Danielle E. Dani

Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Studies

Ohio University

Phone: (517) 256-0461

The Gladys W. & David H. Patton College of Education

309EE Patton Hall

100 E Union St.

Athens OH 45701

Leadership Experience

Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies                                            2024-present

Patton College of Education, Ohio University, Athens OH

Interim Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies 2023-2024

Patton College of Education , Ohio University, Athens OH


Patton College of Education, Department of Teacher Education

(Interim 2020- 2021) , Ohio University, Athens OH

Adolescent Young Adult Program Coordinator2011-2019

Patton College of Education, Department of Teacher Education ,

Ohio University, Athens OH

Associate Director2003-2005

Southwest Ohio Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education

College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Professional Experience

Professor (2019-Present), Associate Professor (2011-2019),2005-present

Assistant Professor (2005-2011)

Patton College of Education, Department of Teacher Education ,

Ohio University, Athens OH

Visiting Professor2004-2005

College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, Division of Teacher Education

Physics and Technology Teacher, Middle and High School1999-2000

Lebanese Evangelical School for Boys and Girls

Louaize, Lebanon

Environmental Science Educator, Elementary and Middle School1998-1999

Private & Public Schools

Beirut, Lebanon

Curriculum Coordinator, Science Department1998-1999

National Center for Educational Research & Development

Dekwaneh, Lebanon

Plant Physiology Instructor, Department of Biology1996-1998

American University of Beirut

Beirut, Lebanon


Doctor of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education Cognate2004

University of Cincinnati, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services

Teaching Diploma, Secondary Science Education1999

American University of Beirut, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Education

Master of Science, Biology1998

American University of Beirut , Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology

Bachelor of Science, Biology1996

American University of Beirut , Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology

licenses and certifications

Academic Leadership Development Program2022-2023

Mid-American Conference (MAC) Academic Consortium

Project Wild & Wild Aquatic Facilitator Certification2005, 2018

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

CURIOUSS Kids Facilitator Certification2018

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Growing Up Wild Facilitator Certification2014

Project Wet Facilitator Certification2007

Project Wet Foundation

Project Learning Tree Facilitator Certification2005

Sustainable Forestry Initiative

High School Provisional Standard Certificate2002

Ohio Department of Education, Biological Science and General Science

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Science Secondary Education 1999

Ministry of Higher Education, Beirut, Lebanon

Publications, Refereed journals

Dani, D., Koestler, C., Chen, L. (2022). STEM integration in field experience for mathematics and science teachers. Connections, 5 , 1-7.

Dani, D. E., & Donnelly, D. (2021). Experiential learning in an online science methods course. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 6 (3), ISSN 2472-2553 .

Dani, D. E., & Harrison, L. M. (2021). Family science nights: Venues for developing cultural competence. Teaching and Teacher Education, 103, 103370.

Dani, D. E., & Stigall, A. L. (2021). Landslides: Using model-based inquiry to investigate local mass wasting events. Science Scope, 44 (4), 46-55.

Dani, D., Harrison, L., Felton-Koestler, M., Kopish, M., Dunham, J., Hallman-Thrasher, A., & Shaw, O. (2021). Nature of mentoring interactions to support teacher candidate learning in clinical settings. Peabody Journal of Education, 96 (1), 76-86 .

Hartman, S., & Dani, D. (2020). Full STEAM ahead: Creating interdisciplinary informal learning opportunities for early childhood teacher candidates. Journal of STEM Teacher Education , 54 (1), 37-57.

Dani, D. (2019). A community and place-based approach to middle childhood science teacher education. Middle School Journal , 50 (2), 45-52.

Dani, D., Hartman, S., & Helfrich, S. (2018). Learning to teach science: Elementary teacher candidates facilitate informal STEM events. The New Educator, 14 (4), 363-380.

Hallman-Thrasher, A., Koestler, C., Dani, D. , Kolbe, A., & Lyday, K. (2018). Graphing stories for a three-act task. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 24 (2), 90-97.

Dani, D., Litchfield, E., & Hallman-Thrasher, A. (2018) Creative assessments: Using RAFT writing to assess students in a course on motion . The Science Teacher, 85(5), 46-53.

Henning, J. E., McKeny, T., Weade, G., Dani, D. E ., Rice, L. J., & Xenos, A. J. (2018). Designing innovative teaching practice: A case study of Proc-c creativity. Teacher Education and Practice, 31 (1), 81-100.

