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Thomas Ewing Society

Named after the first graduate of Ohio University, the Thomas Ewing Society comprises former members of the Board of Directors who continue to provide leadership and service in support of the Ohio University Alumni Association.

Established in 1959, the terms of office have varied since the Board of Directors was formed and are set forth in the Bylaws of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Ohio University Alumni Association.

TES members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors, formerly called the National Alumni Board, are listed alphabetically below by decade:

2020s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors in the 2020s.


Blake Andrews, BSCE '06

Jillian Causey, BS '13

Timothy Neal, BSED '79

Jeff Reed, BSC '06

Jeff Wright, BA '03


Kelly Baylog, BBA '04Term: 2019-2023

Damian Clark, BSC '05Term: 2016-2023

Shara Glickman, BSJ '98Term: 2016-2023


Kyle W. Triplett, BA '122015-2022

Bryon H. Carley, BSC '812015-2022

Ravi Harley, Student Alumni Board President, BS '21

Julia B. Righter, BSC '782015-2022

TJ Simonik, BBA ’072018-2022

Michael R. Walters, BBA ’032018-2022

Meg White, BSJ ’792018-2022


Casey Christopher, BS '02

Jim Daniel, BS '68, MEd '72, PhD '95

Robert “Rocky” Mansfield, BSChE '74

Carolyn “Bitsy” Merriman, BFA’77

Ken Rusche, BSEd '73, M.Ed '80

2010s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors in the 2010s.


Steven L. Ellis, BS ’822013–2019

Alissa Galford, BSC '052013–2019

Tim Law, DO '942013–2019

Connie Lawson-Davis, BSED '672013–2019


Craig Brown, BSC '822012–2018

Todd Grandominico, BBA/CERT '002013–2018

Mike Jackson, BSED '68, HON '122012–2018

Matthew Latham, AA '062012–2018

Dustin Starkey, BS '982012–2018

Larry Starr, BSED/MED '68, '712012–2018

Stacia Taylor, BSC '822012–2018

Ronald Teplitzky, AB '842010–2018


Brenda Dancil-Jones, AB '702011–2017

Robin Bowlus, BFA '982011–2017


Lyndsay Markley, BA '022011–2016

Julie Mann Keppner2009–2016

Cynthia Calhoun, BSEE '882010–2016

Robert C. Wolfinger, AA '73, BGS '802009–2015

Dave Abram, BS '892011–2013

Melissa Arnold, BSJ '992008–2014

Paige Gutheil Henderson, DO '022010–2014

Bill Hilyard, BSED '672007–2014

Cita Strauss, BFA '77, MA '062010–2014

2000s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a comprehensive list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors in the 2000s. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time. Some details may be missing due to incomplete records.

