WellWorks members doing the Warrior pose in a yoga class
Employee Wellbeing During COVID

Current Offerings

A letter from the Executive Director of Wellbeing, Jenn Bennett: 

Dear Ohio University Employees,

I want to have a direct conversation with you today.  I will end with hope and optimism, but I want to start with the ugly truth: right now, I am struggling. These last 11 months have been difficult and I am hearing from a lot of employees who are saying that they have also hit a wall. Simple activities are tough and getting tougher for me: intentionally moving my body, eating nutritionally dense foods, maintaining optimism, shedding stress….I need help some days.

If any of that resonates with you, take comfort in knowing you are not alone.

But all is not a loss! I, for one, am excited by the amazing pivot my team and I have made this past year. We created online offerings for you all, knowing very well you could go to YouTube and watch fitness, nutrition and stress reduction videos there, but that you may benefit more from seeing familiar faces who understand your unique regional struggles. We learned new skills along the way! We’ve become comfortable with virtual instruction, video editing, new software, changing client relations and evolving business planning. I’m betting you each have your own stories about how you and your team have excelled when faced with the challenges of the past year. Kudos to you on being awesome!

So where do we all go from here?  Forward, my friends. It really is the only option I can see.  We don’t have to go forward alone. I have the deepest desire to empower you to move forward in a way that you can be proud of. Make tiny changes to support your journey in this life that is feeling hard. It is time to take a hard look at ourselves and make some decisions about the changes we need to make in our own lives - - because 2021 is not looking to be any easier than 2020. With the amount of uncertainty that is to come, now is the time to make a shift (if you haven’t already) or double down on what is working and cut your losses on things that aren’t.

So, I am writing these next steps not only to you, but to myself.  What do I wish someone would say to me in one of these many emails I am receiving daily? This:

  1. Are you okay? Really, how are you doing? With work, at home, mentally, physically, emotionally? I’m here to listen.
  2. You are not alone if you hate or are struggling with your work, feel lost and fearful, feel helpless to help others because you don’t even know how to help yourself. You are not alone.
  3. I value you, as a person, and all of the effort, ideas, time, energy, mental capacity, adaptability you have put forth since March and since your time coming on board as a member of the OHIO community. We are all fortunate to have you here with us.
  4. If you are struggling with life (work, family, friends, all of it), there are resources for you. Some of these resources are provided by the University, some by our insurance, some by community organizations. Pick one and start, now, don’t wait any longer. This is urgent!

How do we move forward, out of what feels like an eternal darkness?  Here are a few suggestions. Pick and choose what will work for you and have a positive impact in your life.

  1. Acknowledge what you have done well.
    1. Today
    2. In the last 3 months
    3. In the last year
    4. In your lifetime
  2. List the person or people that have helped you and/or add value to your life.
    1. Express to them in written words, or verbally, what they mean to you or how they have supported/added value to your life (they may not even be aware of their impact in your life).
    2. Remember these folks when you are feeling lonely or want to share a highlight of your day.
    3. Check in on these people. They may not have someone doing that for them.
  3. Infuse something into your life daily that brings you joy.
    1. Do this activity for longer than 0 seconds a day.
    2. Not sure what that is? Start small…can you think of a hobby that intrigues you or a chore that brings you peace when it is done?
      1. Still no ideas? Check out our Healthy Break  suggestions for inspiration.
  4. Breathe.
    1. No really. Are you holding your breath right now?
    2. Relax your shoulders, unclench your teeth and take a nice, big deep breath (or five) right now.
  5. Break things down to the smallest steps and then prioritize.
    1. Responding to emails feels productive, but doing it all day may not be the best use of your time when you have other projects or planning waiting.
      1. Not sure what you should be prioritizing? Ask. I am grateful when my staff ask for clarification of priorities. As I stated before, I’m struggling most days and their questions helps me clarify my own thinking. (Thanks, Team!)
    2. Break things down into consumable tasks that take 5-15 minutes versus days. You’ve got this.

In closing, I want to leave you with the PSA I have been putting up since March on my out of office emails. I have gotten a lot of feedback about it and I think it still rings true today.

PSA: Take care of yourself and do what is best for you, your family and your values.  You are the expert of you; with that knowledge I hope you find empowerment. Give grace and  compassion to yourself and others as they grieve for the loss of normalcy. You are stressed and coping the best you can. You are not alone in this experience. I have hope and am glad you are a part of my life and this world. 

