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Spring Choral Hearings

Spring 2025 Choral Placement Hearing Information

Choral Hearings for the Spring 2025 semester will be held Thursday, December 5-Friday, December 13.

Who should do a hearing?

All School of Music majors for whom voice is their principal instrument must complete a hearing.

Any singer wishing to audition for Ohio University Singers must perform a placement hearing as their audition.

Singers in SMO (tenor-bass choir, MUS 2533/5533) or Bella Voce treble chorus (MUS 2534/5534) do not need to do a placement hearing in advance; they may enroll in those classes and will receive their voice part assignments during the first week of classes.

How do I sign up for a hearing?

What happens at the hearing?

  • Please arrive 10 minutes early at Glidden 446 (School of Music building) to fill out a digital  Choral Placement Hearing Form
  • Hearings consist of vocal and musicianship exercises; no preparation is required.

What happens after the hearing?

  • Singers will receive an email from the Choral Program by 8:00 am, Monday, December 16 informing them of their choral placement. At that point, they should add the appropriate ensemble(s) to their schedule for the maximum allowable credit hours.
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