Alumni and Friends

The Best of Times: 1970s alumni celebrate sixth annual weekend gathering

What started out as a simple idea of having a cookout for some friends has mushroomed into an annual weekend gathering of African American alumni from Ohio University.  

During the weekend of June 9-12, in Cleveland, a group of more than 200 alumni from the 1970s gathered together to reunite, eat, drink and reminisce. This year’s weekend consisted of Friday’s Happy Hour, co-sponsored with the Ebony Bobcat Network’s Cleveland affiliate; Saturday’s golf outing, three-mile walk and cookout; and a worship service on Sunday morning.

The summer of 2017 was the group’s initial gathering, and over 120 Ohio University alumni from the ’70s attended. Using the motto “The Best of Times with the Best of People,” the group created a Facebook page in an attempt to reach out to additional classmates. That Facebook page now has over 430 members.

(From left) OHIO alumni Johnny Webb, BSJ ’80, Marilyn Turner-Evans, BSED ’83, and Anthony Webb, BSC ’76, pose for a photo at the 1970's reunion held in June in Cleveland.
(From left) OHIO alumni Johnny Webb, BSJ ’80, Marilyn Turner-Evans, BSED ’83, and Anthony Webb, BSC ’76, celebrate Bobcat love and friendships at the 2022 1970’s reunion in Cleveland.

It was after Ohio University’s triennial Black Alumni Reunion in 2016 and a discussion about what an excellent time it was that a small group of OHIO alumni decided that three years was just too long to wait to reunite again. Thus, the idea of an annual weekend gathering was implemented. The first year’s outing was a great success even with limited advertisement and communication. With the help of social media, this year’s reunion weekend attendance exceeded expectations with several alumni coming from as far as California, Washington, D.C., and every major city in Ohio 

Dannette Render, BSHSS ’77, commented, “We enjoyed ourselves over and over again. Great friends and much love shared bonds we now confirm last a lifetime.”  

Patricia Horne Hines, BSED ’76, stated, “I had the best time! I so appreciate the secret committee and everyone in the OU community that came together to make such a special day! As the motto states, ‘It was the best of times with the best of people.’” 

The group is already planning next year’s event and anticipates more participation then and each year after because “OU love is forever. The relationships made on this campus have the ability to keep, shape and make you.”

“Love OU style”

By Anthony Webb, BSC ’76

The sun appeared as a movement of love occurred,

Yes it was love,

There were smiles aplenty

as bonds of friendship

became renewed,

I am sure it was love,

They came, they hugged, they laughed

uniting hearts once again,

It had to be love,

Creating a new chapter into their memory books,

filled with tales of peach cobbler and fried fish

A special type of love,

Causing souls once more to gather experiencing

on what they have,

It’s called OU love

And it’s forever …

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