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Researchers at the Center for Advanced Systems and Transportation Logistics regularly publish their findings in major peer-reviewed journals. For a list of publications, please see the list below.

Journal Publications (91)

Nhan, V. T.H., Ryu, H. G., Park, N. (2008). Predicting Future Location of Moving User for Location-Based Services. Computers and Industrial Engineering .

Suer, G., Arikan, F., Babayigit, C. (2008). Bi-Objective Cell Loading Problem with Nonzero Setup Times with Fuzzy Aspiration Levels in Labor Intensive Manufacturing Cells. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (2), 371-404.

Suer, G., Badurdeen, F., Dissanayake, N. (2008). Capacitated Lot Sizing by using Multi-Chromosome Crossover Strategy. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (19), 273-282.

Suer, G., Tummaluri, R. (2008). Multi-Period Operator Assignment Considering Skills, Learning and Forgetting in Labor-Intensive Cells. International Journal of Production Reseasrch, 46 (2), 469-493.

Young, II, W. A., Holland, W. S., Weckman, G. (2008). Determining Hall of Fame Status for Major League Baseball using an Artificial Neural Network. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 4 (4).

Young, II, W. A., Weckman, G. (2008). Evaluating the Effects of Aging for Professional Football Players in Combine Events using Performance-aging Curves. International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 02 (03), 131-143.

Young, W. A., Masel, D., Judd, R. (2008). A Matrix-based Methodology for Determining a Part Family's Learning Rate. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54 (3), 390-400.

Young, W. A., Masel, D., Judd, R. (2008). A Matrix-based Methodology for Determining a Part Family's Learning Rate. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54 (3), 390-400.

Castro-Lacouture, D., Suer, G., Gonzalez-Joaqui, J., Yates, J.K. (2009). Construction Project Scheduling with Time, Cost and Material Restrictions Using Fuzzy Mathematical Models and Critical Path Model. Journal of Construction Engineering and Managment , 1096-1104.

Park, N. (2009). A High Performance Finite Capacitated MRP Process using a Computational Grid. International Journal of Production Research .

Park, N. (2009). A Method for Predicting Future Location of Mobile User for Location-Based Services System. Computers and Industrial Engineering .

Park, N. (2009). Grid-Enabled MRP Process Improvement under Distributed Database Environment. Journal of Systems and Software .

Suer, G., Allard, D. (2009). Fuzzy Genetic Scheduling with Single and Multiple Schedulers. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 1 (1), 80-107.

Suer, G., Arikan, F., Babayigit, C. (2009). Effects of Different Fuzzy Operators on Fuzzy Bi-objective Cell Loading Problem in Labor Intensive Manufacturing Cells. International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering .

Suer, G., Cosner, J., Patten, A. (2009). Models for Cell Loading and Product Sequencing in Labor-Intensive Cells. International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering .

Suer, G., Subramanian, A., Huang, J. (2009). Heuristic Procedures and Mathematical Models for Cell Loading and Scheduling in a Shoe Manufacturing Company. International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering (special issue).

Young II, W. A., Weckman, G. (2009). Using a Heuristic Approach to Derive a Grey-box Model through an Artificial Neural Network Knowledge Extraction Technique. Journal of Neural Computing and Applications, 19 (3), 353-366.

Young, II, W. A., Kaya, S., Weckman, G. (2009). Learning Before Erring: A Brief Note on the Influence of Dielectric Materials to Pursue Moore’s Law. International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice, 16 (2), 91-98.

Yuan, T. (2009). Construction Project Scheduling with Time, Cost and Material Restrictions Using Fuzzy Mathematical Models and Critical Path Model. Journal of Construction Engineering and Managment , 1096-1104.

Bruckner, D. C., Van Graas, F., Skidmore, T. (2010). Algorithm and Flight Test Results to Exchange Code Noise and Multipath for Biases in Dual Frequency Differential GPS for Precision Approach. Journal of The Institute of Navigation, 57 (3).

Bruckner, D. C., Van Graas, F., Skidmore, T. (2010). Approximations to Composite GPS Protection Levels for Aircraft Precision Approach and Landing. GPS Solutions .

Bruckner, D. C., Van Graas, F., Skidmore, T. (2010). Statistical Characterization of Composite Protection Levels for GPS. GPS Solutions .

Imaev, A., Judd, R. (2010). Computing an Eigenvector of an Inverse Monge Matrix in Max Plus Algebra. Discrete Applied Mathematics .

Masel, D., Young, W. A., Judd, R. (2010). A rule-based approach to predict forging volume for cost estimation during product design. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 46 (1-4), 31-41.

Masel, D., Young, W. A., Judd, R. (2010). A rule-based approach to predict forging volume for cost estimation during product design. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 46 (1-4), 31-41.

