The School of
Curriculum and Instruction
offers programs of graduate study
designed to meet the academic and professional requirements of those
involved in teaching, curriculum development, and supervision.
Master's degree programs are offered in curriculum and instruction,
including emphases in elementary education, middle school education,
reading, secondary education, special education, supervision,
computer and educational technology, teaching of the talented and
gifted, mathematics education, economic
and microcomputers.
The doctoral program in curriculum and instruction is designed to
prepare curriculum and supervision personnel to serve in schools,
two-year community or technical colleges, and/or university settings.
The Ph.D. program provides a core of experiences in educational
foundations, curriculum, and instructional theories, and a
specialization in one of the following areas: curriculum and
instruction, reading and language arts, social studies education,
supervision, economic education,
education, instructional technology, or middle level education.
To pursue graduate study in education, you must meet established
graduate entrance requirements and be accepted by the graduate
committee of the school. Depending upon the grade-point average you
earned as an undergraduate, you may be required to submit the results
of the Graduate Record Examination (verbal and quantitative) or the
Miller Analogies Test if you are applying for master's degree study.
If you are applying for doctoral study, you must submit Graduate
Record Examination (verbal and quantitative) and Miller Analogies
Test scores.
Students not seeking a degree may pursue graduate courses on a
nondegree basis in a planned professional development program.
You should arrange to complete the application process a month in
advance of the term in which you plan to begin study since you can
take the Graduate Record Examination only on certain dates throughout
the year. Submit your application for financial aid by March 15 to
receive consideration for the following academic year.
For more information about programs, contact the director, School of
Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Ohio University,
McCracken Hall, Athens OH 45701-2979.
500 History of Western Education (4)
Survey of education in Western world from ancient Judaic schools to
major contemporary developments. Emphasis on institutional
developments and cultural events that accompanied them.
Stevens; D.
501 History of Education in the United States (4)
Survey of educational developments from colonial America to present.
Readings include both primary and secondary sources. Emphasis on
institutional developments and cultural events that accompanied
Stevens; F; Y.
502 Evolution of Educational Thought (4)
Study of selected educational theorists and cultural assumptions that
influenced their ideas. Where available, readings are from primary
Stevens; F; Y.
503 Philosophies of Education (4)
Survey of European and American educational theorists and movements
from a philosophic perspective. Contemporary educational thought in
U.S. emphasized.
Stevens, Wood; W, Su; Y.
504 Social Structure and Change in Education (4)
Studies in interaction of social structure and educational reform.
Concepts of class, status, bureaucracy, technocracy, and cultural
pluralism assessed in their relationships to sociology of knowledge
and educational alternatives.
Stevens, Wood; Sp; Y.
505 Comparative Cultures and Education (4)
Studies in learning as a social process with emphasis on the
non-Western experience. Introduction to techniques of comparative
analysis and ethnographic examination of learning systems.
Howard; F; Y.
506A Education and Development in Africa (4)
Interdisciplinary course focusing on the role of learning systems in
changing African societies. Historical and ethnographic studies of
pre-colonial, colonial, and post-independence African education.
Education and training as tools for contemporary change and
socioeconomic development.
Howard; F.
507 Programs in International Education (3)
Assistance programs to education in developing nations; foundation
programs, UNESCO programs, A.I.D. programs. Assistance programs of
other nations. Objectives, structures, funding, organization, and
plans for implementation.
Staff; D.
508 Poverty, Education, and International Development
Interdisciplinary course focusing on poverty in African, Asian, and
Latin American societies and the uses of education, including
nonformal education, adult education, and literacy programs, to
promote rural development. Problems in planning and implementation.
Social impact of intervention.
Howard; W; Y.
509 Political Philosophies of Citizenship Education
Use of popular literature and documentary evidence to critically
examine citizenship education as seen by liberals, conservatives, and
socialists. Focus on relationships among social/political crises,
citizenship philosophy, and issues in education.
Wood; Y.
510 Principles of Curriculum (4)
Major curricular movements, principles of curriculum development,
forces affecting what is taught, curriculum evaluation, and recent
Johnson; F, Su; Y.
