- Continued efforts to upgrade a variety of building systems to better serve students. Recent improvements include HVAC, plumbing, electrical, accessibility, and wireless technology.
- Reduced residence hall occupancy in light of changing enrollment projections. At least 7 facilities may be held offline for the 2020-2021 academic year, which allows reductions of RD positions, RA positions, custodial positions, and reduces utility usage by about half while buildings are not in use.
- Participated on the Space Planning Governance Committee, reviewing space requests and developing a blueprint for future space planning principles.
- Participated actively in the Farm to Ohio Working Group that has strengthened institutional and community collaboration for regional procurement.
- Partnered with Rural Action, Community Food Initiatives and the Food Studies program to acquire GAP certification for local farmers, collaborate on growing/usage compatibilities and adjust production procedures to give the university the capability to increase local spend. The first growing season resulted in ~$15,000 of neighborhood local food purchases.
- Participated in the annual STARS sustainability reporting and revealed the following percentages on total annual purchases: ethically produced (11.5%), plant-based (22%), and from disadvantaged businesses (.25%).
- Repurposed one racquetball court into a cycling studio, and a multipurpose room into a specialized studio for F45 functional training in Ping Recreation Center.