Park, N., Lee, S. (2010). Ambient Intelligent Models for Remote Resource Control and Software Maintenance in Manufacturing Globalization. 5 (3), 291-311.

Park, N., Nhan, V. T. H. (2010). Online Discovery of Heart Rate Variability patterns in Mobile Healthcare Services. Journal of Systems and Software, 83 (10), 1930-1940.

Schwerha, D. (2010). Ergonomics for the Experienced. Industrial Engineer .

Sormaz, D. (2010). Distributed Modeling of Manufacturing Activities using Integrative Manufacturing Process Model. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management .

Sormaz, D., Tennety, C. (2010). Recognition of interacting volumetric features using 2D hints. Assembly Automation, 30 (2), 121-141.

Suer, G., Huang, J., Maddisetty, S. (2010). Design of Dedicated, Shared and Remainder Cells in a Probabilistic Demand Environment. International Journal of Production Research, 48 (19), 5613-5646.

Tuncel, S., Weckman, G., Genaidy, A., Kara, K. (2010). Assessment Tool for Engineering Labs in a University Setting: Development and Application. Journal of Safety Research .

Weckman, G., Paschold, H., Dowler, J., Whiting, H., Young, W. (2010). Using Neural Networks with Limited Data to Estimate Manufacturing Cost. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering .

Young, W., Weckman, G., Holland, W. (2010). A Survey of the Methodologies for the Treatment of Missing Values within Datasets: Limitations and Benefits. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science .

Yuan, T., Bae, S. J., Park, J. I. (2010). Bayesian spatial defect pattern recognition in semiconductor fabrication using support vector clustering. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 51 , 671-683.

Holland, W., Young II, W. A., Weckman, G. (2011). Facility RFID Localization System based on Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Industrial Engineering-Theory, Applications, and Practice, 18 (1), 16-24.

Matta, V., Koonce, D., Jeyaraj, A. (2011). Initiation, Experimentation, Implementation of Innovations: The Case for Radio Frequency Identification Systems. International Journal of Information Management .

Millie, D., Fahnenstiel, G., Weckman, G., Klarer, G., Bressie, D., Vanderploeg, H., Fishman, D. (2011). An 'Enviro-informatic" assessment of Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron USA) Hytoplankton: Characterization and Modeling of Microcystis (Cyanophyta). Journal of Phycology, 47 , 714-730.

Nambiar, A., Judd, R. (2011). Max-Plus based Mathematical Formulation for Cyclic Permutation Flow-shops. Internation Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Optimization, 2 (1), 85-97.

Park, N. (2011). An Empirical Strategy for Applying VAR model to the Analysis of Macroeconomic Responses.

Schwerha, D., Ritter, C., Robinson, S., Griffeth, R., Fried, D. (2011). Integrating Ergonomic Factors into the Decision to Retire. Human Resource Management Review, Elsevier, 21 (3), 220-227.

Sormaz, D. (2011). Distributed Agent-based Integrative Model for Mass Customization Product Development. Facta Universitatis Mechanical Engineering, 9 (1).

Young II, W. A., Millie, D., Weckman, G., Anderson, J., Klarer, D., Fahnenstiel, G. (2011). Modeling Net Ecosystem Metabolism with an Artificial Neural Network and Bayesian Belief Network. Environmental Modeling & Software, 26 , 1199-1210.

Young II, W. A., Weckman, G., Holland, W. (2011). A Survey of the Methodologies for the Treatment of Missing Values with Datasets: Limitations and Benefits. Theoreticals Issues in Ergonomics Science, 12 (1), 15-43.

Yuan, T. (2011). Detection of Spatial Defect Patterns Generated in Semiconductor Fabrication Processes. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 24 , 392-403.

Yuan, T., Ramadan, S., Bae, S. J. (2011). Yield Prediction for Integrated Circuits Manufacturing through Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Spatial Defects. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 60 , 729-741.

Hemphill, M.A., Yuan, T., Wang, G.Y., Yeh, J.W., Tsai, C.W., Chuang, A., Liaw, P.K. (2012). Fatigue Behavior of AI0.5CoCrCuFeNi high entropy alloys. Acta Materialia, 60 (16), 5723-5734.

Lynch, K., Schwerha, D., Johanson, G. (2012). Development of a Weighted Heuristic for Website Evaluation for Older Adults. International Hournal of Human Computer Interaction .

Lynch, K., Schwerha, D., Johanson, G. (2012). Development of a Weighted Heuristic for Website Evaluation for Older Adults. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction .

Millie, D., Weckman, G., Young, W., Ivey, J., Carrick, H., Fahnenstiel, G. (2012). Modeling Microalga Abundance with Artificial Neural Networks: Demonstration of a Heuristic, 'Grey-Box' Technique to Deconvolve and Quantify Environmental Influences. Environmental Modeling & Software, 37 , 27-39.

Park, N. (2012). Enterprise Viability Model: Extending enterprise architecture frameworks for modeling and analyzing viability under turbulence. IIE Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 2 (1).