Susan J. Ackerman, BSED ‘731999–2007

Thomas Anderson, DO '832006–2010

Barbara A. Bennett, DO ‘842001–2004

William Bodoh, BSCO '612006–2010

Marilyn P. Branstitter, BSED ‘521998–2001

David E. Brightbill, BSED ‘702003–2006

Randall C. Buck, BBA ‘812004–2007

Deborah Wenner Burke, BSCH ’852004–2009

William J. Burke, DO ‘881996–2003

Kathy S. Bush-Soule, BSHS ‘812000–2005

Todd D. Calamita, BBA '932008–2012

Melissa Cardenas, BA '96, MBA '032010–2013

John A. Cassese, BSC ’76, MA ‘792000–2005

Jeffery D. Chaddock, BSC ‘881998–2001

Ming-Cheu Chen, MARC ‘701997–2000

Charles C. Crews, BSIS '932008–2012

Suzanne Ryan Curran Dalston, AB ‘681999–2006

Anthony F. Forte, AB ’892005–2008

Amiso M. George, BSJ ’86, MA ’87, PHD ‘921998–2002

Jeanne M. Gokcen, BSHS '82, MAHS '842010–2013

Arlene F. Greenfield, BSHE '712007–2012

Valerie K. Haskell, BSJ ‘721999–2002

Marrion Heflin, BBA ‘852005–2007

Leon R. Hogg, AB ‘682001–2004

Ralph J. Hopper, BSED ’632004–2007

Clifford C. Houk, BSED ‘551997–2000

J. D. Hupp, BSSE '992008–2012

Ronald H. Iori, BSJ ’762001–2008

Jean M. Kainsinger, BSED ‘581998–2001

Kimberly “Kim” L. King, BSC ’87, MS ‘031999–2003

Troy J. Kirkpatrick, BSJ '972009–2011

Angela Krile, BSJ '972006–2010

Laura A. Landro, BSJ ‘762001–2002

Terrence “Terry” A. Lee, AB ’722001–2008

Raymond W. Lowther, BMUS ’75, MED ‘792000–2003

John M. Lusa, BSJ ‘531998–2001

Gene I. Maeroff, BSJ ‘611999–2003

Julie A. McAfooes, BSN ’772004–2007

Marilyn “Mickey” Montesanto, ’582002–2007

Steven “Scott” Milburn, BSJ ‘912004–2009

Mona E. Miliner, BSH ’92, MHA ‘942007–2009

Dennis Minichello, AB '74, MA '742005–2010

Tracey J. Noe, BSJ ‘922005–2006

Everett “Louis” Overstreet, BSCE ‘672000–2003

James F. Pae, BSCH ‘902000–2004

Patricia A. Pae, BBA ’902004–2009

Ronald L. Patrick, BSEE ‘601998–2001

Monique L. Patterson-Ceasor, BSJ '902007–2011

Douglas A. Patti, BFA ‘682001–2004

Regina R. Peal, BSHE ’88, MHSA ’90, PHD ‘982004–2007

Ralph K. Phillips, BSC ‘802001–2004

David Radanovich, AB ‘791997–2001

Dell D. Robinson, BSPE ’882002–2008

Jacqueline Romer-Sensky, BSJ ‘832000–2003

Laralyn M. Sasaki, BSJ ‘862000–2005

Damon Scott, BSC '902006–2010

Mark E. Simons, BBA '86, MBA '872007–2011

Linda F. Smith, BSED ‘712002–2005

Thomas J. Starr, BBA ‘692005–2008

Eric E. Stewart, BSC ‘942002–2005

David C. Stockdale, AB ’72, MA ‘732003–2006

John P. Susany, AB ‘831993–2002

Brian A. Tedeschi, BSJ, ‘882003–2006

Joanne S. Utley, BSJ '791995–2000

Lonelle G. Walls, AB '72, BSJ '781998–2001

Diana J. Walters, BFA '68, MFA '701997–2000

Byron L. Ward, BBA '892003–2009

Charlotte Westerhaus, BSJ '76, MED '862008–2010

John A. Wharton, BBA '712008–2012

Byron P. White, BSJ '871999–2003

Charles F. Wiedenmann, BSED '70, MED '73, PHD '782005–2008

David C. Wilhelm, AB ‘771997–2005

James A. Wycoff, AB ’712002–2007

1990s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1990s. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

