Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Visual Communication

The School of Visual Communication does not offer an advanced degree program. However, students who wish to study visual communication at the graduate level can apply for the Master of Arts in the School of Telecommunications or the Master of Science in the School of Journalism .


Visual Communication (VICO) Courses

501 Aspects of Photo Communication (5) A course to develop skills in visual perception, technique, and visual communication. Class is repeatable up to 20 hours but does not count towards the M.A. or M.S. degree.

511 Informational Graphics (5) Deals with visual presentation of quantitative and spatial information. Covers the planning, design, and computer preparation of charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps for use in newspapers and magazines.

512 Advanced Informational Graphics (5) Prereq: 511. Visual presentation of spatial information with emphasis on design and production techniques as they pertain to newspapers and magazines.

514 Desktop Publishing (4) Prereq: perm. An introduction to the production, design, and technique of desktop publishing. Will demonstrate the use of various desktop publishing, drawing, and word processing software in exploring the unlimited flexibility of self publishing with microcomputers.

520 Topic Seminar (2) Prereq: M.A. students only. A flexible format for examining current and future topics in visual communication. Because of constantly changing trends in the profession, topics will vary as an area of need not covered in an existing class is identified. Topics will include the areas of rapid change such as technology, techniques, ethics, and aesthetics.

521 Documentary/Essay (5) Prereq: 586. The use of still photography as a tool for social, anthropological, and journalistic investigation of contemporary issues. Using methods defined by traditional field researchers, the class will expand the use of the photograph for collection and interpretation of selected subjects.

522 Graduate Seminar (1) Prereq: M.A., M.S. students only. Seminar deals with such topics as ethics, current trends, internships, information from recent visits to newspapers or meetings. Professionals visiting campus will also be asked to speak in this informal setting on topics concerning the visual communication profession.

523 Publication Layout and Design (3) Prereq: JOUR 536. Examines historic and contemporary theories of layout and makeup design. Using computer systems that simulate pagination programs, students will investigate methods of combining type, graphics, and photographs on the printed page.

526 Advanced Publication Layout and Design (3) Prereq: VICO 523. Advanced study in the use of computers as a tool for layout, design, and pagination for print media.

527 Advanced Photographic Illustration: Business Practices (5) Prereq: M.A. illustration majors only. An investigation of the principles of studio management. Areas of study include copyright, computer usage, self-promotion, financial management.

528 Advanced Photographic Illustration: Studio Practices (5) Prereq: M.A. illustration majors only. Advanced studio methods in the design and execution of illustration images. Particular emphasis placed on the professional performance in producing images using advanced equipment and techniques.

529 Advanced Photographic Illustration: Applications (5) Prereq: M.A. illustration majors only. A synthesis of business and photographic skills. Students given simulations based on a complete project concept that reflects the realities of working professionally.

570 Advanced Graphic Management (4) Prereq: 511 or 514. Planning, configuration, and maintenance of computer and communication systems used in the graphic arts industry. Course will survey electronic production methods and examine technical and practical issues of graphics computers, peripherals, applications, and system software.

571 Digital Imaging (4) Prereq: 511 or 523. Advanced class introducing the computer as a tool for digital alteration of images to create composite and altered photographic images. Uses Macintosh computers and production-quality scanners to alter and manipulate photographic images for creative and illustrative presentation.

573 Interactive Media (4) Prereq: 570. Introduction to planning, media integration, and production techniques and tools of interactive multimedia. Through practical exercises, course will expose students to major component media including computer text, graphics, photography, animation, speech, sound, and video. Technical and human interface issues also are covered.

586 Advanced Photographic Reportage I (4) Prereq: M.A./M.S. Advanced visual production work in newspaper photographic reportage with particular emphasis on the picture story or photographic essay. This documentary photojournalism class will use a wide range of color and/or black and white material. Finished projects will incorporate the use of computers and scanned images for final portfolio production.

587 Advanced Photographic Reportage II (4) Prereq: 586. Advanced visual production work in magazine design, with particular emphasis on the picture story or photographic essay. This class will use a wide range of skills to produce a prototype magazine publication. The class demands audience research, visual content focus, field research, photography, writing, design, and production. Class involves the use of computers and film scanners for production.

588 Advanced Photographic Reportage III (4) Prereq: 587. Advanced visual photographic production using time-based media (slide shows and CD-ROM), with particular emphasis on the picture story or photographic essay. This documentary photojournalism class will use a wide range of photographic materials. Finished projects will incorporate the use of computers and scanned images into time-based visual presentations.

691 Individual Study (1-5, max 15) Prereq: written proposal. Individual course of study agreed upon with the permission and guidance of a department faculty member.

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