The Ohio University Course Offerings site permits you to search for classes being offered for current and future terms. Once you select your search criteria you click "Search," and the classes that meet your criteria are displayed. If you select multiple locations, each location appears in the results as a separate tab, and each tab identifies the number of classes (for that location) that met your criteria.
Click anywhere in the line of the class section to reveal details about the individual class section. The section details include the following information (see Class Details question below for a detailed description of each field):
- General Education Tier (Gen. Ed. Tier)
- OHIO Bricks
- Location
- Instructors
- Course Name
- College (of the course)
- Department (of the course)
- Eligible Grades
- Alternate Delivery
- Dual-Listed
- Permissions Required
- Last Day to Add
- Last Day to Drop
- Last Day to Withdraw
- Repeat/Retake Information
- Requisite
- Course Description
- Meeting Times (Days, Time, Building, Room, Room Capacity)
- Resources and Materials (Textbook)