Bunk Adams, BSED ’61, MED ‘681988–1991

John E. Adams II, DO ‘841994–1997

M. Peter Adler, BSC ‘781989–1992

Hilarie J. Anderson, AB ‘661991–1994

Lowell E. Anderson, BSED ‘541996–1999

John E. Ault, BBA ‘901993–1996

Carolyn E. Balogh, BSED ‘591987–1990

Irene G. Bandy-Hedden, BSED ‘621986–1994

John W. Baughman, BSED ‘671995–1998

Robert R. Baur, BS ‘481990–1993

Marcia R. Benjamin-Michelli, BSJ ‘641989–1992

Cathy J. Bitler, BSC ’80, MA ‘011991–1994

Milton C. Brown, BSED ‘491991–1994

Philip M. Cavicchia, BBA ‘711987–1990

Peter G. Couladis, AB ‘751993–1996

Norman J. Crabtree, BSED ‘501992–1995

Carolyn M. Cuppernull, BSJ ‘861991–1994

Kenneth L. Drum, BSJ ‘621988–1991

Brenda Beebe Duncan, BSC ‘771988–1991

Constance L. Eads, BSC ’77, BBA ‘791994–1997

Karen E. Emery, BBA ‘841993–1996

Anne M. Engel, BSJ ‘881997–1999

Abigail H. Faerber, DO ‘851990–1993

Nancy S. Greenberg, BSJ ‘621992–1995

Samuel D. Greiner, BSME ‘551987–1990

Donald L. Harrison, BBA ’83, MBA ‘841990–1993

Leona H. Hughes, BSED ’30, DH ‘011977–1992

Arlene M. Johnson, BSED ‘601988–1991

Donna C. Jones, BSC ‘801993–1998

Scott C. Kirschman, BSJ ‘851992–1998

Phyllis M. Kohler, AB ‘691987–1990

Peter T. Lalich, Sr., BSCO ‘421987–1990

Richard A. Lancaster, BBA ‘801988–1996

Joan E. Mace, BGS ‘781996–1999

Barbara E. Matthews, BSHE ‘711994–1998

Valaria J. McCabe, BSED ’73, MED ‘931987–1990

Donna McCarthy, BSED ‘761989–1992

Andrew A. Nelson, BSEE ‘851991–1994

John W. Osborn, BSC ‘731995–1998

Darryl A. Peal, MSS ‘911997–1999

Jay D. Pinson, BSME ‘501991–1994

Joyce L. Plotkin, BSC ‘701987–1990

Marlon A. Primes, BSJ ‘861991–1994

Jacqueline M. Reau, BSJ ‘921995–1998

Regina A. Render, BSC ‘831996–1999

William E. Righter, BSC ‘771995–1998

Frank P. Robertson, BSC ‘731996–1998

Gary J. Robinson, BSME ‘641994–1997

Ray O. Rodriguez, AB ‘661995–1998

Michael E. Samuels, BSED ‘751989 –1991

Linda J. Saul, BSHS ’71, MA ‘721990– 1993

John W. Silk, BSCO ‘481994– 1996

Neil M. Slavin, AB ‘771996–1999

John W. Smith, BFA ‘561994–1997

Larry A. Smith, BBA ‘711990–1993

Barry K. Spiker, BGS ’72, MA ’73, PHD ‘791994–1997

Howard E. Stevens, BSED ‘511989 –1992

Judith A. Stockdale, BSJ ‘701988–1991

Robert J. Stojetz, BSED ‘621992–1995

Barbara Strom Thompson, AB ‘761994–1997

Connie J. Tobias, AAS ’77, BGS ‘781991–1994

Terry E. Trimmer, BBA ‘641990–1998

Eugene J. Vejsicky, BSED ’57, MED ‘671992–1993

Daniel J. Volchok, BBA ’79, MBA ‘801992–1995

Virginia Welton, AB ‘681987–1990

Gary D. Zeune, BS ’70, MS ‘731992–1995

1980s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1980s. Some names and details may be missing due to incomplete records. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