Dani, D., Hartman, S., & Helfrich, S. (2017, online first). Learning to teach science: Elementary teacher candidates facilitate informal STEM events. The New Educator DOI:

Henning, J., Rice, L., Dani, D. E., Weade, G., & McKeny, T. (2017). Teachers’ perceptions of their most significant change: source, change, and impact. Teacher Development, 21 (3), 388-403.

Luo, T., Dani, D. , & Cheng, L. (2016).  Viability of using Twitter to support instruction in teacher education. International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments, 4, 287-304 .

Dani, D., Helfrich, S., Hartman, S., Kennedy, C., Payne, S., Mullins, H., West, L., & Hoisington, L. (2016). Science nights: PDS partnership create informal learning opportunities. PDS Partners, 12 (1), 17-18.

Stigall, A., Dani, D. , Sickel, A., & Helfrich, S. (2015). Using observations of fossils to reconstruct ancient environments. Science Scope , 39(2), 10-16.

Henning, J. E., Dani, D. E ., Weade, G. (2012). The discourse and reflections of teacher candidates during an early field experience. The New Educator, 8, 283-307.

Dani, D. E., Klein, R., & Gut, D. M. (2011). An integrative professional development model in mathematics, science, and differentiated instruction. Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, 24(1), 5-12.

Dani, D. (2011). Sustainability as a framework for analyzing socioscientific issues. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education , 2 , 113-127.

Dani, D., Meyer, H., & Jackson, D. (2010) Preservice teachers’ views of culturally diverse students: A case study. Studies in Educational Research, 31, 17-48.

Dani, D., Wan, G., & Henning, J. E. (2010). A case for media literacy in the context of socioscientific issues. New Horizons in Education, 58 , 85-98.

Dani, D. (2009). Scientific literacy and purposes for teaching science:A case study of Lebanese private school teachers. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 4, 289-299.

Dani, D. E., & Koenig, K. M. (2008). Technology and reform-based science education. Theory into Practice, 47 , 204-211.

Baydoun, E. A-H, Abdel-Massih, R. M., Dani, D., Rizk, S. E., & Brett, C. T. (2001). Galactosyl- and fucosyl-transferases in etiolated pea epicotyls: product identification and sub-cellular localization. Journal of Plant Physiology, 158 , 145-150.

Publications, Refereed book chapters

Helfrich, S., Dani, D., Hartman, S.L., Felton-Koestler, M., Harrison, L., Koestler, C., Gut, D., Keifer Kennedy, M., Hicks, S., & Middleton, R. (2023). A Reimagined Research-Based Clinical Model of Educator Preparation. In Sara R. Helfrich and Sara L. Hartman (Eds), Exemplary Clinical Models of Teacher Preparation . Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC.

Dani, D., Wu, M., Hartman, S., Kessler, G., Gibbs, T., Liu, C., Barnhart-Francis, J. (2020). Leveraging Partnerships to         Support Community-Based Learning in a College of Education. In Mabel C.P.O. Okojie and Tinukwa C. Boulder     (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Adult Learning in Higher Education . IGI Global.

Dani, D. (2020) A community and place-based approach to middle childhood science teacher education. In L. M.  Harrison, K. Brinegar, & E. Hurd (Eds), Integrative and interdisciplinary curriculum in the middle school: Integrated approaches in teacher preparation and practice . New York, NY: Routledge.

Dani, D., Hallman -Thrasher , A., Harrison, L., Diki, K., Felton-Koestler, M., Kopish, M., Dunham, J, & Harvey, L. (2019). Affordances of a cyclical and content specific model of collaborative mentoring . In T. E. Hodges, & A. C. Baum (Eds.). Handbook of research on field-based teacher education (pp. 117-141). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Harrison, L., Gibbs, T., Dani, D. , Kopish, M., Felton M., Sprecher, K., & Bates, P. (2018). A collaborative approach to supporting middle childhood social justice teacher education. In P. B. Howell, S. A. Faulkner, J. P. Jones, & J. Carpenter (Eds.). Preparing middle level educators for 21st Century schools: Enduring beliefs, changing times, evolving practices (pp. 101-127). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Dani, D., Salloum, S., Khishfe, R., & BouJaoude, S. (2015). A Tool for analyzing science standards and curricula for 21st century science education. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.),  STEM Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications  (pp.  533-556 ). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7363-2.ch028

Dani, D. E., Salloum, S., Khishfe, R., & BouJaoude, S. (2013). A tool for analyzing science standards and curricula for 21 st  Century science education. In M. S. Khine & I. M. Saleh. (Eds.).  Approaches and strategies in next generation science learning  ( pp. 265-289).  Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Publications, Refereed papers in conference proceedings

Strachota, S., Hallman-Thrasher A., & Dani, D. (2021). Engaging prospective teachers and students in programming activities. In International Congress on Mathematics Education Conference.