In positivity and kindness,

Jennifer Bennett

Current Employee Wellbeing Offerings and Programs

The online programs highlighted on this page were created with the University employee in mind. All employees at all of our campuses have unique wellbeing needs. Each program was created to support a variety of wellbeing goals during our remote work journey. Where possible, programs are also available to the public so employees can participate with family and friends near and far. 

  • One on One (Virtual) Wellness Services

    If you're looking for personal connection and for someone to serve as your advocate as you navigate your wellbeing journey, consider one-on-one virtual wellness services such as: Personal Training, Wellness Coaching or Nutrition Counseling. All of our wellness services are currently being offered in a virtual platform to prioritize your health and offer flexible scheduling. 

Thumbnail of Jenn Bennett standing in front of two people. using TRX exercise equipment

Wellness Coaching

  • Three different coaching formats offered, to fit a variety of needs and budgets. 
  • Available to the public, membership not required. 
  • Learn More

Your goals are important. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to organize your values, beliefs, priorities and goals to help you create a strong vision of the direction you need to go next. When you've reached a point in your journey when you could use a little extra support, Wellness Coaching can help you process your thoughts to identify your goals and needs. 

WellWorks currently offers three different avenues for Wellness Coaching. Learn more about our Wellness Coaching offerings. 

Nutrition counseling session with two individuals

Nutrition Counseling

  • Available to the public, membership not required. 
  • 60-minute intake sessions and 30-minute follow-up sessions available. 
  • Learn more

Our dietitian offers nutrition counseling services to anyone, regardless of your wellness goals. Whether you're focused on management of chronic disease, recovery from disordered eating, navigating food allergies and sensitivities, sports nutrition, or weight management, Louise Cruz RDN, LD  will guide you to make healthy food choices that fit in to your traditions, culture and lifestyle.

Learn more or purchase your initial counseling session now (employees can log in using SSO, non-employees must create a free profile before making a purchase). 

WellWorks personal trainer working out on floor with client

Personal Training 

  • 30- and 60- minute virtual personal training sessions are now available.
  • Available to Virtual WellWorks members only. 
  • Lowest possible cost. Compare to other virtual training sessions!
  • L earn more

Take your workout to the next level with a personal trainer!Whether you’re new to exercise, not getting the results you want, or need some help with accountability, our personal trainers will customize a fitness plan based on your goals and lifestyle.

Submit an intake form to learn more about training and see if we are able to match you to a trainer based on your schedule and goals. Then, you can purchase your training packages online and get moving!

  • Risk Reduction

    Risk Reduction is now two distinct programs:  The 1.0 program and the 2.0 program. 

    Each program is unique and is geared to a different audience. Both programs begin with the philosophy that a healthy, active way of life is the best prevention against chronic disease. 

Lit candle in a jar

Risk Reduction 1.0

The Risk Reduction 1.0 program introduces participants to the foundations of an active lifestyle and the fundamentals of "exercise." The Risk Reduction 1.0 program is most suitable for "beginners" and/or those with "no" or "low" physical activity status. The singular goal of the program is for participants to meet the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans within 12 weeks. The 1.0 program may also appeal to individuals who prefer free-living physical activity and/or exercise to gym-based exercise training. The 1.0 programming is walking-based but incorporates activities for other major physical fitness components, including muscular fitness (strength), flexibility, balance, and coordination. Educational content for the 1.0 program is made available online and can be viewed at one's convenience. The educational content is progressive in nature, creating context for weekly "challenges" that support increasing physical activity status. Weekly team meetings, along with private Facebook and/or Strava groups provide increased accountability. Weekly "Mindful Moments" are available as opportunities to practice breath-focused sitting meditation. This 12-week program includes educational videos, movement videos, mindfulness training, weekly live check-in meetings, direction and challenges. This is your opportunity. Make it happen. Own it. Prepare yourself to chase your life’s adventures! This program is open to the public and registration is now open .

Personal Trainer spotting a member lifting weights

Risk Reduction 2.0

Note: Risk Reduction 2.0 for Spring 2021 is filled. If you wish to be added to the waiting list for our next cohort, please email christej@ohio.edu

  • 12-week wellbeing program
  • Available to benefits-eligible employees only.
  • Eligibility must be verified before registering by emailing christej@ohio.edu

The  Risk Reduction 2.0 program is the traditional program as historically offered at WellWorks.  Instead of establishing a foundation of physical activity and exercise, the  2.0 program challenges active participants to take their physical fitness to a higher level.  The  Risk Reduction 2.0 program is most suitable for those who are already moderately-to-highly physically active and/or those with exercise experience.  

