented in 1949

No awards presented in 1948

1947 Awardee

  • Laurance D. Keller, ABC '22
    Service to Alma Mater

No awards presented in 1946

No awards presented in 1945

No awards presented in 1944

1943 Awardees

  • Mary Chappelear Evans, AB '09
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Joseph E. Jewett, AB '18
    Chemical Engineering
  • Grosvenor S. McKee, AB, EE '16
    Industrial Engineering
  • Wilbur R. McReynolds, '15
    Military Science
  • William E. McVey, '16
    Educational Administration
  • Edward N. MacWilliams, '12
    Public Entertainment
  • Harry L. Ridenour, '12
    Music Research
  • Robert E. Rucker, AB '14
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Charles E. Skinner, '88
    Electrical Engineering
  • Philip Zenner, '14

1942 Awardees

  • Albert A. Atkinson, '91
    Electrical Engineering and Physics
  • Richard E. Cole, '41
    Air Force Pilot
  • Harlan J. Dickerson, '71
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Fred L. Plummer, AB, BSCE '20
    Structural Engineering
  • George W. Reed, '88
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Josephus T. Ullon, '98

1941 Awardees

  • A. David Baumhart, Jr., AB '31
    Government Service
  • Charles M. Copeland, '96
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Oscar Dustheimer, '13
  • Sammy Kaye, BSCE '32
  • Harry E. LeFever, '23
  • Anna Pearl McVay, '92
    Classical Languages
  • Helen Reynolds, BSED '25
    Business Education
  • Oscar C. Stine, PHB '08
    Agricultural Economics
  • Barnett W. Taylor, '11
    School Administration
  • David H. Thomas, '96
    Service to Alma Mater
  • M. Lavinia Warner, BSED '18
    Special Education

1940 Awardees

  • Thomas R. Biddle, '91
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Arthur H. Carpenter, '98
  • Wanda Kirkbride Farr, BSED '15
  • Israel M. Foster, '95
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Annette Higgins Francis, '17
    Service to Alma Mater
  • John W. Galbreath, AB '20
    Service to Alma Mater
  • Esther M. Greisheimer, BSED '14
  • Ruby Mercer, '27
  • Jay A. Myers, '12
    Preventative Medicine
  • Winifred V. Richmond, '10
    Clinical Psychology
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