Luo, T. & Dani, D. (2015).  Using Twitter to support peer instruction: A case study. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (pp. 210-212). Wuhan, China: EITT.

Gordon, J., Pittman, J. & Dani, D. (2001). Electronic Portfolios as a Capstone Experience. In J. Price et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2001 (pp. 1952-1954). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Publications, Refereed Online article

Dani, D. E .(2007). Embedding OGT items in learning-cycle lessons. The Ohio Resource Center . Retrieved from

Publications, other

Dani, D. E. (2010). Test of teaching knowledge (TTK). In T. C. Hunt, J. C. Carper, T. J. Lasley, & C. D. Raisch (Eds.). Encyclopedia of educational reform and dissent . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Shiverdecker, T., Dani, D. , & Holmes C. (2007). Using OGT items in learning cycle lessons. The Ohio Resource Center , webcast retrieved from

Technical Reports & Program Evaluations

Dani, D., & Kahn, S. (2018). CAEP/NSTA Accrediting reports for AYA Science (Undergraduate and Graduate) licensing.

Dani, D. (2017). Scaffolding Inquiry and Problem Solving with Literacy and Assessment Strategies . Final Report submitted to the Ohio Board of Regents, Improving Teacher Quality Program.

Dani, D. (2014). Scaffolding Inquiry with Literacy and Assessment Strategies . Final Report submitted to the Ohio Board of Regents, Improving Teacher Quality Program.

Dani, D. (2012 ). NCATE/NSTA Accrediting reports for AYA Science (Undergraduate and Graduate) licensing.

Rice, L., & Dani, D. (2011). Masters in Information and Communications Technology in Education (MICTE) . On site evaluation final report submitted to Al Bayt University (Mafraq, Jordan) , the Arabian Education and Training Group (Amman, Jordan), and Ohio University.

Dani, D. ( 2010). Mathematics and science coordination teams . Final Report submitted to the Ohio Board of Regents, Improving Teacher Quality Program.

Franklin, T., & Dani, D. (2010). Princess Nourah Bint Abdul-Rahman University preparatory year program . Onsite evaluation final report submitted to the Arabian Education and Training Group – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Dani, D. (2009). Mathematics and science coordination teams . Final Report submitted to the Ohio Board of Regents, Improving Teacher Quality Program.

Dani, D. (2008). NCATE/NSTA Accrediting reports for AYA Science Graduate licensing.

Dani, D. (2007 ). NCATE/NSTA Accrediting reports for AYA Science Undergraduate licensing.

Invited Presentations

Dani, D., Thompson , K., Allaben, L., & Hay, A. (2019). Science Fair. Panel Discussion at the Environmental Studies Sustainability Series, October 30, Athens, OH.

Dani, D. & Garlough, D. (2018, March). Fair and equitable requirements for traditional and alternative licensure pathways. Workshop presented at the spring conference of the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations, Columbus, OH.

Dani, D. E., & Sickel, A. J. (2012, September). Using place-based teaching strategies to promote science learning. Invited presentation at the Young Children and the Natural World Symposium of the Ohio Voices for Learning Forum, Athens OH.

Rice, L. J., & Dani, D. E. (2011). Innovative teaching strategies for the 21st Century. Invited presentation to the Faculty of the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

Dani, D. E., & Rice, L. J. (2011). Creating and facilitating online courses and programs . Invited presentation to the Faculty of the American University of Science and Technology, Beirut, Lebanon.

Dani, D. (2009). Deepening personal experience: Quantitative literacy contexts across content areas - science . Invited paper presentation at the Ohio Mathematics and Science Coalition Quantitative Literacy conference, Lewis Center: Ohio.

Dani, D. E. (2007). Opportunities and solutions for science education within the Ohio Core . Workshop presentation at the Ohio Core Summit, Athens, Ohio.

Dani, D. (2005). Alternative educator license: Successes, trials, and tribulations . Invited presentation at the Science Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April, Montreal, Canada.

National and International Refereed Presentations

Dani, D. Koestler, C., Chen, L., Hallman-Thrasher, A., & Heacock, K. (2023). The impact of STEM Camp on prospective science teachers’ identity development. Paper presentation at the annual international conference, National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, IL.

