[CPN] Publication-Related Issues

Michel Laurin michel.laurin at upmc.fr
Wed Nov 16 05:01:17 EST 2011
Dear colleagues,

     I agree with many of Kevin's views expressed in his message 
(below), with reservations on a single point, namely the feasibility of 
a CPN meeting. In my case, I would not be able to attend, for financial 
reasons, and I may not be the sole CPN member in that case. I don't 
necessarily think that e-mail discussions won't be effective or 
sufficient to solve these issues. However, I certainly don't wish to 
impede efforts for the rest of the committee to meet. Perhaps we could 
try to set up a videoconference with Skype or something like that for 
overseas members? David Marjanovic would also be concerned.

     Also, on a technical note, I wonder if the *Council* is not the 
appropriate body to hold discussion about a possible enlargement of the 
list of Editors of the CV. Here are relevant extracts from our bylaws, 
with relevant passages in *bold type* (if your e-mail client allows it):

*Section 5. Powers*
The *Council* is empowered to act on all matters pertaining to the 
Society, except as
otherwise provided by these Bylaws. In the execution of its duties, the 
Council may: (1) acquire, hold, and dispose of, either directly or 
through a nominee who acts in the name of the Council, any property or 
other assets suited to further the interests of the Society; (2) 
*execute contract*s and solicit and receive grants in support of the 
Society’s activities; (3) make, or cause to be made, all necessary 
arrangement for the meetings of the Society; and (4) exercise such other 
powers as required by these Bylaws and as required or desired for the 
conduct of the Society’s affairs.

*Section 6. Duties*
The Council shall be responsible for matters of policy and procedure in 
all actions taken
between Periodic Meetings of the Society. It shall have j*urisdiction 
over* finances and *publications*. It shall approve appointments by the 
President or President-Elect of officers and committee members. The 
Council shall determine the duties of the committees beyond those 
outlined in these Bylaws. It shall receive and act on the annual budget 
prepared by the Treasurer. It shall consider proposals from any member 
of the Society.
Section 2. Committee on Phylogenetic Nomenclature *
Prior to implementation of the PhyloCode, the Committee on Phylogenetic 
(CPN) shall assume the responsibility, previously held by the PhyloCode 
Advisory Group, for reviewing and *approving changes in the draft 
PhyloCode*. After implementation of the PhyloCode, responsibilities of 
the CPN shall be to: (a) rule on applications for suppression or 
conservation of names; (b) resolve ambiguities in the provisions of the 
PhyloCode; (c) amend the provisions of the PhyloCode; and (d) produce 
future editions of the PhyloCode. The CPN shall also maintain a 
PhyloCode Advisory Group (PAG), whose function shall be to provide non- 
binding advice, generally by means of an Internet listserver. The CPN 
shall consist of twelve voting members, including a Chairperson and 
Secretary. Each member shall serve for three years, taking office on 1 
September. Four members shall be elected each year to provide three 
cohorts serving staggered terms on the CPN. Any vacancy among members 
shall be filled by the normal procedure for electing members in the next 
annual election. Members may be elected for up to three consecutive 
three-year terms and shall not be eligible to serve again on the CPN 
until one year has elapsed since completing the third consecutive term. 
A Chairperson and Secretary shall be elected annually by the membership 
of the CPN for a one-year term and shall take office on 1 September. The 
Chairperson and Secretary may serve for up to three consecutive one-year 
terms, and shall not be eligible to serve again in the same office until 
one year has elapsed since completing the third consecutive term.

     Of course, Kevin and I (among others) are members of both 
committees, but that is not the case of all involved.

     As for a call to the general systematic community for possible 
amendments to the draft PhyloCode, I think that this is a good idea, but 
there is perhaps a small risk that we will be flooded by requests and 
that several will not be well thought-out or even proposed with good 
intentions. But perhaps I over-estimate the potential response of the 
community. But if we end up not having the time to examine seriously 
more than 10% of the suggestions we get, this might backfire.



On 16/11/11 08:05, Kevin Padian wrote:
> Dear Colleagues, 
> I am concerned about several issues on which I would like your views.  We 
> have a proposal on the table about the rank of species, and we are likely 
> to have others.  It seems impractical to try to resolve these things by 
> email.  Also, the editing of the Companion Volume, on which (by statute) 
> the publication of the PhyloCode depends, is proceeding so slowly that by 
> one estimate it will not be completed, even with its present complement of 
> submitted articles, until 2056. 
> 1.  I propose that we convene a meeting of the CPN, not associated with 
> any scholarly society's meeting, sometime during the first six months of 
> 2012.  I would be glad to host this at Berkeley but would be happy if a 
> more central or convenient location for other members were identified. 
> 2.  In the intervening time I would suggest circulating a call for 
> proposals in the systematic community that would suggest any changes in 
> the substance or wording of the PhyloCode, prior to its publication; no 
> further changes would be entertained for a period of "x" (x to be 
> determined) years afterward.  These proposals would have a deadline at 
> least a month before the meeting.  The CPN would consider them at that 
> meeting. 
> 3.  Because the editorial regime of the Companion Volume is not working as 
> it was intended, and as a result many members of the systematic community 
> believe that the PhyloCode is dead, the CPN has to find another solution. 
> I am not the chair of the CPN; I write only as a member of the CPN to ask 
> for a workable approach to these problems.  I feel somewhat obligated, as 
> the incoming head of the ISPN, to suggest that these issues be addressed 
> in timely fashion.  We have to have some mechanism to move forward.  I am 
> really fine with whatever the group decides, but I feel that some decision 
> on how to proceed is important.  Please give me your views on these 
> issues.  Thanks -- kp 
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