
Wang Lab at Biomedical Sciences of HCOM, Ohio University

CDI Pathogenesis and Therapy

We are interested in exploring pathogenesis under C. difficile infection (CDI), and developing potential therapeutic strategies to combat CDI and recurrent CDI in an efficient and healthy way.   

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Focusing on bacterial infections especially CDI/rCDI, major research branches in Wang lab are: 1. Pathogenesis studies with genetic engineering tools; 2. Gut microbiota and CDI studies to alleviate CDI by gut microbiota modulators; 3. New drugs development such as new bacteriocins and phages as CDI/rCDI therapy.

Pathogenesis Studies


We apply genetic engineering tools including CRISPR-Cas9 systems to uncover pathogenesis mechanisms in antibiotics-resistance of  C. difficile , communication between  C. difficile  and other gut microbes, as well as host-pathogen interactions. 

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Gut Microbiota and CDI

Test tubes

We develop gut microbiota modulators such as probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics and postbiotics, and study their effects on reducing CDI/rCDI through the gut microbiota-gut metabolome way.     

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New Drugs Development

Lab bench

We discover beneficial metabolites such as bacteriocins, bacteriophages, and natural products with anti- C. difficile  activity to reduce or replace antibiotics in treating CDI/rCDI in an efficient and healthier manner.     

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Lighting the way

Forefront Of Research

We are studying roles of S-layer proteins in biofilm formation of C. difficile ; uncovering key genes responsible for antibiotics resistance; developing gut microbiota modulators against CDI/rCDI; and hunting virulent phages for C. difficile elimination.

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