510LLaboratory in Principles of Curriculum (1)
Prereq: enrollment in 510. Application of curriculum theory,
development, and evaluation in clinical/field settings.
Johnson; F, Su; Y.
511 Developing a Thinking Skills Program for the
Elementary/Secondary Classroom (4)
Examines current research and theory about the teaching of thinking
skills. Emphasis on the integration of theory, research, and
classroom instruction.
Hillkirk; D.
514 The Kindergarten Curriculum and the Kindergarten Child
Provides students with opportunity to develop understanding of
kindergarten child and curriculum. Focus is on helping develop
personal teaching philosophy based on current theory, research, and
practice. Assists in developing teaching techniques and teaching
materials for kindergarten children.
McMath; Su; Y.
515 Basic Classification and Cataloging (5)
Prereq: admission to grad study. Prepares prospective media
specialists for classification and cataloging of both print and non-
print materials with practice in preparation of card catalog such as
would be encountered in elementary and secondary school library/media
center. Research paper required.
Roberts; F.
516 The Use of Library Resources II (3)
Trains prospective media specialists in effective use of modern
library reference sources, including indexes, bibliographies,
dictionaries, yearbooks, with emphasis on subject fields such as art
and music, economics, history, geography, education, library,
literature, psychology, philosophy, religion, science, and
technology. Research paper required.
Roberts; W.
520 Foundations of Reading Instruction--Elementary (5)
Prereq: EDRE 501. Current programs, materials, and practices in
reading instruction; developmental concept, emphasizing optimum
realization of pupil potential, and use of reading in total school
Rebottini, W. Smith, Staff; W, Su; Y.
521 Foundation of Language Instruction (5)
Prereq: EDRE 501. Current programs, materials, and instructional
practices in language-arts curriculum. Treatment of both impression
and expression aspects of oral and written communication,
identification and individual investigation of problem areas.
Rebottini, W. Smith, Staff; F; Y.
522 Diagnosis: Reading/Language (5-15)
Prereq: 520 or 526. Correlation of variability in reading proficiency
with incidence of retardation and disability. Exploration of causes
of failure and concept of multiple causation. Review of specialized
materials and instructional efforts. Systematic observation of cases
of reading disabilities and preparation of case report.
Rebottini; F, Su; Y.
523 Reading/Language: Laboratory (5-15)
Prereq: 522. Application of developmental approach to problem cases
in reading instruction, participation in diagnostic examination,
parent and teacher conferences, individual procedures in tutoring,
staffing of cases, and preparation of reports. (Weekly group
discussion period, lab sessions arranged.)
Rebottini; Sp; Y.
524 Literature for Children and Adolescents (5)
Seminar in critical analysis of research and theory related to
children's and adolescent literature. Opportunity to study individual
McMath; Sp; Y.
526 Secondary Reading Instruction (5)
Materials, methods, and techniques of secondary reading instruction
for teaching adolescent learners of various abilities. Emphasis on
diagnosis of reading difficulties and adaptation of materials and
teaching methods for content area instruction.
Blake-Stalker; W; Y.
528 Library Service to Children and Young Adults (4)
Study of various aspects of library/media work with children and
young adults through films, texts, articles, and small and large
group discussions. Class participants will study trends in library
services, including effects of television, outreach programs for
special child. Major emphasis on selection policies of library/media
Roberts; Sp; D.
530 Problems and Practices in Modern Elementary
Mathematics--Practicum (4)
Prereq: EDRE 501. Modern elementary mathematics curriculum with
emphasis on why changes are occurring. Nature of changes as reflected
from experimental programs; effect on teaching methods.
Implementation of these changes in the classroom.
Beach, C. Smith; F; Y.
532 Microcomputer Applications in Education (4)
Introduction to uses of microcomputers in education. Emphasis in
evaluating hardware and software, exploring educational applications,
and developing introductory program-writing skills.
Flemister; F, W, Sp; Y.
