Jan Hodson
Assistant Dean
The Honors Tutorial College offers 26 challenging degree programs to qualified students.
The unique tutorial program is modeled on the educational method used in British universities, notably Oxford and Cambridge. Although other colleges and universities have adopted particular features of this model, Ohio University is the only institution in the United States that has a degree-granting college incorporating all the essential features of the traditional tutorial system.
To provide an intensified learning experience by:
Replacing lecture with tutorial in your major. Permitting you to progress at an optimum pace. Promoting advanced competency in a specific field. Encouraging you to develop critical perceptions as well as creative and intellectual independence. Acquainting you with accomplished scholars through the one-to-one tutorial relationship. Fostering a living-learning environment in a special residence hall. Providing preprofessional students with practical training through internships and other individually arranged educational experiences. Providing all students with unique and enriching opportunities such as education abroad, undergraduate research projects, and competition for nationally competitive awards.
The rapport established in this one-to-one relationship enhances learning and expedites progress in the field. It also ensures that your ability and specific interests are reflected in the pace and content of the tutorials.
Astrophysics Biological Sciences Business Chemistry Classics Computer Science Dance Engineering Physics English Environmental and Plant Biology Film French Geography Hearing and Speech Sciences History Interpersonal Communication Journalism Mathematics Philosophy Physics Political Science Social Work Sociology/Sociology Criminology Spanish Telecommunications Theater
Only these disciplines are available as tutorial majors at the present time. Certification in secondary education may be added to the tutorial degree in another major by a limited number of students.
Participating departments have well established research facilities, and the tutors are full-time faculty with many years of professional experience.
Tutorial students preparing for careers in law may major in any of the above areas or choose special prelaw programs in history, philosophy, or political science.
Detailed descriptions of departmental programs in tutorial studies can be obtained by contacting:
Honors Tutorial College
Ohio University
35 Park Place
Athens OH 45701-2979
telephone 740-593-2723
fax 740-593-9521
e-mail hcdept@ohiou.edu
While preparation for advanced training in a particular discipline remains the overall objective of the tutorial program, pursuit of other intellectual or creative inclinations is encouraged.
Major requirements generally include a sequence of tutorials, collateral studies, lectures, seminars, comprehensive examinations, and, in some areas, laboratory, field, or studio work. In many departments, you will also complete a research thesis or creative project under the direction of a faculty member.
Academic departments participating in the Honors Tutorial College set their own tutorial degree requirements, including required courses outside the major field. In this respect, the tutorial curriculum is much like that of a graduate program. Each department offering a tutorial program has developed a course of study designed to give you mastery of the field at an advanced undergraduate level. When the department is satisfied that all tutorial requirements have been met, you may graduate from Ohio University with a degree in that major.
Degrees conferred by the college include the Bachelor of Fine Arts in (major),
Bachelor of Science in Journalism,
Bachelor of Science in Communication in (major),
Bachelor of Arts in (major),
Bachelor of Science in (major), and
Bachelor of Business Administration.
Other graduates have readily found employment in fields related to their undergraduate work, particularly in journalism, theater, hearing and speech, and business. A number of graduates in the humanities have found teaching or research jobs. With a relatively small enrollment in this degree program, faculty tutors and college administrators guide you personally toward your graduate interests and career opportunities.
With the approval of participating departments, the college admits a limited number of majors each year. Students enter the program at the freshman level.
The college requires excellent academic credentials. Standardized test scores and high school records help to determine your eligibility. An essay is also required (essay topic: Describe to use your passion for your selected course of study). To apply, fill out the standard Ohio University application and submit it with the required materials to the Honors Tutorial College. All materials must be received by December 15. After your file has been reviewed, you will be notified if you have been selected for an admission interview, which will be scheduled in January of the year you wish to enter the college.
University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/catalog/02-03/colleges/htc.htm) on April 8, 2003.
Please E-mail comments or suggestions to " ucat@www.ohiou.edu ."
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