Robert P. Axline, BSCO ‘571975–1984

Dean E. Baesel, BSCO ‘421980–1983

Glenn E. Corlett, BBA ‘651978–1982

Brian G. Dailey, BSCO ‘581982–1985

Thomas A. Dean, AB ‘671978–1983

Bonna DeMarco, BSHE ‘651981–1984

Michael A. Dickerson, BFA ‘601984–1987

William A. Dillingham, BBA ‘711985–1988

Andrew B. Dolich, MED ‘711978–1981

Dennis R. Dorsey, BSED ‘701985–1988

Sanford D. Elsass, BSED ‘701983–1986

Jeffrey A. Finkle, BSC ‘761981–1984

Robert W. Forloine, BSJ ‘581980–1983

James E. Frankel, BBA ‘681980–1983

Daniel L. Frizzi, BBA ‘741982–1985

Walter L. Harrison, BFA ‘681984–1987

Charles W. Hartrum, BSCO ‘511984–1987

Patricia Hercules, AB ‘601982–1985

Ellsworth J. Holden, BS ‘551982–1985

Herbert R. Hungerman, BSJ ‘741982–1985

Fred H. Johnson, ‘221977–1980

John M. Jones, BSCO ‘491974–1982

Bette L. Justice-Foley, BSJ ‘701983–1986

Barbara A. Kaufmann, BSJ ‘721979–1982

Ray E. Kellogg, BSEE ‘511981–1984

Edward M. Kramer, BGS ‘731979–1980

Jeffrey A. Langue, BSC ‘741986–1989

J.R. Lawson, BSED ‘651979–1982

Joseph M. Lichtenberg, BSJ ’63, MS ‘661985–1988

M. Fil Line, BSCE ‘621976–1988

Andrew J. Love, AB ‘701982–1985

Thomas A. Lynch, BSED ‘631978–1981

Sheila Rowan McHale, AB ‘681984–1987

Thomas M. McKee, BSJ ‘731976–1980

Lois P. Miller, BA ‘661984–1987

C. Daniel Nash, BSCO ‘571980–1986

Janice B. Pae, AB ‘60

Lewis R. Pearce, BBA ‘651980–1983

John R. Phillips, BBA ‘751981–1984

Ruth A. Picard, AB ‘391979–1982

Caryl B. Rentz, BSED ‘451979–1982

Nancy E. Roberts, ‘621978–1981

Carmen C. Sberna, AB ’41, MA ‘491984–1987

Robert E. Scheel, BSCO ‘501980–1983

Frederick Schwartzman, AB ‘561986–1989

Robert H. Shoemaker, BSCO ‘431985–1988

Robert O. Snyder, BSCO ‘391981–1984

Stuart P. Sobel, BBA ‘671985–1988

K. Daniel Streiff, BBA ‘671978–1982

Eugene Paul Stychno, BSED ‘701986–1989

Donald L. Swaim, BFA ‘591983–1986

Lawrence R. Tavcar, BSJ ‘581976–1980

Donald Voelker, BSME ‘521983–1986

M. Bennett Webb, BSED ’55, MED ’62, PHD ‘731979–1982

Richard A. Weber, BSHS ’71, MA ‘721986–1989

Laura T. Wheat, AB ‘791983–1986

Harry W. White, AB ‘691985–1988

Janet L. Williams, BSED ‘731983–1986

Dolores Wirkiowski, AB ‘621979–1982

1970s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1970s. Some names and details may be missing due to incomplete records. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