540 New Programs and Practices in Elementary
Science--Practicum (4)
Prereq: EDRE 501. New programs and trends in science teaching
identified and evaluated. Philosophy, content, and grade level
placement of topics in federal, foundation, and privately sponsored
experimental programs in elementary and/or secondary science
education identified and practiced in a classroom setting.
Martin; F; Y.
541 New Topics in Science and Science Education for Elementary
School Teachers (2-6)
Prereq: teaching experience. Modern advances in science and current
science education topics to determine suitable content, apparatus,
and grade level placement for presentation in elementary schools.
Development and use of curriculum guides, curriculum models, modern
units, outdoor education, science fairs, field trips, programmed
materials, and similar methods of advancing science education.
Martin, Skinner; D.
542 Seminar in Science Education (2-6)
Prereq: bachelor's degree. Provides elementary and secondary school
teachers with a variety of techniques that enable them to integrate
new concepts of science education into their teaching, such as
environmental education, population education, energy conservation,
world hunger, food problems, outdoor biology, etc.
Martin, Mitias, Skinner; D.
550 Teaching Strategies for Cultural and International
Understanding (4)
Prereq: EDRE 501. Psychological and sociological foundations of
cultural values and ways of life investigated. Strategies for
developing cross-cultural understanding and cooperation studied and
developed. Emphasis upon innovative approaches to learning for
elementary and secondary school pupils. Practicum provided.
Staff; D.
551 Programs and Practices in Elementary Social
Studies--Practicum (4)
Prereq: EDRE 501. Trends in modern social studies curriculum.
Leep; D.
560 Advanced Studies of Children (4)
Prereq: 20 hrs of education and/or psychology. Intensive study of
research in child development from conception to maturity and
implications for educational practices.
McMath; W, Su; Y.
561 Introduction to Individualization of Education (4)
Each participant will develop knowledge of major concepts for
individualization of education and demonstrate this knowledge through
creation of an instructional package designed for a classroom
setting. Study of major components necessary for teacher to implement
individualized instruction in classroom.
Johnson; Sp; Y.
565 Introduction to Teaching the Talented and Gifted
Provides introduction to rationale, scope, and nature of concerns
relative to education of gifted youth. Attention to overview of
problems and issues including (1) societal factors that influence
programs, (2) characteristics and identification of gifted youths,
and (3) current and recommended programs.
Leep; Su.
566 Strategies for Teaching Talented and Gifted (4)
Provides regular classroom teachers with background to prepare
materials and conduct activities suitable for challenging gifted
students in their regular classrooms. Various programs appropriate
for gifted students explored.
Skinner; W.
570 Nature and Needs of Persons with Exceptionalities
Introductory course in special education at graduate level. Major
objective to provide comprehensive understanding of characteristics
and service needs of exceptional individuals of all ages with
emphasis on current issues and trends in special education.
Staff; F; Y.
570A Curriculum and Instructional Materials for Persons with
Handicaps (4)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Philosophy, principles, content,
organization, and methods needed to analyze, design, and develop
comprehensive curriculum plans, instructional programs, and
appropriate materials to teach retarded individuals of all ages and
Jageman; F; Y.
570B Language Development and Adaptation for Persons with
Handicaps (4)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. In-depth methods and materials of
language arts instruction with mentally retarded. Includes 15 clock
hours of directed lab experience, tutoring mentally retarded child,
adolescent, or adult.
Staff; F; Y.
570C Methods for Teaching Persons with Developmental Handicaps
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Detailed study of instruction in
social studies and science, including development of teaching unit
for mentally retarded and consideration of these content areas for
the retarded in mainstream. Includes 15 clock hours of directed
experience, teaching science or social studies to group of retarded
children or adolescents in school setting.
Sparks; W; Y.
570D Mathematics for Persons with Handicaps (4)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Mathematics instruction with
mildly and moderately mentally retarded children, emphasizing
content, methods, materials, and activities for functional life
Jageman; W; Y.
570E Career and Vocational Education for Persons with
Handicaps (4)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Provides overview of career and
vocational options for handicapped persons of all ages. Defines role
of special education and regular education personnel in providing
career and vocational guidance, training, placement, and follow-up
services to promote career and life adjustment of handicapped
persons. Delineates opportunities for handicapped persons.
