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Persons with Disabilities

Ohio University Libraries is here to help everyone with their research and learning needs. In addition to the services described below, there is also  adaptive equipment and software  available for use in Alden Library. For more information about the Libraries’ services for persons with disabilities, contact  Christopher Guder  at  (740) 597-1975  or .

Research Help

General reference assistance is available at the Alden 2nd Floor Service desk as well as at the regional campus libraries. For specialized assistance, an appointment may be made with your  subject librarian or regional campus librarian . Contact the Libraries for additional information.

Retrieving Materials

Ask at a service desk, if you need assistance retrieving material from a library collection. Depending on staff availability and the amount of materials staff may not be able to immediately assist you. For best service please submit a list well in advance of your deadline. If you are registered with the  Office for University Accessibility , you may be eligible for the library  delivery service . For more information about this service, please contact  Christopher Guder  at (740) 597-1975  or .

Scanning and printing

There are  multiple scanning stations  located in Alden Library that can be used to convert text into a screen reader friendly PDF. Scanned documents can either be saved to a flash drive or emailed directly from the scanner to any email address. Should a patron with a disability be unable to operate the scanners, he or she may have the scanning performed by a staff member located at the 2nd or 4th floor service desks. Desk staff located at these desks are available to assist with printing as well.

Scanning into an Alternative Format

A student registered through the  Office for University Accessibility  can request that print materials available in the University Libraries be converted into an accessible PDF. If you do not already have an InterLibrary Loan and Document Express ILLiad account,  register for an account  and identify yourself as being registered through Student Accessibility Services or the Office for University Accessibility. If you already have an ILLiad account,  update your account  to identify yourself as someone affiliated with one of the two offices mentioned above. Once registered, simply fill out the  ILLiad request form  and indicate in the Notes field any preferred timelines for the scanning to be completed. Every attempt will be made to complete scanning requests in a timely fashion but if requests cannot be completed within a week the patron will be notified. For more information on copyright compliance, please see the  InterLibrary Loan and Document Express page  or  Title 17, United States Code.  If you have additional questions, feel free to contact  Christopher Guder  at (740) 597-1975  or .

HathiTrust Digital Library Access 

As a member institution of HathiTrust Digital Library, students, faculty, and staff at Ohio University are eligible to receive full digital copies of materials that display in HathiTrust as “Limited (search only)”. For more information on this full-text service, please contact or check out the HathiTrust Digital Library guide .

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