Patel, C. R., Sormaz, D. (2012). An Integrative Methodology for Simulation of FMS with Alternate Routings. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 3 (3), 151-161.

Rinder, M., Weckman, G., Schwerha, D., Snow, A. P., Dreher, P., Park, N., Paschold, H., Young, W. (2012). Healthcare Scheduling by Data Mining, Literature Review and Future Directions. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 3 (3), 477-502.

Rinder, M., Weckman, G., Schwerha, D., Snow, A. P., Dreher, P., Park, N., Paschold, H., Young, W. (2012). Healthcare Scheduling by Data Mining, Literature Review and Future Directions. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 3 (3), 477-502.

Rinder, M., Weckman, G., Schwerha, D., Snow, A. P., Dreher, P., Park, N., Paschold, H., Young, W. (2012). Healthcare Scheduling by Data Mining, Literature Review and Future Directions. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 3 (3), 477-502.

Snow, A. P., Chen, Y., Weckman, G. (2012). The Impact of Multi-Outage Episodes on Large-Scale Wireless Voice Networks. International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services, 5 (3 & 4), 174-188.

Suer, G. (2012). Stochastic Cellular Manufacturing system design subject to maximum acceptable risk level. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 63 , 842-854.

Suer, G., Huang, J., Shravan, R. (2012). Genetic Algorithm for rotary machine scheduling with dependent processing times. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23 , 1931-1948.

Suer, G., Yang, X., Alhawari, O. I., Santos, J., Vazquez, R. (2012). A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Minimizing Total Tardiness in Single Machine Scheduling. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 3 (3), 163-171.

Weckman, G., Bondal, A., Rinder, M. `., Young, W. (2012). Applying a Hybrid Artificial Immune Systems to the Job Shop-Scheduling Problem. Journal of Neural Computing and Applications, 21 (7), 1465-1475.

William, Y., Weckman, G., Hari, V., Whiting, H., Snow, A. P. (2012). Using Artificial Neural Networks to enhance CART. Journal of Neural Computing and Applications, 21 (7), 1477-1489.

X. L., Yang, C.H., Kuo, Y., Yuan, T. (2012). Memory Functions of molybdenum oxide nanodots-embedded ZrHfo high k. ElectroChemical and Solid-State Letters, 15 (6), 192-194.

Yang, C.H., Yuan, T., Kuo, W., Kuo, Y. (2012). Non-parametric Bayesian modeling of hazard rate with a change point for nanoelectronic devices. IIE Transactions, 44 (7), 496-506.

Yuan, T., Liu, X., Kuo, W. (2012). Planning Simple step-stress accelerated life tests using Bayesian methods. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 61 (1), 254-263.

Yuan, T., Zhu, X. (2012). Reliability study of ultra-thin dielectric films with variable thickness levels. IIE Transactions, 44 (9), 744-753.

Cheng, N., Yuan, T. (2013). Non-parametric Bayesian Lifetime Data Analysis using Dirichlet Process Lognormal Mixture Model. Naval Research Logistics, 60 (3), 208-221.

Chuang, C.-P., Yuan, T., Dmowski, W., Wang, G.-Y., Freels, M., Liaw, P.K., Li, R., Zhang, T. (2013). Fatique-induced Damage in Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glasses. Scientific Reports, 3 (2578).

Millie, D. F., Weckman, G., Young II, W. A., Ivey, J. E., Fries, D. P., Ardjmand, E., Fahnenstiel, G. L. (2013). Coastal 'big data' and nature-inspired computation: prediction potentials, uncertainties, and knowledge derivation of neural networks for an algal metric. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science, 125 , 57-67.

Shyirambere, A., Snow, A. P., Arauz, J., Weckman, G. (2013). A Reliability and Survivability Analysis of US Local Telecommunication Switches. International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications, 6 (3&4).

Suer, G. (2013). Math Modeling and GA Approach to simultaneously make overtime decision, load cells, and sequence products. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 66 (3), 614-624.

Suer, G., Kamat, K., Mese, E., Huang, J. (2013). Minimizing total tardiness subject to manpower restriction in labor-intensive manufacturing cells. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57 , 741-753.

Suer, G., Ramadan, S. Z. (2013). A Dual Fitness Function Genetic Algorithm: Application on Deterministic Identical Machine Scheduling. International Journal Of Industrial Engineering, 17 (1).

Suer, G., Ramadan, S. (2013). Dual-stage genetic algorithm approach for capacitated lot sizing problem. International Journal of Operations Management, 5 (4), 299-319.

Yuan, T., Wang, G.-Y., Feng, Q., Liaw, P.K., Yokoyama, Y., Inoue, A. (2013). Modeling Size Effects on Fatigue Life of a Zirconium-based Bulk-Metallic Glass under Bending. Acta Meterialla, 61 , 273-279.

