Audits and Assessments
- Conducted a division-wide staff climate survey, reviewed results, and developed recommendations for progress.
- Audited all student organization constitutions to ensure each contained a non-discrimination clause.
- Audited all survivor advocacy forms, documents, and website materials to assure language was inclusive of all gender identities.
- Conducted outreach with the ISFS and all international student organizations to identify unique needs regarding education and support for international student survivors of sexual violence.
- All staff completed the Diversity Awareness Profile (DAP) and training in order to set a more direct and behavioral-based personal equity and social justice goal.
Culture and Curriculum
- Every department developed an equity and social justice goal based on service delivery and/or professional development of staff.
- All 35 Convocation Center residence bathrooms were adapted to be single-user/gender-neutral.
- 82% of staff position descriptions were re-written to include a focus on equity and social justice.
- Facilitated student "Living Room Conversations," with campus residents to create connections between people despite differences and identify areas of common ground and shared understanding.
- 69% of on-campus dining customers reported experiencing an inclusive environment and a sense of community in the 18 culinary venues.
Programming Success
- Hosted “IMPACT: Black Lives Matter,” a virtual open forum that saw over 100 participants across campus. The gathering provided an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to speak openly regarding the impact of racial injustice.
- Career programs tracked a 5% increase in engagement with minority students.
- Planned, facilitated and hosted on-campus residential programming through five-campus wide events during Black History Month with a themed week titled, “Say It Loud: I’m Black and I’m Proud”
- Counselors partnered to facilitate programming including the LGBTQ+ online support group, Women’s Center’s “EmpowHER” for female identifying graduate students, OMSAR’s “Being Black in College,” “Preparing your Mind for Finals during Covid, “Black Lives Matter” open forum for students, Multicultural Center’s “Minority Women,” and HCOM’s students of color panel discussion.
- Targeted recreation programming to female-identifying students including a spring break canoe trip over spring break and all-women strength training program, “Bobcat BarBelles.”