About Graciela Muniz-Terrera


I trained in mathematics and statistics in Uruguay, my home country. Following international relocations, I earned my Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge's MRC Biostatistics Unit, where I also dedicated several years to research. Later, I transitioned to a research role at the MRC Lifelong Health and Aging Unit at University College London.

In 2015, I assumed a leadership role at the University of Edinburgh overseeing the methodological aspects of two major research projects: PREVENT and EPAD (European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia). Concurrently, I co-led IALSA (Integrative Analysis of Longitudinal Studies of Ageing), a NIH-funded program that connects longitudinal studies on aging and dementia. In these roles, I led methodological developments in various areas, including dementia risk prediction and data harmonization while also developing key infrastructure to facilitate data identifiability and access.

My research has garnered support from multiple national and private entities, including, among others, NIH, UKRI, Alzheimer’s Association (US), and Alzheimer’s Society (UK). With over 200 peer-reviewed articles, I've mentored early career researchers across the US, the UK, Canada, and various Latin American countries. Also, I actively engage with the broader research community in various capacities, such as serving as the co-founder and chair of the Design and Data Analytics Professional Interest Area group for ISTAART, participate as a member on editorial boards of several journals and conduct reviews for numerous other journals.