Badurdeen, F. F., Masel, D. (2008). A Genetic Algorithm-based Approach to Design Minicells for Mass Customization Manufacturing. International Journal of Mass Customisation, 2 (3), 282-302.

Kara, K., Kothari, J., Genaidy, A., Weckman, G., Shell, R., Karwowski, W. (2008). The Factors Affecting Healthcare Costs in Manufacturing. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 18 (2), 199-211.

Lakshminarayanan, S., Snow, A., Marvel, J. H., Weckman, G. (2008). An Integrated Stock Market Forecasting Model Using Neural Networks. International Journal of Business Froecasting and Marketing Intelligence, 1 (1).

Maudgalya, T., Genaidy, A., Weckman, G., Shell, R., Karwowski, W., Wallace, S. (2008). A Critical Appraisal of Epidemiological Studies Investigating the Effects of Ultrafine Particles on Human Health. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 18 (3), 358-373.

Sequeira, R., Genaidy, A., Weckman, G., Shell, R., Karwowski, W., Acosta-Leon, A. (2008). Health Effects of Nanomaterials: A Critical Appraisal Approach and Research to Practice. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 18 (3), 293-341.

Sormaz, D., Rajaraman, S. N. (2008). Problem Space Search Algorithm for Manufacturing Cell Formation with Alternative Process Plans. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (2), 345-369.

Weckman, G., Ganduri, C., Koonce, D. (2008). A Neural Network Job-Shop Scheduler Based on Knowledge Extraction from a Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 19 (2), 191-201.

Weckman, G., Ganduri, C., Koonce, D. (2008). A Neural Network Job-Shop Scheduler Based on Knowledge Extraction from a Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 19 (2), 191-201.

Weckman, G., Ganduri, C., Koonce, D. (2008). A Neural Network Job-Shop Scheduler Based on Knowledge Extraction from a Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 19 (2), 191-201.

Young, II, W. A., Weckman, G., Brown, M. D., Thompson, J. (2008). Extracting Knowledge of Concrete Shear Strength from Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory Applications and Practice, 15 (1).

Yuan, T., Kuo, W. (2008). A Model-Based Clustering Approach to the Recognition of Spatial Defect Patterns Produced During Semiconductor Fabrication. Institute of Industrial Engineers Transactions, 40 (2), 93-101.

Yuan, T., Kuo, W. (2008). Spatial defect pattern recognition for semiconductor manufacturing using model-based clustering and Bayesian inference. European Journal of Operational Research, 190 , 228-240.

Weckman, G., Rangwala, M., Millie, D. F., Ganduri, C. V., Young, II, W. (2009). Knowledge Extraction from the Black Box in Ecological Monitoring.

Young, II, W. A., Weckman, G., Kara, K. (2009). Learning before Erring: The Infulence of Dielectric Materials to Pursue Moore's Law. International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice .

Weckman, G., Young, II, W. A., Hernandez, S., Rangwala, M., Ghai, V. (2010). Extracting Knowledge from Carbon Dioxide Corrosion Inhibition with Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice .

Yuan, T., Kuo, Y. (2010). Bayesian analysis of hazard rate, change point, and cost-optimal burn-in time for electronic devices. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 59 (1), 132-138.

Wiker, S., Schwerha, D., Jaraiedi, M. (2009). Auditory and Visual Distractor Decrement in Older Worker Manual Assembly Task Learning: Impact of Spatial Reasoning, Field Independence and Level of Education. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 19 (4), 300-317.

Conference Publications (111)

Ganduri, C., Sormaz, D., Marling, C. (2008). Job Shop Scheduling using Derivational Case-based Reasoning by Priority Assignment . Skovde, Sweden: The 18th International Cnoference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing.

Ganduri, C., Sormaz, D., Marling, C. (2008). Job Shop Scheduling using Derivational Case-based Reasoning by Priority Assignment . Skovde, Sweden: The 18th International Cnoference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing.

Kuo, W., Kuo, Y., Yuan, T. (2008). Detecting spatial defect patterns on semiconductor wafers using model-based clustering . 2008 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference.

Masel, D., Judd, R. (2008). Parametric Cost-Estimation of an Assembly using Component-Level Cost Estimates . Industry, CA: International Society of Parametric Analysts/Society of Cost Estimating & Analysis Joint Conference.

Masel, D., Judd, R. (2008). Parametric Cost-Estimation of an Assembly using Component-Level Cost Estimates . Industry, CA: International Society of Parametric Analysts/Society of Cost Estimating & Analysis Joint Conference.

Masel, D., Kong, C. (2008). Design of a Lean Fast-Pick System for Order Fulfillment Facilities . Dortmund: Progress in Material Handling Research/Material Handling Research Colloquium.