One-on-one exercise training with personal trainers in the  2.0 program will provide an “intermediate” or “advanced” exercise challenge and learning opportunity for those accustomed to exercising and being active.  Individual nutrition counseling with a Registered Dietitian supports participant health and physical fitness goals.  Restorative yoga, exclusive to the  2.0 program, promotes the relaxation response and provides a refreshing mind-body experience.  “Mindful Moments” are available as opportunities to practice breath focused sitting meditation.   

Weekly team meetings provide increased accountability, facilitating the self-selection and follow-up of “weekly experiments” (goals) that provide personal direction and an opportunity to learn more about oneself. 

  • Wellness Series Offerings

    These time-bound specialty classes are designed to support a variety of wellbeing goals and are tailored to a variety of skill/experience level. Each class is hosted on its own exclusive course website, making navigation to your desired content easy. All programs are instructed by certified fitness instructors and wellness professionals from Ohio University WellWorks. While these classes were designed with employee needs in mind, they are open to the public so you can connect with your friends all over the country while focusing on your goals! 

Woman performing a side kick

Cardio Kickboxing: Fitness Series

  • 10-week, self-guided fitness video series. 
  • Includes access to an exclusive course website with over 20 cardio and strength videos not currently available to virtual members.
  • Registration now open. 

Looking to have some fun while burning calories and building strength? In this fitness series, basic cardio kickboxing movements are combined with bodyweight exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance and strength. Modifications are provided to support those with joint pain or mobility limitations. While this program is ideal for the intermediate or beginner, progressions are offered to appeal to the advanced athlete, as well. This program is designed to be completed in 10 weeks. Though, participants will receive access to the course for a minimum of 12 weeks, allowing time for schedule adjustments without compromising results. Register now!

Headshot of Jenn Bennett, Executive Director of Wellbeing, in front of Grover Center

Begin Your Adventure: Wellness Coaching Video Series

This series will examine your own wellness needs and desires, assess your current practices, help you identify changes you'd like to make and explore next steps. Participants are given the opportunity to watch videos from a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and then engage in personal reflection through assessments and worksheets. This program is ideal for someone looking to dig deep and visualize a path forward as they navigate their goals for 2021 and beyond. This course is being offered at a significant discounted rate in Spring 2021. Future installments of this course may be offered, but at an increased rate. This is a self-guided course with 5 videos and supplemental materials. Registrants will receive access to the course website for 12 weeks. Register now!

The videos available in this class are already available to Virtual Members at no additional fee. You can find these videos in the “Reflect, Recover, Rest” portion of our member portal. Virtual Members are welcome to register for this program, though, if they’re wishing for more structure and instructor support.

Two people using hand weights in their living room

Alignment, Balance, Core: Fitness Series

  • 10 video series, self-guided. 
  • Flat rate of $37 gives you exclusive access to the course website and instructor support for 12 weeks.
  • Registration now open.

This series is intended to offer you a self-paced workout program focused on strengthening and toning your body, improving balance, and practicing proper body alignment. Alignment, Balance, and Core features 10- full length classes offering progressive exercises. Each video includes visual instruction, movement modifications, and a variety of exercises. This series is ideal for beginner to advanced fitness levels and is excellent for anyone looking for challenging, low-impact workouts. Register now  and you'll be given access to our exclusive course website.

The videos available in this class are already available to Virtual Members at no additional fee. You can find these videos in the “On Demand” portion of our member portal. Virtual Members are welcome to register for this program, though, if they’re wishing for more structure and instructor support.

Two people smiling at an active seniors chair yoga class.

Active Seniors Class Bundle

This Series will integrate all the fundamental physical fitness components: Cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, and neuromotor. This series of five classes is designed with our Active Senior participants in mind, but it may also be appropriate for beginners or those looking for a "soft-start" to resuming an exercise routine.

The videos available in this class are already available to Virtual Members at no additional fee. You can find these videos in the “Active Seniors” portion of our member portal. Virtual Members are welcome to register for this program, though, if they’re wishing for more structure and instructor support.

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