Yanok; Sp; Y.
571 Problems in Education: Developmental Handicaps
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Critical evaluation of selected
current problems confronting teacher, consultant, specialist, or
administrator concerned with education of mentally retarded children
and youth.
Jageman, Sparks; F, W, Sp; Y.
572 Diagnosis and Evaluation of Persons with Handicaps
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Formal and informal methods of
assessment, screening, and classification; collection and appropriate
application of clinical data; formulation of prescriptive educational
plans for handicapped children and youth using laboratory experience
and multidisciplinary consultations.
Staff; F; Y.
573 Nature and Needs of Persons with Multiple Handicaps
Analyses of etiologies, characteristics, and diagnosis of multiple
handicaps (including moderate, severe, profound mental retardation,
orthopedic and sensory impairments, medical and behavioral
disabilities), and the theoretical and therapeutic implications for
transdisciplinary coordination of life span planning.
Roth; W; Y.
574 Nature and Needs of Persons with Specific Learning
Disabilities (4)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Overview of field of learning
disabilities, including definition, evaluation, and placement. Also
covers causes, characteristics (i.e., disabilities of cognition,
perception on reading, mathematics, language, attention), educational
approaches, and current issues.
Safran; F.
575 Methods for Teaching Persons with Multihandicaps
Focuses on the design and implementation of multifactored/
transdisciplinary/ecological assessments, curricular
adoption/development, planning processes, instructional strategies,
adaptive materials and equipment, evaluation and methods of
structuring and arranging environments.
576 Administration and Organization of Special Education
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Historical perspective,
diagnostic procedures, legislative provisions, research implications,
community and professional resources, current issues, and general
organization and management of special education programs. Applied
field experiences on both group and individual basis.
Staff; Sp; A.
577 Education and Counseling of Parents of the Handicapped
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Development of skills required to
set up parent education programs with emphasis on the educational
aspect; interpreting problems of handicapped child to parents.
Staff; W; Y.
578 Early Childhood Special Education (4)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Purpose, organization, and
methods of early childhood education of the handicapped. Planning,
guiding, supervising, and evaluating growth and behavior of young
handicapped children.
Sparks; Sp; Y.
580 Homemaking and Family Living for Persons with Handicaps
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Identification of resources;
development and application of curriculum, methods, and materials for
teaching home and family living skills to handicapped children and
adults in schools, residential facilities, or workshops.
Jageman; W; A.
581 Medical Aspects of Persons with Handicaps (2)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Development of medical
terminology and understanding of effect of medical conditions on
conditions of learning. Emphasis on biochemical, convulsive, and
neurological disorders.
Jageman; W; Y.
582 Methods for Teaching Persons with Specific Learning
Disabilities (4)
Prereq: 574 and 6 hrs in special education. Methods of identifying
children's academic and behavioral problems, and implementing
effective remedial procedures.
Staff; Sp; Y.
583 Nature and Needs of Persons with Severe Behavior Handicaps
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Introductory study focusing on
characteristics of emotionally disturbed/severe behavior handicapped
children/youth. Specific topics include conceptual models of
disturbance; classification, evaluation, and placement; specific
characteristics, i.e., aggression, withdrawal, hyperactivity,
juvenile delinquency; and implications for educational and
psychological intervention.
Safran; W.
584 Methods of Teaching Persons with Severe Behavior Handicaps
Prereq: 583 and 6 hrs in special education. Specific methods of
teaching emotionally disturbed/severe behavior handicapped
children/youth. Different intervention techniques are covered
including affective education, cognitive behavior modification,
applied behavior analysis developmental therapy, behavioral
consultation, and crisis intervention.
Safran; Sp.
585 Behavior Management of Persons with Handicaps (3)
Theories, research, and application of principles of behavior
management models including development, design, data collection,
self control techniques, generalization, and maintenance of social
and academic individual and group programs.
Roth; W; Y.