Dani, D., Chen, L., Koestler, C., & Heacock, K. (2023). Teacher Identity Development: Examining a Prospective Science Teacher's Positioning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Makki, N., Dani, D., & *Anderson, A. (2021). Supporting preservice elementary teachers’ development of science concepts and practices in an online course . Paper presentation at the annual international conference, National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Virtual.

Dani, D., Makki, N., & Anderson, A. (2021). Opportunities and challenges of an online science methods course. Virtual paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Educators, Salt Lake City, UT.

Dani, D. (2019). Developing middle level preservice science teachers' abilities to design NGSS lessons . Paper presented at the annual international conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (March 31 – April 3), Baltimore, MD.

Hartman, S., & Dani, D. (2019, February). Full STEAM ahead: School-university partnerships create integrated informal learning opportunities for teacher candidates and preK-6 students. Case study presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education , Louisville, KY.

Dani, D., Kessler, G., Wu, M., Hartman, S., & Francis, J. (2019, February). Graduate interdisciplinary virtual venues for community engagement: A vision for place-based university -community partnerships. Future casting presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education , Louisville, KY.

Dani, D., Emmert, T., Hall-Jones, S., Crites, L., Torrington, S., & Tracy, C. T. (2019, February). Science club: A boundary spanning clinical experience . Paper presentation at the annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, Atlanta, GA.

Stewart, A., Kennedy, M., Dani, D. , Hallman-Thrasher, A., Strachota, S. (2019, February). Developing a partnership in a middle school context . Paper presentation at the annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, Atlanta, GA.

Dani, D., Hall-Jones, S., Harrison, L., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Kopish, M., & Shaw, O. (2019, February). Strategies for creating a dialogic space through mentoring interactions Paper presentation at the annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, Atlanta, GA.

Dani, D. (2019, January). Effectiveness of a practice-based science methods course for promoting preservice teacher learning . Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Educators, Savannah, GA.

Dani, D. (2019, January ). Teaching Science Methods Online . Syllabus sharing at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Educators, Savannah, GA.

Dani, D., & Hartman, S. (2018, October). Rurally-Located Teacher Candidates Facilitate Outreach through Informal STEAM Events . Peer Networking presentation at the National Forum to Advance Rural Education, the annual convention of the National Rural Education Association, Denver, CO.

Hartman, S., & Dani, D. (2018, October). Clinically-Based Teacher Preparation: Developing and Sustaining School-University Partnerships in Rural Settings. Paper presentation at the National Forum to Advance Rural Education, the annual convention of the National Rural Education Association, Denver, CO.

Dani, D., Gut, D., Ahmed, A. (2018, October). Essential Characteristics of Rurally-Located STEM Professional Development. Paper presentation at the National Forum to Advance Rural Education, the annual convention of the National Rural Education Association, Denver, CO.

Dani, D., (2018, October). Disrupting deficit perceptions of rural families through informal learning events. Paper presentation at the National Forum to Advance Rural Education, the annual convention of the National Rural Education Association, Denver, CO.

Dani, D. (2 018, March). Promoting preservice teachers’ cultural competence . Paper presented at the annual international conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Dani, D. (2018, March). Promoting science teacher candidate learning through content-specific disciplined inquiry . Paper presented at the annual international conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

Dani, D., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Harrison, L., Felton-Koestler, M., Dunham, J., Harvey, L., & Kopish, M. (2018, March). Collaborative and content-specific supervision in clinical teacher education . Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, Jacksonville, FL.

Dani, D. & Harrison, L. (2017, March). Promoting cultural competence through a PDS-linked science methods course . Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, Washington, DC.

Dani, D., Hel frich, S., Kennedy, C., West, L., & Michigan, L. (2016, March). Science Night and the PDS . Presentation to be conducted at the National Association for Professional Development Schools conference, Washington, D.C.

Luo, T., Cheng, L., Dani, D . (2016, October). Using Twitter or paper? Supporting peer instruction in a teacher education classroom , Presentation at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada .

Luo, T. & Dani, D. (2015).  Using Twitter to support peer instruction: A case study . Paper presented at the International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT), Wuhan, China.

