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Faculty and Staff

Rachel Bican, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator of the Pediatric FUNctional Mobility (FUN) Lab
277 W Grover Center
Janis Carnahan
Janis Carnahan
Administrative Specialist
Gary Chleboun
Gary Chleboun
Program Director and Professor Emeritus of Physical Therapy
Michele Courtney
Michele Courtney
Associate Clinical Professor
Ashley Crow
Associate Clinical Professor
Paula DeLorm
Paula DeLorm
Assistant Clinical Professor, Assistant Director of Clinical Education
Neil Evens
Neil Evans
Assistant Professor
Dustin Grooms
Professor, Physical Therapy
Janice Howman
Clinical Professor and Director of Clinical Education
Nicholas Vasilis Karayannis
Assistant Professor
Grover Center W295
Bentley Krause
Bentley Krause
Professor of Instruction
James Odenthal
Associate Clinical Professor
Image coming soon
Teresa Schleter
Records Management Associate
Betty Sindelar
Associate Professor Emerita of Physical Therapy
Brooke Vaughan
Associate Clinical Professor
Robert Wayner
Assistant Clinical Professor
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