589 Problems in Learning Disabilities (2-9)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Critical evaluation of selected
problems in area of learning disabilities.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
592 Workshop in Curriculum and Instruction (1-15)
(Max of 8 hrs may be counted toward requirements of a Master of
Education degree.) Designed to provide practicing teachers and other
instructional personnel with short courses, workshops, and summer
institutes directed toward their identified needs. Areas of
concentration are: (A) Language Arts, (B) Social Studies, (C)
Science, (D) Mathematics, (E) Reading, (F) Kindergarten, (G)
Individualizing Instruction, (H) Team Teaching, (I) Interaction
Analysis, (J) Developing Behavioral Objectives, (K) Curriculum
Development, (L) Interdisciplinary Topics, (M) Special Topics, (N)
Special Education Topics, (O) Supervision of Instruction.
Staff; D.
596 Introduction to Educational Media (4)
Principles of instructional materials and media applied to
teacher-student communication. Basic experiences in production of
instructional materials and equipment operation. Research paper
required. Lab.
McCutcheon; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
597 Production of Instructional Materials (4)
Prereq: 596 or EDM 480. Use and preparation of locally produced,
inexpensive instructional materials. Lab experience in use of
pictures; lettering; coloring; preservation; and reproduction
techniques for pictures, slides, transparencies, etc. Final project
Staff; W; Y.
605 Individual Studies in Comparative Education (2-6)
Studies in an area of national development.
Howard; D.
606 Seminar in Comparative Education
Topical interdisciplinary seminar focusing on variable themes.
Possible topics include, "Women, Education, and Development," "Third
World Children and Youth," etc.
Howard; Sp.
610 Elementary School Curriculum (5)
Prereq: EDRE 501. Curriculum as a basic educational concern; issues
involved in selecting and organizing content; systematic study of
curriculum development in elementary school.
Leep; Sp, Su; Y.
611 Supervision of Instruction (4)
Introduction to basic concepts and theories of instructional
supervision. Emphasis on the roles, tasks, and processes involved in
supervisory practice based on theory and research in education and
ancillary fields such as psychology, sociology, philosophy,
organizational management, communications, and change agentry.
Hillkirk, Thompson; F; Y.
612 Middle School Curriculum (4)
Prereq: 510. Concentrates specifically on early adolescent age.
Special emphasis on unique purposes and concepts of junior high/
middle school curriculum and its role in providing articulation
between elementary school and senior high school.
Johnson; S; Y.
613 High School Curriculum (4)
Prereq: 510. Study of high school curriculum including emphasis on
sources of curriculum and major curriculum movements, study of
current issues and program alternatives, and development and
evaluation of high school curriculum.
Thompson; Su; Y.
614 Analysis of Supervisory Systems (4)
Critical analysis of models of instructional supervision with
emphasis on the role and vision of instructional leadership and
professional development in the conceptualizing, planning, and
implementing supervisory systems.
Hillkirk, Thompson; W; Y.
618 Supervision of Special Education (4)
Prereq: 611 and 6 hrs of special education. Emphasizes leadership
skills, principles, practices, and programs leading to improved
education for handicapped children and professional growth for
teachers in special education. These skills encompass all areas of
exceptionality and include the competencies for evaluating full-time
programs, part-time programs, and supportive services to children in
the mainstream of education as these relate to each of the several
handicapping conditions. Laboratory experiences arranged on an
individual basis.
Staff; Sp; A.
635 Advanced Classification and Cataloging (4)
Prereq: 515. Problems of classifying by Dewey; corporate entry;
Library of Congress classification and subject headings; serials.
Introduction to other classification systems, divided and classified
catalogs, administration of catalog departments; consideration of
current issues. Lab work involved.
Roberts; D.
636 Media and the Young Adult (4)
Theoretical approach to young adult programming and services;
analyzing general characteristics of young adults, their information
needs, institutional services and operational factors, materials and
media, information-seeking behavior, media use, and impact of
Roberts; Sp.
637 Library Media Automation (3)
Covers computer applications to library functions; instruction;
management of instruction; instructional software evaluation; and
instructional software design technique.
Flemister; W.