Arthur E. Aspengren, BA’55, MA ‘561970–1973

Milton O. Berry, BS ‘501969–1972

Frank C. Baumholtz, BSED ‘411970–1973

Charles S. Bell, AB ‘551972–1973

James E. Betts, BSCO ‘541975–1978

Deborah P. Bower, AB ‘731976–1979

Frank L. Bowers, BSJ ‘571973–1976

Paul Brickman, BSJ ‘461969–1974

Richard H. Brown, BBA ‘651972–1979

J. David Carr, BSIE ‘421970–1973

Effie Chapman, AB ‘491974–1977

Donald M. Compton, BSCO ‘441976–1979

Patrick F. Cosiano, BSCO ’59, MED ‘601973–1976

Richard W. Eddy, BS ‘401967–1970

Lillie M. Greer, KP ‘251968–1971

Brandon T. Grover, BSAG ‘501973–1979

G. William Hill, AB ‘631972–1975

Wallace J. Hodes, BSJ ‘431968–1972

Olive L. Holmes, AB ‘381969–1971

John D. Hostutler, BSJ ‘501967–1970

John F. Kircher, BS ’50, MS ‘511967–1970

Wilfred R. Konneker, BS ’43, MS ’47, PHD1969–1972

Emil S. Kustin, AB ‘401970–1973

June G. LeLong, BSED ‘421974–1975

Charles R. Lewis, BSJ ‘401968–1974

Richard O. Linke, BSJ ‘411960–1970

J. David Lundberg, BSED ’56, MED ‘571972–1974

Raymond S. Lupse, AB ‘321968–1971

Helen L. Matthews, AA ‘541971–1974

John N. Meeks, BSCO ‘541973–1976

Raymond E. Metz, BSME ‘621973–1976

Earle Phillips, Jr., BSCO ‘481974–1977

Robert W. Reider, BSJ ‘391969–1972

Eugene F. Rinta, BSCO ‘381962–1970

J. David Scott, BSED ’59, MED ‘601970–1973

Roger A. Scott, AB ‘521972–1976

Robert Sefling1972–1973

James T. Shipman, BSED ‘511972–1974

Vincent L. Shuster, BSCO ‘621972–1974

Sanford Slavin, BSCE ‘471973–1978

L. Dale Springer, BSEE ‘491975–1978

William Steinhardt, AB ‘501976–1979

Arthur W. Stellar, BSED ’69, MED ’70, PHD ‘731975–1978

George V. Voinovich, AB ‘581971–1972

Alan I. Weinberg, BBA ‘641972–1975

Peter V. Yanity, BS ‘491970–1973

1960s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1960s. Some names and details may be missing due to incomplete records. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

Ralph F. Beckert, ABC ‘231965–1968

Edward Belsho, BSJ ‘501965–1968

James G. Boden, ABC ‘311961–1964

John W. Bolin, ‘241958–1961

Clarence P. Bryan, AB ’32, MA ‘331962–1965

William E. Burt, AB ‘361960–1963

William R. Butler, BSED ’50, MA ‘511962–1967

Claude C. Chrisman, BSCE ‘321958–1961

F. Patrick Collins, BSJ ‘501963–1966

Dean B. Copeland, ABC ‘201963–1965

Charles S. Dautel, BSCO ‘481959–1962

Lawrence P. Eblin, BSCH ‘311957–1960

Edwin “Ted” B. Evans, AB ‘421964–1967

George R. Evans, ABC ‘331963–1964

William H. Fenzel, COM ’15, AB ‘181958–1961

Robert H. Freeman, ABC ‘351961–1964

Jack D. Gilbert, BSJ ‘521962–1967

Darrell Grove1956–1960

Robert L. Hartford, ABC ‘361958–1961

Russell P. Herrold, AB, COM ‘161953–1961

Ralph L. Hughes, BSCO ‘501966–1969

Myron A. Hutcheson, BSJ ‘571961–1965

Paul J. Hyme, BSED ‘381959–1962

D. Ben James, BSJ ‘431959–1962

William S. Jasper, AB ‘411965–1968

Vincent J. Jukes, AB ‘301957–1960

Sammy Kaye, BSCE ‘321964–1967

David Keller1958–1961

William H. Keplinger, AB ‘251957–1960

Addie F. LaFrance, BSED ‘341963–1966

John A. Logan, ‘181957–1960

William J. Manning, BSCO ‘391963–1966

Joseph P. Marsalka, BSCO ‘501963–1967

Donald McMichael1960–1963

Ruth H. Millhoff, BS ‘471958–1961

Donald J. Pease, BS ‘531965–1968

Alan E. Riedel, AB ‘521966–1969

Dwight H. Rutherford, ABC ‘261956–1961

Darrell H. Sams, AB ‘211964–1967

Ross A. Sams, ABC ‘321959–1962

Donald S. Shafer, BSED ’37, MED ‘461965–1969

Walter J. Shapter, '211957–1960

Egbert P. Shetter, BSCH ‘281958–1961

Edgar W. Shoemaker, ABC ‘261959–1962

Gerald Sprague, ‘201962–1965

William Steinhardt, AB ‘501968–1969

Milton J. Taylor, BSCO ‘501960–1964

Rose Marie Thomas, AB ‘511965–1968

E. Perry Webb, ‘301961–1964

Alice C. Wright, AB ‘271966–1969

Jesse Zousmer, ‘351962–1965

1950s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1950s. Names may be missing due to incomplete records. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

