Since 1964, the Center for International Studies has brought the world to Athens — and Athens to the world. Join us as for a year of celebration.
60 Years Since the Center Was Founded ...
Ohio University established the Center for International Studies in 1964 on the broad belief that an appreciation of others' values and institutions increases mutual understanding, enriches individual lives, and prepares citizens and students for work in the global environment.
... and 60 Years of African Studies
The African Studies Program grew out of the excitement emanating from the decolonization of the continent in the mid-1960s and the awareness of the important role Africa could play in world affairs.
The Past 60 Years
In 1964, the Center for International Programs was established because of the increasing size and complexity of OHIO’s international commitments. The M.A. in African Studies was founded the same year, followed soon after by the M.A. in Southeast Asian Studies and the M.A. in Latin American Studies. The Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE) was established in 1968 to train international students in English. M.A. programs in International Administrative Studies and International Development Studies were created in 1977-1978.
The interdisciplinary undergraduate B.A. in International Studies was created in 1979 — the same year as Chubu University’s gift of 175 cherry blossom trees to recognize the university’s 175th year. In 1983, the Ohio Valley International Council (OVIC) was created to share international resources with the regional campuses and communities. The M.A. in Communication and Development Studies was established in 1986, one of the first in this emerging field. In 1998, the Global Learning Center (GLC) was established as a project-based certificate program featuring internships and study abroad. Yamada International House, originally known as Burson House, was renovated and expanded in 2004 by a generous bicentennial gift from Chubu University.
And the Next 60 Years
You — students, alumni, supporters and friends — help the OHIO Center for International Studies maintain national and international recognition for academic excellence and importance as a hub of research, teaching and community outreach.
The center invites you to participate in this anniversary and the next 60 years by donating to an Ohio University Foundation account to support student scholarships and experiential learning opportunities.
The center has designated two scholarship accounts for our anniversary celebrations:
- CIS Global Learning Fund: This fund supports student participation and engagement in experiential learning activities such as study abroad, internships, and conference attendance, as well as the CIS Global Forum.
- CIS Scholarship Support Fund: This fund supports undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in CIS programs.
Supporters are also invited to contribute to the funds associated with individual programs: African Studies Program, Latin American Studies Program, Southeast Asian Studies Program, and Communication and Development Studies Enhancement Fund, as well as the Flournoy International Outreach Fundto support OVIC.
To donate to any of these funds, use the "Give Now" button below and you will be redirected to a secure giving form. In the box that says "Designation: Make Your Selection," scroll to select the scholarship or fund of your choosing.
Question about giving? Please contact Misti Smith, Associate Director of Development, by at smithm10@ohio.edu or 740-593-2554.