660 Advanced Principles of Teaching (4)
Critical appraisal of research in areas of learning and teaching.
Study of instructional models as applied to classroom teaching and
Martin, Mitias; W, Su; Y.
660L Laboratory in Advanced Principles of Teaching (1)
Prereq: concurrent enrollment in 660. Application of instructional
models in clinical/field settings.
Martin, Mitias; W, Su; Y.
666 Characteristics of the Gifted and Their Assessment
In-depth study of characteristics of gifted as revealed through
empirical/experimental research and literature. An
examination/analysis/identification of cognitive, social, emotional,
and personal qualities most dominant among gifted, as well as
concomitant problems. Attention to processes and tools of assessment
of characteristics as well as to multiple variables (economic,
social, cultural, etc.) that relate to these characteristics.
Mitias; Sp; Y.
668 Practicum in Teaching Gifted and Talented Students
Prereq: 8 hrs in gifted education. Field experience includes
applications of the principles of identification, grouping, and
curriculum planning to the needs of gifted students in a school
setting. The development of the planned activity will be supervised
by faculty from the School of Curriculum and Instruction in
cooperation with a TAG coordinator and/or appropriate school
Leep, Mitias, Skinner; F, W, Sp; D.
670 Practicum in Developmentally Handicapped (2-6)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Working directly with mental
retardation classes or with individual children or adults to identify
problems and develop and implement a prescriptive educational
Staff; F, W, Sp; Y.
671 Practicum in Severe Behavior Handicapped (2-6)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Individual experiences selected
to prepare personnel for classroom, consultant, or supervisory
Staff; F, W, Sp; Y.
672 Practicum in Administration of Special Education
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Directed administrative
experiences in educational programs for handicapped in public
schools. Recommend that this be taken concurrently with or after EDCI
673 Practicum in Learning Disabilities (2-6)
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Working directly with learning
disabilities classes or with individual children to identify problems
and develop effective teaching strategies.
Staff; F, W, Sp; Y.
674 Practicum in Supervision of Special Education
Prereq: 6 hrs in special education. Directed experiences with special
education supervisors in public schools. Recommend that this follow
or be taken concurrently with EDCI 618.
675 Practicum in (MH) or (MH/EC) Multiple Handicapped/ Early
Childhood Education (2-6)
lndividual experiences working directly with multiple handicapped
children in different age groups. Deals with assessment,
implementation, and evaluation of effective teaching strategies.
Staff; D.
690 Research in Education (2-6)
Individualized research project.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
691 Seminar in Education (4)
Prereq: 35 hrs. Nonthesis option, major paper required.
Staff; Sp, Su; Y.
695 Thesis (2-10)
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
696 Organization and Administration of Educational Media
Programs (5)
Prereq: 515, 516, 528, 596, 597, 698. Duties of university and public
school media directors; budgeting, training of personnel, handling
and classifying materials, management, and evaluation programs.
Research paper required.
Staff; Sp; Y.
697 Analysis of Media Theory, Research, and Instructional
Design Model Nomenclature (3)
Prereq: EDRE 501. Review, analysis, and criticism of research in
educational media, with interpretation and application of research
findings of primary concern. Suggestions for future research in
educational media, sequencing of instruction in relation to
hierarchies of competence, and design of multimedia instruction
Staff; D.
698 Industrial Systems Technology (4)
Systematic procedures for the design, implementation, and evaluation
of instruction.
McCutcheon; Sp; A.
699 Practicum in Educational Media (3-9)
Course participants evaluate a number of media centers for several
university media areas. Participants required to prepare written
reports on center evaluations.
Roberts; D.
700 Advanced Foundations of Education (4)
Seminar for selected interdisciplinary studies in social, cultural,
and philosophic foundations of education.
Stevens, Wood; F, Sp.
706 Advanced Seminar in Comparative Education (5)
Emphasis on interdisciplinary treatment of problems and concerns.
Contemporary situations investigated. Techniques for comparative
study of educational systems and developments.
