Advising for University College Students

Drop-In Advising

Do you need to talk with a University College Advisor? Visit Chubb Hall 140 during drop-in advising hours Monday through Friday from 3:30-5 pm.

Our mission is to support the academic, intellectual, and personal development of students through professional advising, degree programs, and instruction.

The Office of Advising and Student Services assists students in University College with guidance and support in choosing and identifying admission requirements for an appropriate major by the time a student reaches 45-60 credit hours. The team is available to answer questions regarding university policies and procedures and campus resources. The office is located in 140 Chubb Hall.

Explore. Develop. Succeed.

ExploreExplore all of the majors that Ohio University has to offer during your first few semesters as a Bobcat. Meet your general education requirements and learn about various subjects that interest you. This time will also be spent making social connections that will support your academic journey. 

DevelopDevelop skills that support your student success, while developing an understanding of how to declare a major that is appropriate for you. Spend this time identifying admission requirements and application deadlines, as well as completing requisite requirements.

SucceedSuccess in University College is centered around you! After careful investigation, you will declare a major and move towards graduation. 

Who we Serve

  • Undecided and undeclared students entering, or exploring majors, at Ohio University
  • New undecided or undeclared transfer and relocate students
  • College Credit Plus students
  • Students seeking admission into the following degree programs:
    • Bachelor of Criminal Justice
    • Bachelor of Specialized Studies 
    • Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies in Organizational Studies
    • Associate in Law Enforcement Technology
    • Associate in Arts and Humanities
    • Associate in Social Sciences
    • Associate in Individualized Studies
    • Associate in Science

Find Your University College Advisor

Find your advisor in your Student Center . If you do not have an assigned advisor, please contact University College Advising and Student Services at 740.593.1935.

UC Advising Structure

University College students will be exposed to various advising structures based on their admission status and goals.

  • First-year University College students will traditionally be assigned to an advisor linked to the UC 1000 Mastering the University Experience course.
  • University College students seeking to declare a major in Criminal Justice (BCJ), Specialized Studies (BSS), or an associate degree will be assigned to an advisor located in the University College Advising and Student Services Office or designated campus advisor. Students interested in the BSS program will work closely with a University College advisor and faculty to design, gain approval for, implement, and earn their unique degree.
    • Students interested in the BSS program must attend a BSS information session. This program is for students who are self-motivated, detail-oriented, and committed to success. Pre-BSS students will work closely with a University College advisor and faculty to design and approve their program. Students must be prepared to think critically, write and defend their pursuit of a unique degree.
  • Students currently enrolled in a college outside of University College are welcome to meet with an advisor in the  Allen Center  if they are considering changing majors to any college other than University College.

Although your advisor will help you prepare a schedule each semester, you are ultimately responsible for your education. Advising is a collaborative process for which you need to be prepared. It is imperative that you arrive on time and prepared for advising appointments and that you know and follow requirements and procedures at the department, school, college, and University levels.

Ideal Timeline for Undecided/Undeclared Students

First Year

0-29 creditsExplore major options

Second Year

30-59 creditsDeclare a major

Third Year

60-89 creditsConnect and grow within your major

Fourth Year

90-120 creditsPrepare for graduation

Resources & Information

What-If DARS

If you are in University College and have a particular degree program in mind, whether that program is selective or not, you should refer to the degree requirements outlined in the catalog.

If you are interested in determining your progress toward one or more majors, you may create a "what if" DARS report for the major you are considering. If you want assistance creating or interpreting a "what if" DARS, please contact the University College office. One of our advisors will be glad to assist you.

Dars and What-if DARS

Declare a Major

University College allows Undecided and Undeclared majors one yearto explore OHIO's major options or complete requisite(s) and GPA requirements to declare a major of choice.

Students can declare some majors as early as the second semester of their first year in non-selective programs. All students should be working to declare appropriate majors between 45-60 credit hours.

Majors changes are effective the first seven weeks of the semester. Some majors have selective admission and require an additional application and/or requirements. 

Declare your Major

University College Advisors

photo of didi chilcott
Success Advisor - Retention
Chubb Hall 140
Julie A. Cohara
Director of Degree Programs
Chubb Hall 140
Jacob Haskins
Student Success Advisor
Chubb Hall 140
Kris Kumfer
Assistant Dean for Advising and Student Services
Chubb Hall 140
Rob Rennich
Success Advisor- Major Exploration
Chubb Hall 140
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