Thoughts and Experiences of Addiction (TEA) Lab

Through qualitative and quantitative research centered on understanding perceptions and experiences of addiction, we aim to improve diagnosis, classification, and access to evidence-based care, as well as reduce health disparities.


Research Areas

Specifically, we focus on understanding behavioral addictions, particularly Gambling Disorder, and harm reduction treatment methods. As a crucial aspect of this work, the TEA lab pays particular attention to aspects of diversity and culture that impact perceptions and experiences of addictions.


Understanding experiences and perceptions of gambling problems.

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Harm Reduction

Understanding ways to better support the provision of harm reduction prevention and treatment.

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Cultural Factors

Understanding how culture impacts the perception and experience of addiction.

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Our Team of Addiction Researchers

The TEA Lab is led by Dr. Jenny Grant Weinandy and is comprised of a team of fantastic graduate and undergraduate students.

Meet Our Team

We are also looking to grow our team. Please see our section for  Prospective Students .

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