The College of Arts and Sciences welcomes students to explore its range of programs, from undergraduate bachelor's degrees to graduate master’s and doctoral degrees.
Undergraduate Admissions
Most College of Arts and Sciences programs do not have requirements beyond the University admission requirements . Biological Sciences programs' more selective criteria includes strong preparation in mathematics and science as evidenced by coursework.
Graduate Admissions
The College of Arts and Sciences offers both Ph.D. and master’s programs . Once you have identified the graduate program to help you meet your personal and professional goals, review the application requirements and deadlines on the website for that academic program.
Undergraduate Admissions
Find helpful information and dates you need to know as you get ready for your first day of college at OHIO.
Graduate Admissions
Our Graduate College handles the application/admissions process for our master's and doctoral students, as well as orientation and thesis and dissertation services.
Find the graduate program you're interested in first to review all requirements before submitting your application.