709 Internship in Comparative Education--United States or
Abroad (10-15)
One-year assignment with stateside operation (such as aiding or
assisting in comparative education program) or assignment abroad.
Interns required to have had experience in teaching in the U.S.
Staff; D.
712 Middle Level Education: Theory, Philosophy, Curriculum,
and Practices (5)
Prereq: 612. Analytical investigation of the historical,
philosophical, and theoretical foundations and developmental
characteristics relative to middle level education; analysis of
exemplary practices of middle level curriculum and educational
programs. Review of major theories, relevant research, and the study
of contemporary middle level structures and programs.
Johnson, Staff.
714 Advanced Seminar in Middle Level Education (5)
Critical analysis and discussion of theory, research, major issues,
problems, and trends in the field of middle level education with
particular emphasis on future plans, projections, and orientations.
The seminar will provide a forum for students and professor
interaction relative to new ideas and issues in the middle level
education movement.
Johnson, Staff.
715 Theories of Curriculum Change (5)
Prereq: 660. Major curriculum models and their underlying theory.
Critical reading and interpretation of research related to curriculum
change and effectiveness. Applications of theory and research in new
Thompson; F; Y.
716 Theories of Instructional Design and Evaluation
Prereq: 660, 715. Theories and models of instruction, their
psychological and philosophical basis; construction of models of
instructional design, and their evaluation to effect desired learning
Mitias, Staff; W; Y.
719 Curriculum and Instruction Practicum (6)
Prereq: 715, 716, 717. Supervised experiences in analysis and
application of theories and techniques of curriculum change and
instructional change in school setting.
Staff; D.
720 Foundations of Elementary Reading Instructions (5)
Critical evaluation of literature and recent research on objectives,
content, and methodology. History of instruction, current problems
and issues, recent trends and emphases in teaching practices. Impact
of dominant theories of learning and philosophies of education.
Research design and methodology in scientific investigations.
Rebottini; W; Y.
721 Foundations of Language Instruction (5)
Critical evaluation of literature and recent research on objectives,
content, and methodology. History of instruction, current problems
and issues, recent trends and emphases in teaching practices, impact
of dominant theories of learning and philosophies of education.
Research design and methodology in scientific investigations.
Rebottini, Staff; F; Y.
722 Diagnosis: Reading/Language (5-15)
Prereq: 720 or 726. Correlation of variability in reading proficiency
with incidence of retardation and disability. Exploration of causes
of failure and concept of multiple causation. Review of specialized
materials and instructional efforts. Systematic observation of cases
of reading disabilities and preparation of case report.
Rebottini; F; Y.
723 Laboratory Reading/Language (5-15)
Prereq: 722. Application of developmental approach to problem cases
in reading instruction; participation in diagnostic examination,
parent and teacher conferences, individual procedures in tutoring,
staffing of cases, and preparation of reports. (Weekly group
discussion period, lab sessions arranged.)
Rebottini; Sp; Y.
724 Literature for Children and Adolescents (5)
Seminar in critical analysis of research and theory related to
children's and adolescent literature. Opportunity to study individual
McMath; D.
726 Secondary Reading Instruction (5)
Materials, methods, and techniques of secondary reading instruction
for teaching adolescent learners of various abilities. Emphasis on
diagnosis of reading difficulties and adaptation of materials and
teaching methods for content area instruction.
Blake-Stalker; W; Y.
730 Curriculum in Elementary Education--Mathematics
Critical evaluation of literature and recent research on objectives,
content, and methodology. History of instruction, current problems
and issues, recent trends and emphases in teaching practices. Impact
of dominant theories of learning and philosophies of education.
Beach, C. Smith; D.
740 Curriculum in Elementary Science Education (4)
Prereq: teaching experience. History of science instruction,
curriculum problems, issues, recent trends and emphases in teaching
practices. Impact of dominant theories of learning and philosophies
of education on current curriculum changes in elementary school
science. Critical review of existing conventional programs used as a
background for examining experimental programs. Emphasis on
historical development of science education from dominance of nature
study and aesthetics to modern experimental programs.
Martin, Skinner; D.