Nambiar, A., Masel, D. (2008). Teaching Concepts of Lean Manufacturing through a Hands-on Laboratory Course . Pittsburgh, PA: ASEE Annual Conference.

Nesic, S., Li, H., Sormaz, D., Huang, J. (2008). A Free Open Source Mechanistic Model for Prediction of Mild Steel Corrosion . Las Vegas, NV: 17th International Corrosion Congress.

Park, N., Sandakli, S., Lee, J. W., Nhan, V. T. H. (2008). Optimum Workload of Clinicians in Ubiquitous Health Care Sensor Network . Orlando, FL: 20th Annual Society for Health Systems Conference.

Schwerha, D., Liu, C., Ozercan, S., Vadlamani, T., Neiman, L. (2008). Second Life as a Pedagogical Tool for Improving Statistics Homework Sessions . West Point, NY: American Society for Engineering Education (Zone 1) Conference.

Sormaz, D., Arumugam, J., Patel, C. (2008). Intelligent Integration of Knowledge and Information for Computer Aided Process Planning (pp. 15-22). Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems.

Sormaz, D., Patel, C. R., Neerukonda, N. (2008). Automated Setup Planning using Integration of Geometric and Knowledge-based Algorithms with CAM Softward . Skovde, Sweeden: The 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing.

Suer, G., Yang, X. (2008). Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows . St. Louis, Missouri: Intelligent Engineering Through Artificial Neural Networks.

Weckman, G., Snow, A., Rastogi, P., Rangwala, M. (2008). Assessing Wireless Network Dependability through Knowledge Extraction via Decision Trees . International Academy, Research, and Industry Accociation: International Conference on Systems.

Young, II, W. A., Weckman, G. (2008). Performance Aging Curves: Modeling the Effects of Aging through a Rating System . IIE Annual Conference, 2008.

Young, II, W. A., Weckman, G. (2008). Treatment Methods for the Missing Value Problem: Benefits and Limitations . IIE Annual Conference, 2008.

Kuo, W., Kuo, Y., Yuan, T. (2009). Reliability prediction from nonlinear degradation paths with Bayesian change-point approaches . Proceedings of 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference.

Morse, B., Griffeth, R., Hom, P., Schwerha, D., Allen, D. (2009). The Cross-cultural Generalizability of the Turnover Events and Shocks Scale: An Assessment with Mexican Nurses (June 21-24 ed.). Proceedings of the 10th International Human Resource Management Conference.

Nesic, S., Li, H., Huang, J., Sormaz, D. (2009). A Free Open Source Mechanistic Model for CO2 /H2S Corrosion of Carbon Steel . Houston, TX: NACE Corrosion/2009 Conference, paper # 09572, Houston, USA, 2009..

Schwerha, D., Bruce, C., Sanford, J., Gibson, S., Spokus, D., Whiting, H. (2009). The Role of Human Factors in Older Worker Retention: What do we know and what will we need to know? (vol. 53rd Proceedings). CA: Human Factors and Ergonomic Society.

Vadlamani, T., Schwerha, D., Griffeth, R. (2009). Multidimensional Scale for Ergonomics Risk Factors Related to Employee Retention (vol. May 30-June 3). Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Vadlamani, T., Schwerha, D., Griffeth, R. (2009). Multidimensional Scale for Ergonomics Risk Factors Related to Employee Retention. . Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference..

Von Zuben, F., Gregoretti, F., Marlow, C., Skidmore, T., Bruckner, D. C. (2009). Implementing the Joint Precision Approach and Landing System on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter . Orlando, Florida: Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation Joint Navigation Conference.

Bae, S. J., Yuan, T. (2010). Reliability Prediction using Beyesian Change-Point Approaches . 4th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling.

Bruckner, D. C., Van Graas, F., Skidmore, T. (2010). Carrier-phase Position Domain Smoothing (CDPS) Algorithm and Flight Test Results for New Dual-Frequency Differential Architecture . Proceedings of the 2010 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation.

Egas, C., Masel, D. (2010). Determining Warehouse Storage Location Assignments Using Clustering Analysis . 2010 International Material Handling Research Colloquium.

Imaev, A., Judd, R. (2010). Signal Flow Graphics over Max-Plus Algebra and Applications . 2010 American Control Conference.

Koonce, D., Bharti, H., Matta, V. (2010). Refining the Functional Breakdown of RFID Applications . Cancun: 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Koonce, D., Conley, V., Anderson, C., Hening, D. (2010). Career Success for Female STEM Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions . Louisville, KY: Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education.

