Marketing to the Federal Government, my business is SAM registered, Now What?
Marketing to the Federal Government, my business is SAM registered, Now What?
Learn about important resources and assistance available to small businesses pursuing federal contracts. In this training, businesses will learn:
a. What is an Apex Accelerator and how do they assist small businesses in government contracting?
b. What is a Capabilities Statement and how can it strengthen the message of your business’ capabilities to government agencies?c. What are set asides and how do they impact doing business with the government?
d. What are Industry Days/Networking events and how are they used in business development?
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Marketing to the Federal Government
Marketing to the Federal Government
Learn best practices on how federal agencies buy goods and services, when they buy, and how your business can find Federal opportunities that meet their core capabilities. Learn next steps on how to determine whether to submit a Federal bid/proposal
Marketing to the Federal Government: Introducing Federal Small Business Resource Professionals
Marketing to the Federal Government: Introducing Federal Small Business Resource Professionals
The Federal government and Prime contractors have professionals dedicated to assisting small businesses with finding contracting opportunities within their agencies and/or organizations. Join this webinar to learn about several small business advocates within federal agencies and prime contractors, and how both resources can assist small businesses with accessing and understanding opportunities within their respective agencies/organizations. This moderated panel discussion will include introductions of each guest panelist along with an interactive Q & A session from webinar participants.
Federal Agency & Prime Contractor Guest Panelists:
Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB)
NASA Glenn Research Center (NASA)
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS)
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC, NAVY)
Crowley (Federal Prime Contractor)
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Marketing to the federal government, Understanding Notice Types in Federal Contracting
Marketing to the federal government, Understanding Notice Types in Federal Contracting
Learn important federal procurement definitions and acquisition cycles that may impact the success of your business in government contacting. In this training, businesses will learn:
a. What is a Sources Sought Notification/ Request for Information?
• Purpose of a Sources Sought Notification and how businesses should respond
b. What is a pre-Solicitation?
• Purpose of a pre-Solicitation and how businesses should respond or not respond
c. What is a Solicitation?
• Purpose of a pre-Solicitation and how businesses should respond or not respond
d. What is an Award Notification and why should my business pay attention to them?