Salloum, S., Dani, D. , BouJaoude, S., Khishfe, R., Wehbeh, N., Mansour, N., & Dillon, J. (2013, April). Teachers’ Views of 21 st Century Content Themes, Skills, and Contexts: An International Perspective: An international perspective. Symposium presentation at the National Association for Research in Science teaching, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

Dani, D. E. & Meyer, H. (2012, March). Online discourse in the content of inquiry investigations . Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Henning, J., Rice, L., Weade, G., Dani, D. , & McKeny, T.  (2011, April). Innovation in practice: Teachers’ perceptions of change .  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Dani, D. , Salloum, S., BouJaoude, S., Khishfe, R., Banerjee, A., & Tobin, K. (2011, April). Science teaching in the twenty first century: An international perspective. Symposium presentation at the National Association for Research in Science teaching, Orlando, FL.

Meyer, H., Woods, K., Dani, D. , Jameson, A., Andreadis, M., Urbaitis, M., Hutchinson, A., Maynard, K., & Marlow, M. (2010, March). Collaborative study: Improved pedagogy . Symposium presentation at the National Association for Research in Science teaching, Philadelphia: PA.

Dani, D. E., & Koenig, K. (2008, March). Technology and reform-based science education . Paper presentation as part of symposium on “New Media and Instruction in the 21st Century.” American Educational Research Association, New York: New York.

Dani, D. E. (2007, April). Teaching science by inquiry: Dilemmas to consider . Paper presented at the Middle Grade Teaching and Learning Symposium, Columbus, OH.

Martin, R., Cote, A., Connors, J., Dani, D. , & Trese, A. (2007, April). Using ORC electronic resources for professional development . Paper presented at the Middle Grade Teaching and Learning Symposium, Columbus, OH.

Meyer, H. & Dani, D. (2006, March). Preservice teachers’ use of theory as they conduct authentic inquiries . Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting. California: San Francisco.

Dani, D. (2005, March). The impact of content and pedagogy courses on science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge . Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Dallas, Texas.

Dani, D., Prather-Jones, B., Zorn D., & Markle, G.C. (2005, March). Do alternative certification routes prepare highly qualified teachers? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Dani, D., Meyer, H., & Kinne, D. (2004, April). Online discussions: Do they promote explicit reflection on the Nature of Science? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Meyer, H., Kinne, D., & Dani, D. (2003, April). Developing pre-service science teachers’ knowledge of urban secondary students: An empirical study . Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Dani, D., Kinne, D., & Burroughs, R. (2003). Preservice science teachers’ views on science teaching and student learning . Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Gordon, J., Pittman, J. & Dani, D. (2001). Electronic portfolios as a capstone experience . Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference , Florida.

Dani, D., & Baydoun, E. (1998). Localization of Galactosyltransferases within the Golgi Apparatus in pea (Pisum sativum L.) epicotyls . Poster presented at the Cell Wall Meeting, Dundee, Scotland, UK.

Regional and State Refereed Presentations

Dani, D., Koestler, C., Hallman Thrasher, A., Chen, L., & Heacock, K. (2022). The impact of STEM-camp on teacher candidates’ developing identities . Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Education annual conference, West Portsmouth, OH.

Dani, D., Stigall, A., Chesser, K., Diaco, L., Burger, A., & Gramke, M. (2019). Landslides: A place-based STEM investigation. Workshop presented at the Appalachian Green Teachers Conference, Glouster, OH.

Torrington, S., Dani, D. , & Harrison, L. (2018, October). Are early childhood teacher candidates prepared for culturally diverse classrooms? Paper presented at the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dani, D., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Felton-Koestler, M., Dunham, J., & Diki, K. (2018, March). Affordances of a content-specific model of collaborative mentoring. Paper presented at the spring conference of the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations, Columbus, OH.

Dani, D. (2018, January). Using fossils to investigate ancient organisms (Pk-4) . Presentation at the annual symposium of the Science Education Council of Ohio, Lewis Center, OH.

Dani, D. (2018, January). A science practices approach to teaching evolution (Grades 7-12) . Presentation at the annual symposium of the Science Education Council of Ohio, Lewis Center, OH.

Dani, D. (2016, October). Engaging strategies for virtual teacher education. Paper presented at the fall conference of the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations, Dublin, OH.

Dani, D. E., Stigall, A. (2016, January). Using Fossils to Reconstruct Ancient Environments . Presentation at the annual symposium of the Science Education Council of Ohio, Columbus, OH.

Dani, D. E., Hopple, M., Snoddy, C. (2015, January). Inquiry, Literacy, and Assessment Integrated . Presentation at the annual symposium of the Science Education Council of Ohio, Columbus, OH.

