
Prof. Sandler is a theoretical physicist interested in Condensed Matter. Her research focuses on novel phenomena governed by quantum laws in materials with reduced dimensions, both in and out of equilibrium. A short CV and her publication list are available on the sites below.


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About Me

Prof. Sandler received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, under the supervision of Prof. Eduardo Fradkin. Before arriving at Ohio University, she held postdoctoral positions at ENS and Orsay in Paris, France, and Brandeis University and had a visiting researcher position at Boston University. She has been a professor at Ohio University since 2017.

Besides her research work, Prof. Sandler is involved in various outreach and educational activities. 

Research Approach

Prof. Sandler's work consists of developing models that can provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental properties of matter and predict new behavior. These models can involve discrete or continuum descriptions. Because several approximations are made to reduce the calculations’ complexity and help interpret results, these are generically known as ”effective models.” As such, they can be applied to various materials by appropriately adjusting the parameters to reproduce experimental values or first-principle calculations. 


Modeling tools include analytic and numerical techniques, including field theory, exact diagonalization, tight-binding,  and DFT methods (in collaboration). The goal is to explore regions of validity for analytic techniques, contrast results obtained from numerical and analytic methods, and produce predictions that could be observed in experimental settings.


The research activities are carried out in collaboration with colleagues worldwide who provide a wide range of expertise. These relations offer valuable opportunities for students and young professionals in the group.

You can find me here...

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Clippinger Laboratory 142
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio
United States