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Buffalo Bleu Cheese Stuffed Olives

Nutritional Information

Serving Size: 1 OZW
Calories 67
* Percent Daily Values (% Daily Value) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value *
Fat 6.7g 5%
Saturated Fat 1g 5%
Trans Fatty Acid 0g 0%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 515.5mg 21%
Carbohydrates 1g 0%
Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
Total Sugars 0.1g
Added Sugar 0g 0%
Protein 0.8g 1%
% Daily Value: Protein 1% Fat 5% Carbohydrates 0% Dietary Fiber 0% Cholesterol 0% Trans Fatty Acid 0% Vitamin A - IU 0% Calories 3% Saturated Fat 5% Added Sugar 0%
Buffalo Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives (Bleu Cheese Stuffed Olives(green Olives , Bleu Cheese {Pasteurized Milk, Salt , Lactic Acid Starter Culture Rennet ,P.Roquefort} Water, Salt, Lactic Acid, Acetic Acid}, Hot Pepper Sauce(Aged Cayenne Red Pepper, Distilled Vinegar , Water , Salt , Garlic Powder , Red Jalapeno Chunks (Red Jalapeno Peppers, Water, Vinegar , Salt, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Benzoate), Canola Oil )
The information provided in these labels should be considered as approximations of the nutritional analysis of the food. The nutrient composition of food may vary due to genetic, environmental and processing variables: changes in product formulation, manufacturers data, cooking and preparation techniques.

Please note: During specific periods of time (end of semester, prior to breaks) menus will be adjusted without notice to reduce waste.

OZW means oz (ounces) by w (weight). To ensure that the nutrition information is correct, portions need to be by weight (w) or volume (v).

Nutrition Tip: The Food and Nutrition Board Recommends That the Fat Content of the Diet Not Exceed 30% of Caloric Intake, That Less than 10% of Calories Should Be Provided from Saturated Fatty Acids, and That Dietary Cholesterol Should Be Less than 300mg/Day.

Culinary Services will make every effort to serve items as listed in the menu during each meal period. Adjustments may be necessary without notice for a variety of reasons (reduce waste, product shortages from suppliers, etc.). We apologize in advance for any inconvenience. 

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