Planned giving is a great way to support OUF while generating income for yourself and your family. Learn how these gifts allow you to achieve both of these goals.

students on laptops

Charitable Gift Annuities

A charitable gift annuity provides fixed payments to you or others you name for life in exchange for your gift of cash or securities.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder unitrust can help you maintain or increase your income while making a significant gift to The Ohio University Foundation. The charitable remainder unitrust is highly flexible. You can easily make gifts of assets that are not easily converted to cash using the unitrust. If your unitrust grows, your payments will grow too, providing a potential hedge against inflation.
students sitting in a grass working on school assignments

The IRA Charitable Rollover Gift Annuity Plan

You can now make a Qualified Charitable Distribution in exchange for a charitable gift annuity and receive fixed income for life.