Lin, C., Masel, D. (2010). Guidelines for Design and Operation of a Lean Order-Fulfillment System . Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Lynch, D. S., Sormaz, D., Masel, D., Judd, R. (2010). Methodology To Generate Geometric and Feature Models for Cost Estimation of Rotational Components . 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Lynch, D. S., Sormaz, D., Masel, D., Judd, R. (2010). Methodology To Generate Geometric and Feature Models for Cost Estimation of Rotational Components . 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Lynch, D. S., Sormaz, D., Masel, D., Judd, R. (2010). Methodology To Generate Geometric and Feature Models for Cost Estimation of Rotational Components . 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Masel, D., Dowler, J. D., Judd, R. (2010). Adapting bottoms-Up Cost Estimating Relationships to New Systems . 2010 International Society of Parametric Analysis/Society of Cost Estimation and Analysis Conference & Training Workshop.

Masel, D., Dowler, J. D., Judd, R. (2010). Adapting bottoms-Up Cost Estimating Relationships to New Systems . 2010 International Society of Parametric Analysis/Society of Cost Estimation and Analysis Conference & Training Workshop.

Park, N., Nhan, V. (2010). Heart Rate Variability Recognition in Ambulatory Environments . 40th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering: Soft Computing Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing and Service Systems.

Park, N., Oduntan, O. (2010). Distributed Innovation as an Enabler of Long-Term Customer Satisfaction and Sustained Competitive under Turbulence . 2010 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management.

Patlola, P., Judd, R. (2010). Efficient Evaluation of Manufacturing Systems Performance Using Max-Plus Algebra . 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Patnala, A., Masel, D. (2010). Evaluating Material Handling and Machine Utilization for Split Minicells . Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Ritter, C., Schwerha, D., Gerasymchuk, D., Robinson, S., Griffeth, R. (2010). Sustaining Aging Workers: Development of a Model with Ergonomic Factors in teh Decision to Retire . Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Snow, A., Weckman, G., Gupta, V. (2010). Meeting SLA Availabiilty Guarantees through Engineering Margin . International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA).

Sormaz, D., Huang, J., Ganduri, C. (2010). Comparison of Various Heuristic Evaluation Functions for TSP Space-Search Optimization . 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Sormaz, D., Patel, C., Guo, J. (2010). Simulation Study of FMS with Alternate Routings: An Integrative Methodology . The 20th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing.

Suer, G., Allard, D., Celikbilek, C. (2010). Evaluation of Schedules by Considering Multiple Objectives and Multiple Schedulers . St. Louis, MO: ANNIE Conference.

Suer, G., Huang, J. (2010). Design of Layered Business Union for Resource Allocation Problem in a Supply Chain . St. Louis, MO: ANNIE Conference.

Suer, G., Yang, X. (2010). A Simulation Based Optimization Framework for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Stochastic Travel and Service Time . 2010 ANNIE.

Young, R., Young, W., Weckman, G. (2010). Utilization of a Neural Network to Improve Fuel Maps of an Air-Cooled Internal Combustion Engine . Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Bruckner, D. C., Van Graas, F., Skidmore, T. (2011). Flight Test Results and Multipath Mitigation for Ionosphere-Free, Dual-Frequency Code Noise and Multipath (CNMP) Algorithm on King Air and DC-3 Airframes . Proceedings of the 2011 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation.

Fried, D., Ritter, C., Milakovic, A., Tenbrink, A., Griffeth, R., Schwerha, D. (2011). Work-Role Attachment and Preferences to Extend Career Employment through Phased Retirement . 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Judd, R., Patlola, P., Singh, M. (2011). Block-Diagram Approach for Efficient Evaluation of Performance Using Max-Plus Algebra . IERC 2011.

Judd, R., Singh, M., Patlola, P. (2011). Using Min-Plus Algebraic Techniques to Model Manufacturing Systems . IERC 2011.

Koonce, D. (2011). A Preliminary Analysis of business Processes in RFID Implementation . ICIS 2010.

Koonce, D. (2011). An Analysis of Female STEM Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions . ASEE 2011.

Koonce, D. (2011). Community Colleges as Gendered Organizations: Understanding Workplace Power and Women in STEM through a Gendered Organizational Justice Lens . ASA 2010.

Koonce, D. (2011). Satisfaction of Female Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions . ASEE 2011.

Koonce, D. (2011). What is STEM? . ASEE 2011.

Koonce, D., Anderson, C. D., Conley, V. M., Mattley, C. L. (2011). Satisfaction of Female Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions . Vancouver: American Society for Engineering Education.

Koonce, D., Conley, V. M., Hening, D., Anderson, C. D. (2011). An Analysis of Female STEM Faculty at Public Two-Year Institutions . Vancouver: American Society for Engineering Education.

Koonce, D., Conley, V. M., Jie, Z., Anderson, C. D. (2011). STEM Education vs. Occupation: a Supply and Demand Analysis . Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Koonce, D., Zhou, J., Conley, V. M., Hening, D., Anderson, C. D. (2011). What is STEM? . Vancouver: American Society for Engineering Education.

Patel, C., Sormaz, D., You, D. (2011). Manufacturing real-Time Process Plan Selection Based on System Performance . 41st Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering.

