Our biological sciences students explore the complexities of life and work to address global challenges in biology.
Our faculty advance knowledge in a wide range of disciplines within the biological sciences. They take their expertise into their classrooms to foster critical thinking and innovation. Their integrative approach to research and education promotes a deeper understanding of biological sciences and their impact on society.
Discovering New Knowledge about Our Environment & Our Lives
Research in the Department of Biological Sciences covers a broad range of biological disciplines across multiple hierarchical levels including molecular biology, microbiology, animal physiology, comparative anatomy, ecology, and evolution.
The department offers opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to learn and work alongside scientists making important scientific discoveries in their respective fields.
Biology Faculty Research Areas
Prospective graduate students or undergraduates interested in getting involved in research can explore our faculty research areas to find faculty working in areas that interest them.
Biological Sciences Facilities & Resources
Our researchers take advantage of mass spectrophotometry facilities, 3-D imaging and image analysis facility, an electron microscopy facility, a genomics facility, the Ridges Land lab, and more.
Biology Centers & Institutes
Biology faculty and student researchers come together in special programs to do some amazing work in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Interdisciplinary Program, the Ohio Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES), the Quantitative Biology Institute, the Infectious and Tropical Disease Institute, and more.
Research Areas We Focus On
Cell, Developmental & Microbiology Biology Research
The Cell, Developmental and Molecular Biology graduate program offers world-class facilities and faculty in biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, cell biology, developmental biology. Ohio University offers interdisciplinary graduate study in molecular and cell biology through the Molecular and Cellular Biology interdisciplinary graduate program.
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Research
The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) graduate program in Biological Sciences at Ohio University brings together researchers and students interested in biodiversity research. This includes the hierarchy of biological organization, from genes to species to ecosystems. Investigations are wide-ranging and encompass all manner of biological pattern and processes.
Integrative Physiology & Neuroscience Research
The Neuroscience Program at Ohio University supports a wide range of research activities employing state-of-the-art techniques in molecular biology, biophysics, electrophysiology, microscopy and image analysis, and computational modeling. Individual faculty research programs are funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies.
NIH Grant Will Help Dr. Day Uncover Neural Mechanisms of Hearing Loss
Students Contribute to Science and Conservation through Summer Internships
Biology Student Experiences — Here and Abroad
In the lab. In the wild. Around the World. Just a few places you might get hands-on biology experience.
Biology InternshipsBiology internships can take place in a faculty member's lab, at a field research site, or at a company or park.
Undergraduate Student ResearchLaboratory experience and fieldwork opportunities in ecology, neuroscience, microbiology, genetics, pathogens, paleontology and much more are available to biology students at OHIO. Some experiences take place in a traditional laboratory, but for many OHIO faculty, their “lab” might entail fieldwork in a forest or a stream.
Panama: Tropical BiologyTravel to Panama with biology faculty for a highly experiential field course that includes daily field hikes to learn common plants and animals, natural history, evolutionary principles and trophic interactions, and discuss community organization in diverse terrestrial habitats and late afternoon snorkeling to learn common marine animals and plants and to investigate coral reef and mangrove community diversity and ecology.
Biological Sciences News
Biological Sciences Events
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