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Erin Murphy, PhD, E., Berryman, D., Murphy, E., Carroll, R., Busken, J., List, E., Broach, W. ... 3. MicrobiologyOpen; 6. Fris, M., Broach, W., Klim, S., Coschigano, P., Carroll, R., Caswell, C., Murphy, E.
Valerie Young, TN: 2003 ASEE Annual Conference. Young, V., Nucifore, B., Bartek, M., Day, C., Visharia, F., Lilly, M., Moody, J., Thornberry, T., Carroll, M. ... Tanner, D., Sjostedt, S., Huey, G., Slusher, D., Chen, G., Lefer, B., Shetter, R., Carroll, M.,
Advisory Board, III, BSCE ‘74. George A. Carroll, Jr., BSCE ‘69. James E.
Sarah Anderson…Sarah Anderson. Ambassador 2013-2014. Expected Graduation: May 2014. Hometown: Carroll, Ohio.
Chang Liu Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments. Young, W., Franklin, T., Cooper, T., Carroll, S., Liu, C. ... 2012). Design of A Virtual Boat for Environmental Education. Young, W., Zhong, Y., Ozercan, S., Carroll, S., Zhu, Q., Liu, C
Curtis Cohenour Graas, F., Cohenour, C., Vinande, E., Gunawardena, S., Carroll, M.
Fabian Benencia Cellular immunology; 261: 42-50. Alagkiozidis, I., Facciabene, A., Carpenito, C., Benencia, F., Jonak, Z., Adams, S., Carroll, R., Gimotty, P., Hammond, R., Danet-Desnoyers, G., June, C., Powell, Jr,
John Kopchick of neuroendocrinology; e12854. Jensen, E., Young, J., Jackson, Z., Busken, J., List, E., Carroll, R., Kopchick, J., Murphy, E., Berryman, D. ... 3. Physiological reports; 8: e14373. Jensen, E., Young, J., Mathes, S., List, E., Carroll, R., Kuhn, J
ICMT Journals…2024A critical review of models for density, viscosity, and diffusivity in aqueous sodium chloride solutions, F. Madani Sani, S. Nesic, Electrochimica Acta, 477 (2024)
RLI resources…Profiles of Genius Gene N. Landrum Prometheus Books 1996 0-87975-832-5Endurance Alfred Lansing Carroll& Graf 1986 0-88184-178-1. ... Endurance - Shackleton's Incredible Voyage Alfred Lansing Carroll& Graf 2000 0-7867-0621-XThe Power Principle-