750 Inquiry and Value Clarification in Social Studies
Prereq: 550 or 551. Critical discussion of application of inquiry and
value clarification models in teaching of social studies.
Leep; D.
760 Readings and Research in Human Development (3-5)
Interpretation of scientific literature on human development as
related to classroom experience in preschool through adolescence.
Independent projects and solving selected educational problems.
McMath; D.
790 Advanced Seminar in Education--Research (4)
Review of current literature and research in education. Preparation
of research proposal.
Staff; D.
792 Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Education Research
Introduction to the experience of qualitative data collection methods
in education research. Review of origins, theory, and design of
method; issues of validity, reliability, and human subject
800 Advanced Dynamics of Human Learning (5)
Prereq: master's degree. Study and critique of major theories of
learning and human development; analysis of present and future social
and cultural changes and their potential impact on human learning and
Mitias; F; Y.
801 The School as a Dynamic Social Institution (5)
Prereq: master's degree, 800 or equiv. School as changing social
system; changing philosophies, functions, and cultural styles of
school. Politics, control, and conflict resolution in school.
Stevens; W; Y.
802 The Curriculum Worker as a Change Agent (5)
Prereq: master's degree, 800, 801, or equiv. Analytical study of
theories, concepts, and strategies of change, and roles of change
agents as related to educational institutions and programs. Case
studies and field experiences related to change are examined with
emphasis on planning, analysis, and evaluation.
Staff; Sp; Y.
810 Seminar in the Supervision of Instruction (5)
Prereq: 614. Critical analysis and discussion of theory, research,
major issues, and trends in field of educational supervision and
application of findings to supervisory practices and programs.
Staff; D.
820 Research and Curriculum in Elementary Education Reading
Critical evaluation of literature and recent research on objectives,
content, and methodology. History of instruction, current problems
and issues, recent trends and emphases in teaching practices. Impact
of dominant theories of learning and philosophies of education.
Research design and methodology in scientific investigations.
Staff; D.
821 Field Experience: Reading (5-15)
Prereq: 720 or 726. Supervised field experiences in reading.
Staff; D.
822 Field Experience: Language (5-15)
Prereq: 721. Supervised field experience in language.
Staff; D.
823 Independent Study: Reading (5-15)
Prereq: 720 or 726. Independent study with topic restricted to some
aspect/level of reading instruction.
Staff; D.
824 Independent Study: Language (5-15)
Prereq: 721. Independent study with topic restricted to some
aspect/level of language instruction.
Staff; D.
827 Practicum in Secondary Education--English (5)
In-depth study of school system and its English curriculum with
critique by faculty and report by student using available
Staff; D.
828 Practicum in Secondary Education--Modern Foreign Languages
In-depth study of school system and its modern foreign language
curriculum with critique by faculty and report using available
Staff; D.
830 Research in Elementary Education--Mathematics (4)
Research design and methodology in scientific investigations.
Staff; D.
840 Research in Science Education (1-6)
Critical evaluation of recent research on objectives, content, and
methodology in science education. Research design and methodology of
these investigations studied in detail. Review of microfilm research
studies and abstracts made to identify areas and problems requiring
further research.
Martin; D.
841 Practicum in Science Education (2-6)
In-depth study of theory and foundations of science curricula and
instructional practices within given school system; analysis of
research as it applies to science education in schools.
Martin, Mitias, Skinner; D.
850 Seminar in Social Studies Education: Curriculum in Social
Studies (3)
Prereq: 8 hrs grad work in social studies education. Post-master's
analysis of social, curricular, and instructional theories of various
contemporary schools of thought in social studies.
Leep; D.
851 Seminar in Social Studies Education: Program Analysis
Prereq: 850. In-depth analysis of school system and its social
studies curriculum.
Leep; W; D.
852 Seminar in Social Studies Education Research (3)
Prereq: 851. Identification of reasonable researchable problems in
social studies and development of appropriate research design.
Staff; Sp; D.
890 Research in Education (2-12)
Prereq: admission to advanced standing.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
895 Dissertation (2-15)
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.
University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (
) April 13, 1998.
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