Stigall, A . L., Bauer, J. E., Brame, H. R., Dani, D. E. , Helfrich, S. R., Lam, A. R., & Sickel, A. J. (2014, April). Oceans of Ohio: Opportunities for Engaging K-16 Students Via Local Geology . Presentation at the Geological Society of America Southeastern meeting, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Henning, J., Rice, L., Weade, G., Dani, D. , & McKeny, T.  (2010, October).   Innovation in practice: Teachers’ perceptions of change .  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Columbus, OH.

Dani, D., Klein, R., & Gut, D. (2009). Mathematics and science coordination teams for inquiry-based science teaching . Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Educators, Friendship: Ohio.

Dani, D. (2002). The role of online reflections on the development of secondary preservice science teachers’ views of the Nature of Science . Poster presented at the Spring Research Conference, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

Dani, D. (2001). Science teachers’ knowledge base: Origin and effect on classroom teaching . Paper presented at the Spring Research Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

Haidar, M., Sakr, R., & Dani, D. (2000). Integrating environmental education into the Lebanese curriculum . Workshop presented at Science and Mathematics Educational Center third annual conference, Beirut, Lebanon.

(Local, non-refereed)

Dani, D. (2018). Teaching Three-Dimensional Science: A Case of Whale Evolution. Presentation at the Ninth Annual Appalachian Ohio Mathematics and Science Teaching Research Symposium, October 6, Athens, OH.

Dani, D., & Cross, S. (2016, April). Ecological Literacy of Preservice and Practicing K-3 Teachers . Poster presented at annual meeting of The Ohio Academy of Science, Athens, OH.

Dani, D. (2016, September). A Place-Based Environmental Approach to Elementary Education (K–6). Presentation at the Seventh Annual Appalachian Ohio Mathematics and Science Teaching Research Symposium, Athens, OH.

Dani, D. E., Kennedy, C., Helfrich, S., Sandler, N., Schrumpf, K., Meeks, K., & Hawley, O. (2015, September). Science Nights, Scientific Literacy, Outreach, and Professional Learning . Presentation at the Sixth Annual Appalachian Ohio Mathematics and Science Teaching Research Symposium, Athens, OH.

Federal Sponsored Projects and Research Grants ($2,421,818)

Kirchner, N. & Dani, D. (July 2023-June 2025). Appalachian Ohio Climate Literacy Network .  Funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Education Grants Program ($100,000).

Hallman-Thrasher, A., Dani, D. , Liu, C., & Koestler, C. (June 15, 2018 – May 31, 2024). Rural Appalachian Leaders and Local Youth for STEM . National Science Foundation, Award No: 1758484, $2,321,818.

State/Regional Sponsored Projects and Research Grants ($1,649,126)

Dani, D., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Kopish, M., Felton, M., Harrison, L., & Harvey, L. (2016-2019 ). A cyclical, content-specific model of supervision . Funded by the Southeast Ohio Teacher Development Collaborative and the David H. and Gladys W. Patton College of Education. ($135,000)

Dani, D., Stigall, A., Hallman-Thrasher, A., & Helfrich, S. (January 2016 – August 2017). Scaffolding Inquiry and Problem-Solving through Literacy and Assessment Strategies . Funded by the Ohio Board of Regents’ Improving Teacher Quality program ($136,953.00).

Dani, D. E., Sickel, A. J., & Helfrich, S. (January 2013 -August 2014). Scaffolding inquiry through literacy and assessment strategies (SILAS) . Funded by the Ohio Board of Regents’ Improving Teacher Quality program ($91,515.00)

Foley, G. D. (PI), Dani, D ., & Paulins, V. A. (co-PIs). (2009, July - 2018, June).  Choose Appalachian teaching: Building a community of mathematics and science teachers for southeastern Ohio . Ohio Board of Regents (Ohio Department of Higher Education), Choose Ohio First scholarship program, Grant No. 09-28, $1,000,000. [Original co-PI A. Howley was replaced by Paulins in 2013.]

Dani, D. (PI), Klein, R. & Gut, D. (Co-PIs). (2009, January – 2010, August). Mathematics and Science Coordination Teams (MaSCoT) . Ohio Board of Regents, Improving Teacher Quality program, Grant No. 08-34, $119,525.

Dani, D. (PI), Klein, R. & Gut, D. (Co-PIs). (2008, January – 2009, August). Mathematics and Science Coordination Teams (MaSCoT). Ohio Board of Regents, Improving Teacher Quality program, Grant No. 07-37, $121,633.

