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Appendix A: TE Doctoral Rubric

Depth and Integration of Knowledge
  •  Exhibits an in-depth understandingof the subject/course matter, pertinent literature, and the relationships among material obtained from all cited sources.
  • Arguments are fully developed and supported by relevantevidence and sources.
  • Demonstrates in-depth understandingof theoretical concepts and their relationships.
  • Displays adequateanalysis and critique of relevant research literature. All pointsare addressed individually and linked appropriately.
  • Displays advanced synthesisof the literature by appropriately interconnecting and extendingkey ideas from all sources,
  • Exhibits understandingof subject/course matter, pertinent literature, and the relationship among material obtained from all cited sources.
  • Arguments are mostly well-developed and supported by relevantevidence and sources.
  • Demonstrates adequate understandingof theoretical concepts.
  • Displays someanalysis and critique of relevant research literature. Most pointsare addressed individually and sufficiently linked.
  • Displays adequate synthesisof the literature by mostly interconnectingkey ideas from all sources
  • Exhibits a limited understandingof subject/course matter, pertinent literature, and the relationship among material obtained from all cited sources.
  • Arguments are underdeveloped and/or supported by minimalevidence and sources.
  • Demonstrates minimal understandingof theoretical concepts.
  • Displays limitedanalysis and critique of relevant research literature. Few pointsare addressed individually or they are insufficiently linked.
  • Displays limited synthesisof the literature by summarizing the content and ineffectively interconnectingkey ideas from sources
  • Exhibits critical weaknessin understanding of subject/course matter, pertinent literature, and the relationship among material obtained from all cited sources.
  • Arguments are weak, inconsistent, or unconvincing.
  • Demonstrates critical errorsin the understanding of theoretical concepts.
  • Displays no analysis of relevant research literature. Points are not addressed individually and are The paper not linked.
  • Displays no synthesisof the literature by summarizing content without interconnecting key ideas.
Sources & APA Format
  • Excellent useof APA format.
  • Appropriate sourcesare used.
  • Documentation is excellent with alldata and direct quotes obtained from other sources properly citedin-text and in the reference list.
  • Demonstrates appropriate originality. No plagiarism.
  • Adequate useof APA format.
  • Mostly appropriatesources are used.
  • Documentation is strong with mostdata and direct quotes obtained from other sources properly citedin-text and in the reference list.
  • Demonstrates acceptable originality. No plagiarism.
  • Inadequate useof APA format.
  • Few appropriatesources are used.
  • Documentation is inconsistentor mostdata and direct quotes obtained from other sources are not properly cited.
  • Demonstrates acceptable originality. Possible plagiarism.
  • Unacceptable useof APA format.
  • Inappropriatesources are used.
  • In-text citations and reference lists contain many errors.
  • Documentation is lackingand citations are absent.
  • Demonstrates unacceptable originality. Has plagiarized from other sources.
Structure & Organization
  • Structure and organization are strong.
  • The introduction & conclusion are effective.
  • The paragraphs are well-developed.
  • Paragraphs have strongtopic sentences.
  • Development is logical and clearto the reader.
  • Paper flowsfrom one issue to the next. The use of transitions and headings is appropriate.
  • Structure and organization are adequate.
  • The Introduction and conclusion are competent.
  • Paragraphs are developed competently but maybe occasionally underdeveloped.
  • Topic sentences are generally good.
  • Development is logical and clearto the reader.
  • Paper flows with only minor disjointedness.Use of transitions and headings is mostly appropriate.
  • Structure and organization are flawed.
  • The introduction orconclusion is missing.
  • Paragraphs are underdeveloped or are developed inadequately or inconsistently.
  • Topic sentences are missing or are present but ineffective.
  • Development is flawed or unclearto the reader (reasoning isn’t sound).
  • The paper flow is disjointed. Headings are used as primary means of linking concepts.
  • Structure and organization are ineffective.
  • The introduction andconclusion are missing.
  • Paragraphs are undeveloped.
  • Topic sentences are missing.
  • Development is missing or otherwise unacceptable.
  • The paper does not flowand appears to be created from disparate issues.Headings and transitions are absent.
Writing Style, Grammar, and Mechanics
  • Sentences are consistentlyclear, concise, and direct.
  • The tone is appropriatelyformal/informal.
  • Writing is strongwith no errorsin grammar & mechanics present.
  • Sentences are generallyclear, concise, and direct.
  • The tone is mostlyappropriately formal/informal.
  • The writing is clear.Errors in grammar & mechanics do not impair meaning(2 errors per page)
  • Sentences are generally wordy and/or ambiguous.
  • The tone is inconsistent.
  • The writing is somewhat clear.Errors in grammar & mechanics impair meaning(3-5 errors per page)
  • Sentences are unclear enough to impair meaning.
  • The tone is inappropriate.
  • The writing is unclear.Errors in grammar & mechanics severely impact meaning(at least 6 errors per page).
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