The Teacher Candidate’s Guide to Successful Internship Experiences is a tool to help support young educators during the capstone experience of the Teacher Education Program at Ohio University. Information in this guide has been designed to clarify expectations and answer various questions related to internship experiences and the P-12 classroom setting.
OHIO Center for Clinical Practice in Education
Marcy Keifer Kennedy
Clinical Experiences
Dawn Mooney
Administrative Specialist
Professional Internship in Teaching
Kathleen Haskell
Professional Internships in Teaching Coordinator - OHIO Athens740.593.0676
Patton Internships
Karen Corcoran Regional Professional Internships Coordinator - OHIO Chillicothe
Kathie Chini Regional Professional Internships Coordinator - OHIO Eastern
Joyce Thompson Regional Professional Internships Coordinator - OHIO Lancaster
Regional Professional Internships &
Educational Programs Assistant Coordinator - OHIO Southern
Jeanine Kelnhofer
Regional Professional Internships Coordinator - OHIO Zanesville
Early Clinical Experiences
Early Field Experiences - OHIO Athens
Lorna Buskirk
Education Field Coordinator - OHIO Chillicothe
Regional Coordinator
Education Program Assistant
Faculty - OHIO Eastern
Joyce Thompson
Regional Coordinator
Educational Program Assistant - OHIO Lancaster
Ohio Licensure
OHIO Licensure
Trisken Emmert
edTPA Coordinator