Martin, R. (PI), & Dani, D. (project director). (2006, January-2007, August). enhancing Science and Mathematics Instruction and Learning with Electronic Support II (eSMILES II), Ohio Board of Regents, Improving Teacher Quality program ($44,500).

university/college Sponsored Projects and Research Grants ($13,516)

Dani, D., Kennedy, M. K., Harrison, L., Gibbs Grey, T., & Haskell, K. (2022-2024). Enhancing Clinical Experiences through Co-Mentoring and a Shared Curriculum, Funded by Ohio university’s 1804 Fund ($25,000).

Dani, D., Kessler , G., Wu, M. L., Hartman, S., & Francis, J. (2017-18). Graduate Interdisciplinary virtual venues for community engagement (GIVVCE). Funded by the David H. and Gladys W. Patton College of Education Mini Grants for Academic Engagement and Outreach ($1500).

Hartman, S., Kennedy, M. K., Koestler, C., Hoisington, L., Michigan, L., Kennedy, C., Helfrich, S., West, L., Payne, S., & Dani, D. (2017-18) Full STEAM ahead: Creating informal learning opportunities for early childhood PDS partnerships. Funded by the David H. and Gladys W. Patton College of Education Mini Grants for Academic Engagement and Outreach ($1500).

Dani, D., Plant, A., Fulk, C., Funovitz, J., & Skon, J. (2016). Southern Local Science Fair: Teacher candidates promoting place-based science participation . Funded by the David H. and Gladys W. Patton College of Education Mini Grants for Academic Engagement and Outreach ($750).

Dani, D., Payne, S., Hoisington, L., & Skinner, H. (2014-15). Super Science Night at the Plains Elementary . Funded by the David H. and Gladys W. Patton College of Education Mini Grants for Academic Engagement and Outreach ($900).

Helfrich, S., West, L., & Dani, D . (2014-15). Science might at West Elementary . Funded by the David H. and Gladys W. Patton College of Education Mini Grants for Academic Engagement and Outreach ($900).

Sickel, A. J., Dani, D. E. , & Glenn, D. (2012-2013). Designing and implementing 5E learning cycles to teach scientific inquiry. Funded by the David H. and Gladys W. Patton College of Education Mini Grants for Academic Engagement and Outreach ($1466.40).

Dani, D. (2005). Orientations to Teaching Science . Graduate Study and Educational Research Fund, College of Education at Ohio University ($2500).

Dani, D. (2005). Adolescent-Young Adult graduate program development and recruitment, Ohio University ($2500).

Dani, D. (2004 ). Authentic inquiry in preservice science teacher education , College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Pedagogy Research Grant, University of Cincinnati ($500).

Meyer, H., & Dani, D. (2003). The influence of coupling science content courses with pedagogy on the development of science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and its use in practice , College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Mentoring Grant, University of Cincinnati ($500).

Dani, D. (2002). The influence of online reflection on the development of preservice science teachers’ views of Nature of Science , College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Mentoring Grant, University of Cincinnati ($500).

Professional Service

National Association for Research in Science Teaching

Chair, Equity and Ethics Committee (2020-2021); Co-Chair (2019-2020); Member (2018-2019); Coordinator of Strand 8: Inservice Teacher Education (2011-2013); Coordinator of Strand 4: Science Teaching in Middle and Hight School (2009-2011); Outstanding Paper Committee (2008-2010); Conference proposal reviewer (2004-Present)

Association for Science Teacher Educators

Conference Committee (2022); Nominated for Board Member position (2021 & 2022); Conference proposal reviewer (2018)

Science Education Council of Ohio

Board of Directors (2015-2018); Director, District X (2015-2018)

Blue Ribbon Panel

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (2017)

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Science Program Review Committee (2020-Present); Accreditation Team for Educator Preparation Program Accreditation (2014-2019)

Ohio Academy of Science

Planning Committee, Annual Meeting (2016)

Ohio Association for Colleges of Teacher Education

Board of trustees (2016-2019); Advocacy Committee (2016-2019)

Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations

Conference Executive Planning Committee (2017-2020)

Ohio Department of Education

Standards Review Board (alternate), Science (2016-2017); Science Standards Revision Working Group (2009-2010); Pilot Development and Implementation, Ohio Model Curriculum (2006-2008)

Ohio Resource Center

Science Review Board (2009-2011); Advisory Board, Captsone Project (2005-2006); Advisory Board, CatalystOhio (2005-2006)

International Review of Contemporary Learning Research

Editorial Board (2016-Present)

