1) Faculty interested in incorporating sustainability-related, multi-disciplinary, outcomes-based projects into their courses.
2) Graduate students seeking a sustainability-related topic for a thesis or dissertation.
3) Undergraduates seeking a sustainability-related capstone, community service, or honor thesis project.
4) Staff or community members needing student assistance with a sustainability-related initiative.
All projects align with goals in the Ohio University Sustainability and Climate Action Plan , the OHIO Common Goals Learning Outcomes (particularly Critical Thinking, Teamwork Skills and Integrative Learning), and Strategic University Initiatives , such as:
- Enhance and increase momentum towards sustainability goals and commitments.
- Provide additional opportunities for students to engage with faculty and academic programs across campuses as well as with local communities where campuses and centers are located.
- Embed innovative opportunities for high-impact practices, linked co-curricular experiential learning, and evidence-based pedagogies.
- Increase applied research to inform the development of vibrant communities, leveraging expertise and scholarly activity that address challenges of our region.
- Leverage strong undergraduate research activity and the OHIO Honors program to become a national leader in engaged undergraduate research focused on building and enhancing community success.
- Develop and adopt innovative student success intervention and programming that reflect the differing needs and goals of many student populations.
- Deploy comprehensive marketing strategy to reflect needs and expectations of target audiences.
- With a Digital Transformation University in mind, rethink how space should be deployed to meet the needs of a dynamic institution.
Propose a sustainability project whose outcome will be a simultaneous benefit to people, planet and prosperity.
Request a sustainability project for an Ohio University course.
Coming soon! Contact Elaine Goetz ( goetze@ohio.edu ) for information, or so suggest potential funding sources.
Funding sources:
Please contact Elaine Goetz ( goetze@ohio.edu ) for further information.