Paul E. Belcher, AB ‘221954–1959

George M. Brown, AB ‘311955–1958

Donna L. Burton, BSED ‘481949–1950

Merrill F. Cooley, AB ‘161949–1950

Alfred T. Craft, AB ‘351956–1958

Stanley Dougan, BS ‘141954–1957

Homer W. Dupler, ABC ‘241949–1950

Willis H. Edmund, BSED ‘281950–1953

Frieda Eiler, ELED ‘211952–1954

Rush Elliott, AB ‘241956–1958

Dwight A. Fawcett, ACCT ‘131954–1956

Elizabeth J. Herbert, AB ‘221950–1953

Clifford L. Hughes, AB ‘331952–1954

Vincent J. Jukes, AB ‘301949–1950

Edwin L. Kennedy, AB ‘261956–1959

Ralf C. Kircher, ABC ‘291954–1959

J. William LaFrance, ABC ‘351949–1950

Carr Liggett, AB ‘161951–1953

Homer H. Marshman, AB ‘201954–1958

Grosvenor S. McKee, AB, EE ‘161950–1951

John W. Morgan, AB ‘341954–1959

Francis M. Rhoten, AB ‘281954–1957

Katherine Shurtleff, ELED ’33, BSED ’35, MA ‘361948–1950

C. Paul Stocker, BSEE ‘261954–1956

John D. Wadley, ABC ‘321953–1954

Edward B. Wright, BSCO ‘381950–1954

1940s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1940s. Some names and details may be missing due to incomplete records. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

H. D. Chase, ABC ‘251947–1948

K. Mark Cowen, AB ‘221948–1949

Dewey M. Goddard, AB ‘251948–1949

Elma Keller, AB ‘201948–1949

Robert H. Marriott, AB ‘291947–1948

Noble C. Shilt, ABC ‘211941–1942

S. M. Stalder, ‘051947–1948

Neil D. Thomas, BSCE ‘221947–1948

1930s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1930s. Names may be missing due to incomplete records. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

Mary E. Connett, PHB ‘111929–1930

G. F. Cooper, AB ‘151935–1936

Merrill L. Dennis, BSED ‘191933–1934

Rhys D. Evans, AB ‘091933–1934

John W. Galbreath, AB ’20, LLD ‘611936–1938

George N. Graham, AB ‘171937–1938

Fred L. Plummer, AB, BSCE ‘201933–1934

George E. Roudebush, ELED ‘161936–1937

Robert E. Rucker, ACCT ’12, AB ‘141934–1935

Samuel S. Shafer, BSED ‘141930–1932

Henry L. Sullivan, BSED ‘191934–1935

1920s Thomas Ewing Society Members

The following is a list of Thomas Ewing Society members who served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors (known at the time as the National Alumni Board) in the 1920s. Names may be missing due to incomplete records. The terms of office vary based on the Constitution and Bylaws in effect at the time.

Julia L. Cable, CCT ’11, AB ‘191921–1922

Hollie C. Ellis, AGRI ’17, BSED ‘201923–1924

Blaine R. Goldsberry, BS ‘141925–1926

Samuel O. Welday, AB ‘121928–1929

Thomas Ewing Society Members - Unknown Years

Over the years, many alumni have served on the Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors or National Alumni Board. Here we recognize a few even though their years of service are unknown.

Harry C. Beckley, ACCT ’09

Allen Myers, EMER ’91

Anna K. Pickering, AB ’14

Robert B. Webber, ‘53

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