Ritter, C., Robinson, S., Schwerha, D., Fried, D. (2011). An Empirical Evaluation of Ergonomics as a Distal Determinant in the Retirement Decision Process . 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Schwerha, D., Jones, A., Liu, S., Ozercan, S., Zhou, J. (2011). Development of a Computer Skills Class for Older Adults Using a Service Learning Model . Philadelphia, PA: ASEE Mid Atlantic Conference 2010.

Slover, S., Schwerha, D. (2011). Improving Website Heuristics through Participatory Design . 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Snow, A. P., Weckman, G., Chen, A. Y. (2011). Multi-Episodic Dependability Assessments for Large-Scale Networks . 10th International Conference on Networks.

Sormaz, D. (2011). Distributed Agent-based Integrative Model for Mass Customization Product Development . 41st Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering.

Sormaz, D., Judd, R., Masel, D. (2011). Cost Estimation of Jet Engine and Jet Turbine Parts using Integration of Hierarchical Feature Modeling and Manufacturing Knowlege . 21st International Conference on Production Research -2011.

Sormaz, D., Judd, R., Masel, D. (2011). Cost Estimation of Jet Engine and Jet Turbine Parts using Integration of Hierarchical Feature Modeling and Manufacturing Knowlege . 21st International Conference on Production Research -2011.

Sormaz, D., Judd, R., Masel, D. (2011). Cost Estimation of Jet Engine and Jet Turbine Parts using Integration of Hierarchical Feature Modeling and Manufacturing Knowlege . 21st International Conference on Production Research -2011.

Sormaz, D., You, D. (2011). Application of Clustering Algorithms for Object Formation in Software Modeling . 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Suer, G., Egilmez, G. (2011). Stochastic CellLoading, Family and Job Sequencing in a Cellular Manufacturing Environment . 41st Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering.

Suer, G., Egilmez, G. (2011). Stochastic Manpower Allocation and Cell Loading in Cellular Manufacturing Systems . 41st Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering.

Suer, G., Erenay, B., Chen, M.-Y. (2011). Analysis of Evolutionary Process in a Lot Sizing Application . 2011 Complex Adaptive Systems Conference.

Suer, G., Huang, J. (2011). Layered Mini-Cellular System for Supply Chain Design in a Probabilistic Demand Environment . 2011 International Conference on IML.

Suer, G., Huang, J. (2011). Multi-Objective Supplier Selection Model in an Imprecise Supply Chain Environment . IERC 2011.

Suer, G., Mathur, K., Li, Y. (2011). Math Modeling and GA Approaches to Simultaneously Allocate Capacity and Schedule Cells to MaximizeProfits . 41st Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering.

Suer, G., Mese, E., Egilmez, G. (2011). Cell Loading, Family and Job Sequencing to Minimize TT . 2011 International Conference on IML.

Yuan, T. (2011). Bayesian Planning of Optimal Step-Stress Accelerated Life test . Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium.

Yuan, T. (2011). Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling of Reliability of Nanoelectronic Devices . 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference.

Choi, Y.-S., Nesic, S., Brown, B., Singer, M., Sormaz, D., Huang, J., You, D. (2012). Multi-functional corrosion prediction model for CO2/H2S corrosion of carbon steel . NACE Corrosion Conference 2012.

Guo, J., Sormaz, D., Patel, C. (2012). Utilization of Dissimilarity Coefficient as Real Time Dispatching Rule for Flexible Manufacturing . FAIM 2012.

Liu, X., Yang, C.H., Kuo, Y., Yuan, T. (2012). Nanocrystalline MoOx embedded ZrHfO high-k memories - charge trapping and retention characteristics (vol. 45). ECS Transactions.

Masel, D., Hedges, S. (2012). Impact of Rotated Aisles on Travel Distance in Manufacturing Facilities . International Material Handling Research Colloquium.

Park, N. (2012). Economic Analysis of purchasing either green electricity or carbon tax credits . TIIM 2012 Int'l Conference on Technology and Industrial Mgmt.

Sarkar, A., Sormaz, D., Huang, J. (2012). Multi-agent framework for design and manufacturing integration . International Conference on Production Research.

Singh, M., Judd, R. (2012). Efficient performance evaluation of a job shop using max-plus algebra . 2012 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Sormaz, D., Majstorovic, V. (2012). Development and Implementation of a Knowledge=Bas for Digital Manufacturing . International Conference on Production Research.

Sormaz, D., Singh, M. (2012). Forward and Backward Planning Approaches for Process Sequencing in CAPP . FAIM 2012.

Suer, G., Celikbilek, C. (2012). Evaluating Alternative Transportation Methods and Shipping Quantities in Cellular Manufacturing . 2012 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Suer, G., Egilmez, G. (2012). Capacitated Cellular Manufacturing System Design: A genetic Algorithm approach . 23rd Annual POMS Conference.

