How to Use the Contact Click Report

This dashboard provides a comprehensive analysis of contact click data, organized by different contact types within your website. It offers insights into user interactions with various contact links, helping you understand how users are trying to reach out to your college or unit. By examining the performance of these contact clicks, you can make informed decisions to improve your website’s usability, ensuring that users can easily contact you, schedule appointments, or find your location. 

Navigating the Report


Key engagement metrics are displayed in green scorecards across the top of the dashboard. These include:

  • Total Contact Clicks
  • Total Email Clicks
  • Total Schedule Appointment
  • Total Phone Call Clicks
  • Total Building Directory Clicks

Each metric provides a snapshot of user engagement with different contact methods. The scorecards also display the percent change from the previous reporting period, allowing you to track progress and identify trends over time. For detailed definitions of each metric, please refer to the vocabulary section.

Graphs and Charts

Pie Chart: Located in the bottom right corner, this chart illustrates the distribution of clicks by contact type. It provides a visual representation of which contact methods are most popular among users, helping you understand user preferences. 


Table:Found in the bottom left corner, this table offers a detailed view of contact clicks categorized by type, location, and count. It allows you to see which contact links are most frequently used. This information helps you assess the effectiveness of different contact methods and understand user behavior.  

Using Filters

The filters at the top of the dashboard are consistent with those on the Session Data page, ensuring a seamless user experience across reports. These filters include options for:

  • Date Range:Adjust to view data from specific time periods.
  • Page Path: Filter by individual pages to analyze performance on specific sections of your site.
  • Page Path Groupings:Group related pages to see broader trends.
  • Contact Type:Filter by email, phone call, appointment scheduling, building directory links, and social links to focus on specific types of interactions.

Adjusting these filters helps you narrow down the data to specific segments, enabling a more targeted analysis of trends and user behavior. 

  • Start Exploring Your Looker Studio Dashboard

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Examples of How Data Can Be Actionable 

Improving Contact Link Placement

  • Insight:If the data shows a high number of clicks on certain contact types, such as phone calls or email, but these links are buried in less prominent locations on your site, this indicates a need for improved placement.
  • Action:Reposition these high-engagement contact links to more visible areas on your site, such as the header or main navigation menu. This makes it easier for users to find and use these contact methods, potentially increasing user satisfaction and engagement. 

Optimizing User Journey

  • Insight:Analysis of the contact click paths can reveal where users typically encounter issues or drop off before completing their contact actions. For instance, if users click on a "Schedule Appointment" link but frequently leave the page before completing the scheduling process, it may indicate a problem with the scheduling interface or process.
  • Action:Investigate and streamline the scheduling process to reduce friction. Consider simplifying forms, improving instructions, or adding support options to enhance the user experience and increase appointment completions. 

Understanding User Preferences for Contact Types

  • Insight:Analysis of the pie chart and tables can reveal user preferences for different types of contact methods.
  • Action:Tailor your content and support resources to align with these preferences. For example, if users prefer scheduling appointments online, you might invest in enhancing your online scheduling system and promote it more effectively. 

Identifying High-Performing Contact Methods

  • Insight:If the data shows that "Phone Call" clicks are significantly higher than "Email" clicks, it indicates that users prefer direct, real-time communication.
  • Action:Highlight phone contact options more prominently on your website and consider offering additional features like click-to-call buttons to facilitate easier communication. 

Improving Engagement with Specific Contact Links

  • Insight:Data might show that certain contact links have low engagement despite being prominently placed.
  • Action:Review and test different designs, messaging, or incentives to boost engagement with these links. For instance, if "Social Links" have low clicks, adding engaging content or highlighting these links with a call-to-action might improve their performance. 
  • You Still Need Help?

    You're not alone in this! Schedule a personalized 1:1 consultation with UCM to get your specific questions answered and gain expert guidance. We'll help you and your team unlock the full potential of your data, making it easier to drive actionable improvements for your webpages and achieve meaningful results. Click the project request form below and navigate to Web < Web Analytics/Dashboard Support Request. 

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