American Educational Research Association

Conference proposal reviewer (2003-2007); Co-editor, Science Teaching and Learning SIG Newsletter (2002-2005)

Middle School Journal, Association of Middle Level Education

Editorial Board, 2019-2023

Reviewer – Peer reviewed Journals

Early Childhood Education Journal

Eurasian Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

International Electronic Journal of Environmental and Science Education

International Journal of Science Education

Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Middle School Journal

Research in Schools

The New Educator

The Teacher Education

Community Service, Outreach, and Engagement

International - Universities in the Middle East Region

Evaluation to Launch, completed evaluations of online courses from various undergraduate programs to prepare for course offerings (2013-15); Assessing to Plan, Program Evaluation (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) (2013-14); Curriculum Development for an Elementary and a Secondary Science Teacher Preparation Program in the Middle East.

Athens City School District

Science Club, (2017, 2018); Judge, Science Fair (2015-2017); Science Night (2015)

Southern Local School District

STEM Night and Science Fair Judge (2017); Model Curriculum Development (2016-2008)

Waverly School District

Professional Development, Science Practices (2015)

Trimble Local School District

Inquiry, Literacy, and Assessment in Science Teaching, grades 4-9 (2013-2014); Designing and implementing 5E learning cycles, grades 7-8 (2012-2014); Collaborative Study Investigation in Science, grades 9-12 (2005-2006)

Lima School District

Inquiry-based science teaching (2007)

Numerous Southeast Ohio School Districts

Professional Development Supported by Improving Teacher Quality Grants (2006-2017)

University Committee Service (Select)

Ohio University Research Council, Ohio University

Office of Global Opportunities, Ohio University

OHIO Faculty Research Academy Mentor, Ohio University

Dean’s Comprehensive Evaluation Committee, Ohio University

Outreach and Regional Higher Education, Ohio University

Program Planning and Review, Patton College of Education

Research and Graduate Studies Committee, Patton College of Education

Ethics Committee, Patton College of Education

Assessment Council, Patton College of Education

Unit for Preparation of Education Professionals, Patton College of Education

Graduate Leadership Team, Patton College of Education

Group II Promotion Committee, Department of Teacher Education

Group I Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Teacher Education

Graduate Committee, Department of Teacher Education

Search Committee Chair, Department of Teacher Education

Multiage Program Coordinator, Department of Teacher Education

SPA Science Licensure Coordinator, Department of Teacher Education

University Teaching

Doctoral Courses

Observing Instruction & Assessing Learners’ Outcomes in Classrooms; Theories of Curriculum Change; Research in Science Education; Curriculum in Science Education; First Year Doctoral Seminar; Practicum in Science Education; Curriculum & Instruction Practicum; Dissertation

Masters Courses

New Programs and Practices in Science; Methods for Teaching Earth, Life, and Physical Science; Advanced Studies of Children and Adolescents; High School Curriculum; Advanced Principles of Teaching and Learning; Teacher as Action Researcher; STEM Education Seminar; STEM Principles and Practices; Masters Research Project


Teaching Middle Childhood Science; Teaching Middle Childhood Science – Lab; Secondary School Science Methods Course; Secondary School Science Teaching Lab; Methods for Teaching Early Childhood and Elementary Science; Secondary School Planning and Instruction; Secondary School Teaching and Learning; Professional Internship Seminar; Teaching Science to Fourth and Fifth Graders

Professional Affiliations

National Association for Research in Science Teacher, 2001- Present

National Science Teachers Association, 2008-Present

Association for Science Teacher Education, 2018- Present

National Association for Professional Development Schools, 2015- Present

Ohio Academy of Science, 2015-Present

Ohio Association for Teacher Education, 2010-2011 & 2016-2019

Science Education Council of Ohio, 2009-Present

Mid Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Educators, 2000-2011

American Educational Research Association, 2001-2008

Honors and Awards

MAC Fellow: Academic Leadership Development Program2022-2023

Full Graduate Faculty Status2012-Present

Department of Teacher Education, Patton College of Education

Excellence in Teaching Recognition2005-2018

Thirteen letters of Commendation in the Department of Teacher Education

Conservation Educator of the Year2012

Athens Soil and Water Conservation District

UNESCO TWAS Science Fellowship1998

Techniques in Membrane Technology and Electrophoresis

University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK


Arabic: Native Language

English: Advanced Listener, Speaker, Reader and Writer

French: Advanced Listener, Intermediate Speaker, Advanced Reading and Writing


Available upon request.