Timothy G. Anderson
- Cultural
- Historical
- World systems
- Ethnicity
Geoffrey L. Buckley
- Environmental justice
- Historical geography
- Public lands
- Urban environments
James M. Dyer
- Biogeography
- Landscape ecology
- Forest dynamics
Ryan Fogt
- Polar meteorology and climatology
- Climate variability and change
- Stratosphere - troposphere interactions
Brad D. Jokisch
- Cultural/political ecology agriculture
- Population
- Migration
- Latin America
Yeong-Hyun Kim
- Globalization
- Economic geography
- Urban geography
- Asia
Harold Perkins
- Political ecology and economy of environments, including topics of neoliberalization, the state, governance, environmental justice, and the agency of nonhuman organisms
Dorothy Sack
- Physical geography
- Geomorphology
- Quaternary studies
- Paleolakes
- Arid lands
- History of geomorphology
Gaurav Sinha
- Geospatial ontology
- Environmental data modeling
- Landscape analysis
Thomas Smucker
- Environment and development
- Rural livelihood systems
- Food systems and food security
- Adaptation to climate change
- Environmental governance
- African drylands
E. Edna Wangui
- Gender
- Rural livelihoods and landscape change in East Africa
Risa Whitson
- Gender and development
- Social geographies
- Informal sector
- Argentina