Suer, G., Egilmez, G. (2012). Multi-Period Cell Loading in Cellular Manufacturing Systems, with Gokhan Egilmez . 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.

Suer, G., Egilmez, G. (2012). Stochastic Single Machine Family Scheduling To Minimize the Number of Risky Jobs . 23rd Annual POMS Conference.

Suer, G., Egilmez, G., Celikbilek, C. (2012). Stochastic Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling to Minimize the Number of Risky Jobs . 2012 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Suer, G., Huang, J. (2012). Long-Term Sourcing Model for Multi-Objective Supplier Selection Under Uncertainty . 42nd Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering.

Suer, G., Mathur, K. (2012). A Mathematical Model to Minimize Total Tardiness and Workforce Overtime Costs in Cellular Manufacturing . 42nd Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering.

Suer, G., Pulurgurta, S., Adie, D. (2012). Heuristics for Multi-Period Competitive Pricing Strategies for Manufacturing Companies . 42nd Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering.

Suer, G., Sarkar, A., Arinsoy, A., Kubi, P. A., Plis, K., Altun, M. (2012). Evaluation of Feedback among multiple scheduler profiles in fuzzy genetic scheduling . Complex Adaptive Systems Conference.

Amin-Naseri, M., Ardjmand, E., Weckman, G. (2013). Training the Feedforward Neural Network Using Unconscious Search . IJCCN 2013 - International joint Conference on Neural Networks.

Appiah-Kubi, P., Park, N., Issac, A. (2013). Equity, Efficiency and Utilization in Kidney Allocation .

Celibilek, Schwerha, D. (2013). Benchmarking Chronic Diseases and Prevention of U.S. States: DEA Approach . IERC.

Dwivedi, A., Park, N. (2013). An integrated optimization model for distribution center location with considerations of population and income .

Liu, X., Kuo, Y., Yuan, T. (2013). Exposure light wavelength effects on charge trapping and detrapping of nc-MoOx embedded ZrHfO high k stack (vol. 1562). Materials Research Society Spring Meeting Proceedings.

Miller, R., Sormaz, D. (2013). Generic Process Mapping and Simulation Modeling of Inpatient Units in a Medical Center . Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC).

Singh, M., Judd, R. (2013). Efficient Modeling of a Job Shop with Reciculation of Jobs . Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference.

Singh, M., Judd, R. (2013). Heuristic Algorithm for Minimizing Makespan of Job Shops . Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference.

Snow, A. P., Arauz, J., Weckman, G., Shyirambere, A. (2013). A Reliability and Survivability Analysis of Local Telecommunication Switches Suffering Frequent Outages . Eleventh International Conference of Networks.

Sormaz, D., Gannon, P., Pulugurta, S. (2013). Methodology for Feature Modeling and Cost Estimation of Large Cast Parts . Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC).

Sormaz, D., Miller, R., Patel, C. (2013). Experimental Validation of FMS Rouing and Dispatching Policies using Simulation . Foz do Iguacu: 22nd International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 22) - CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS.

Suer, G., Arinsoy, A., Ates, O. (2013). Bi-objective Family Scheduling Problem with Fuzzy Math Modeling . ISERC Conference.

Suer, G., Celikbilek, C., Hening, D. A. (2013). Cell Loading and Scheduling considering Multi-objectives in Synchronized Manufacturing Cells . Kunming: ACMSA 2013.

Suer, G., Hao, X., Lin, L., Gen, M. (2013). Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms and Uncertainty in Manufacturing & Logistics Systems III: Effective EDA for Multiobjectives Stochastic Job-shop Scheduling Problem . 42nd CIE Conference.

Book Chapters Published (6)

Bihl, T., Young, W., Weckman, G. (2013). Decision Support Systems for Business: A Starting Point. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization (1st Edition ed.). IGI Global.

Oduntan, O. O., Park, N. (2013). Enterprise controllability and viability. Beyond Alignment: Applying Systems Thinking in Architecting Enterprises (vol. 3). Strand: Kings College London.

Young, W., Bihl, T., Weckman, G. (2013). Artificial Neural Networks for Business: A Starting Point. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization (1st Edition ed.). IGI Global.

Suer, G., Egilmez, G., Ozguner, O. (2012). In Faieza Abdul Aziz, Intech (Ed.), Stochastic capacitated cellular manufacturing system design with hybrid similarity coefficient . Manufacturing Systems.

Suer, G., Huang, J. (2012). In Faieza Abdul Aziz, Intech (Ed.), Stochastic multi-stage Manufacturing supply chain design considering layered mini-cellular system concept . Manufacturing Systems.

Suer, G., Lobo, R. (2012). In Vladimar Modrak and Sudhakara Pandian, IGI (Ed.), Comparison of connected vs. disconnected cellular systems: a case study . Operations Management Research and Cellular Manufacturing Systems.

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