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Chemistry Undergraduate Advising

Academic advisors are best able to help you in planning your course of study if you contact them early and consult with them regularly. Notification of your advisor is indicated on your degree audit report (DARS) and class schedule.

A Statement of Advisee Expectations

As a student at Ohio University, you have a right to the best possible advising and counseling. The University has an obligation to provide an advisor who will be interested in your welfare throughout your academic career at the university. You should be assigned an advisor when you begin your studies at the university. That assignment may be changed if it is not serving your needs. Specifically, this means that your advisor should:

  • Establish and adhere to reasonable office hours.
  • Be knowledgeable about the different interests of traditional and non-traditional students and adapt the advising accordingly; students and adapt the advising accordingly.
  • Understand the mechanics of enrolling you for a semester, such as scheduling, telephone registration, and closed-class situations.
  • Understand all aspects of the University grading policy.
  • Be familiar with the variety of University degree offerings, to assist you in making choices.
  • Know where to refer you in cases of special need (e.g., Academic Advancement Center , the Student Success Team , International Student and Scholar Services , Counseling and Psychological Services , etc.).
  • Be aware of departmental major requirements as well as the University General Education requirements.
  • Help you plan a complete course of study, designed through personal interaction between you and the advisor, utilizing career interests and academic records, as well as available information on the frequency of course offerings and possible scheduling conflicts.
  • Help you rethink the course of study in the event that your interests change.
  • Refer you to an appropriate place for improvement of study and other skills when necessary.
  • Relay information about available activities that may enhance your learning experiences.

A Statement of Advisor Expectations

Members of the Ohio University faculty accept the responsibility to be informed and concerned advisors to students assigned to them as advisees. Advising involves helping students move through a sequential decision-making process toward realistic, flexible academic and professional goals. In order for faculty advisors to provide this involved service, it is expected that you will:

  • Consult with the advisor on at least a semester basis.
  • Make appointments for such counseling during posted office hours.
  • Keep appointments promptly. If you find that it is impossible to keep the appointment, you should notify your advisor before the appointed time.
  • Discuss academic and career-related needs as they develop.
  • Be prepared for the appointment and bring appropriate materials.
  • Seek assistance with the decisions to be made rather than expect the advisor to make them.
  • Follow through with appropriate action after the advising session, or consult with the advisor if critical decisions cannot be accomplished.
  • Seek additional counsel from appropriate other sources.
  • Evaluate advising sessions and give feedback to the advisor in order to strengthen the advising process.
  • Seek reassignment to another advisor when appropriate.
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