Dr. Lori Gonzalez smiling at her Investiture ceremony
Dynamic Strategy

Dynamic Strategy

OHIO’s Dynamic Strategy sets out to build on our founding purpose and embrace our existing excellence. Beginning in Fall 2023, thousands of faculty, staff, students and alumni engaged in refining our University’s mission and vision and designing goals and strategies to guide our institution’s future. The objective was to craft bold, audacious ideas to move us forward and inform a roadmap to guide our work for the next three years.

To guide the development of the Dynamic Strategy, President Gonzalez divided the planning into four areas of excellence in which she hoped to define distinctive goals. Three of those are built around the public institution’s calling – teaching and learning, research and discovery, and outreach and engagement. The fourth centers on the people and culture that undergird and enable the first three.

Ultimately, all four of these pillars are intertwined. A thriving culture where faculty and staff feel supported and inspired bolsters the teaching and learning happening inside and outside the classroom. Research and discovery are fueled by a learning community where faculty and students create ideas together. Impact happens when a University’s outreach arm is well connected to its research arm and students are engaged in service learning.

Please note that the information on this site is being presented at the June Board of Trustees meeting for approval.


  • Learn

    OHIO will elevate both teaching and research, expand experiential learning, and invest in innovative educational technology.


    OHIO will increase distinction in two focused areas of research and accelerate emerging areas of discovery to address humanity’s most urgent challenges.


    OHIO will actively engage with partners to drive prosperity in the region, meet the needs of the state, and prepare students for careers.

  • WORK

    OHIO will become a destination employer for those passionate about the mission of public higher education.


The goals, strategies and actions outlined in the Dynamic Strategy will move into implementation in Fall 2024 with the goal of completion in Spring 2027. Along the way revisions will be made where necessary as we continue to respond to an ever-evolving higher education landscape and shifting student demands. We will also identify solutions with potential to scale, informing our next planning effort.

Implementation will require the formation of new work groups in some areas and the assignment of actions to various units and leaders as appropriate. As we move forward, regular updates will be provided to the University Community and posted on this site. 

Dynamic Strategy Core Committee

Scott Titsworth
Dynamic Strategy Overall Co-Chair
Dean, Scripps College of Communication

Char Miller
Dynamic Strategy Overall Co-Chair
Executive Director, School of Nursing, College of Health Sciences and Professions

David Nguyen
Co-Chair Learn
Dean; Associate Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs
University College

Paul Shovlin
Co-Chair Learn
Associate Professor of Instruction, English
College of Arts & Sciences

Liz Beverly
Co-Chair Discover
Professor, Primary Care; Co-Director, Diabetes Institute
Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Chris France
Co-Chair Discover
Distinguished Professor, Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences

Imants Jaunarajs
Co-Chair Engage
Assistant Vice President
Student Affairs

Tracy Plouck 
Co-Chair Engage
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service

Cindy Anderson
Co-Chair Work
Chair, Sociology and Anthropology; Professor, Sociology; Senator, Faculty Senate
College of Arts & Sciences

Greg Fialko
Co-Chair Work
Senior HR Director and Director of Benefits
University Human Resources

Mission and Vision Refresh

As the first step in the strategic planning process, President Gonzalez charged a small group of university leaders to review and refresh the University’s mission and vision with input from the full University community. With guidance from conversations with each of the University senates and input from a comprehensive survey, a revised mission was drafted and presented to the Ohio University Board of Trustees in April 2024. This is the first comprehensive update to the Mission and Vision since 2007.  It is the President's hope that the mission and vision will reflect the uniqueness of Ohio University and its work in the world.

Learn More

A downloadable PDF of the Dynamic Strategy is available as well. The goals and strategies for each pillar are provided in an accessible web format at the links above.

Dynamic Strategy [PDF]

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