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Appendix G

  1. The narrative summary is to be written in complete sentences using either the first-person or the third-person narrative style.
  2. The narrative summary should focus on the progressive growth while at Ohio University and indicate growth potential within the respective academic unit. Be certain to address the School/Department’s criteria for promotion. Copies of all annual evaluations shall be included as part of Appendix A of the dossier.
  3. For candidates seeking promotion, the narrative should focus on the individual’s progressive growth since the last promotion or since beginning employment at Ohio University (whichever is more recent). Be certain to address the School/Department’s criteria for promotion. 
  4. If the scholarship has been completed for Graduate Faculty Status, it shall be mentioned briefly in the narrative summary and documented in Appendix B of the dossier.
  5. Materials included within the appendices should show evidence and/or support for narrative statements. While it is important to include the appropriate documentation of activities, it is not necessary to include everything. For example, if a manuscript has been published then a copy of it will serve as evidence and it would not be necessary to include all of the correspondence prior to its publication. However, if strength wants to be shown regarding the influence of the work, then the narrative might include information about where, when, and frequency of citations have been made relevant to the published article.
  6. The narrative summary is to be arranged in the following eight (8) sections. If there are no School/Department criteria for a specific section or sub-section (e.g., Interdisciplinary Contributions), the heading is to be copied and N/A (not applicable) entered under it. If criteria have been generated which reflect unique School/Department expectations, they are to be inserted with validating evidence as subheadings as appropriate.

Academic Preparation

  1. Institutions, dates of study, and degrees awarded. Also list postdoctoral awards, residencies, and other postgraduate studies whether leading to a degree or not.
  2. Other continued educational experiences that enrich the candidate’s professional status.

Professional Experience

  1. Teaching and/or other professional experience in reverse chronological order. Specify dates.
  2. Certifications and/or licenses

Instruction and Advising

Much of the documentation of this section will be found in the teaching portfolio. The teaching portfolio will be part of the supplemental materials provided to the School/Department and College committees. The narrative will include the following:

  1. Teaching Load
    1. Courses taught over the past several years. Include no more than the past five years. For each of these years, specify the following for each term: (a) MCF (Master Curriculum File) and course numbers; (b) course titles; (c) enrollments in each section; and (d) indicate whether a course is required or elective.
    2. Strategies for use and evaluation of technologies to enhance teaching outcomes.
    3. Indicate any changes in area, number, or level of courses taught. Indicate any change in assignment or “job description” since the initial appointment.
  2. Teaching Effectiveness

This sub-section contains a discussion of student learning including (a) organization and presentation of courses; (b) quantity of work in relation to credit hours; (c) level of work in relation to number of courses; and (d) preparation of students for subsequent courses.

  1. Student “feedback” – profile or summary from formal questionnaires, excerpts from testimonial letters from students, oral comments, and enrollment.
  2. Collegial esteem – recognition of preparation of students for higher level courses, team-teaching, observation of teaching, cooperative planning of curriculum, testimonial letters.
  3. Awards and other recognitions. Selection for an assignment to special programs.
  4. Other evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g., development of new courses or programs, modifications of courses).
  5. Reports of Director/Chair, Dean or Associate Dean, School committees, self-rating, career directions of eminent advisees and graduates.
  6. Documentation related to peer reviews. 

3. Interdisciplinary Teaching (If applicable)

Include a description of interdisciplinary teaching and provide an explanation of contribution or effectiveness from the School Director/Department Chair

4. Advising and Supervision

Academic and personal counseling, direction of independent study, supervision of laboratory/field/clinical work, direction of research projects, assistance in student life activities and programs.

Professional Associations

Leadership roles, memberships, attendance at meetings of local, state, regional, and national organizations; memberships on committees and commissions; offices held; contributions to the profession.

Committees and Service

Contributions to University governance by attendance and participation in faculty meetings at an area, School/Department, College, and University levels; service on area, School/Department, College, and University committees; chairing of committees; service on ad-hoc committees and task force groups; participation in special functions such as university outreach, convocation, and graduation ceremonies. Contributions to the profession at large (e.g., editorial consultant, editor, associate editor, grant reviewer, member of national conference committee). It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide evidence of the service provided (e.g., samples of peer reviews submitted, minutes from committee meetings attended, etc.).

Interdisciplinary Involvement and Contributions

Contributions by faculty members involved in interdisciplinary or intercollegiate programs other than those found in III-C above and activities with the evaluative report from the director; service on thesis/dissertation committees in fields outside of own discipline; program development and curriculum planning in cognate areas.

Other Factors

Information, beyond that treated in the above categories, is judged by the candidate and/or committee to be relevant in the consideration of promotion. Items that may appear in this area could be travel, service work in the community, civic or political activity. The relevance and School/Department criteria for these factors must be clearly presented with evaluations of any factor presented.

Scholarly Accomplishments (if applicable)

Research, publications, abstracts, etc. with all items listed for books and articles in professional journals and (items A and B below). List accomplishments for at least the last five years for items C through G listed below. Provide evaluations or evidence of professional judgments for these scholarly accomplishments. In the case of multi-authored works or co-investigator status, indicate the relative nature and description of your contribution. Written feedback from external reviewers will be part of this evidence.

  1. Books
  2. Textbook chapters
  3. Articles in professional journals
  4. Other publications (e.g., abstracts, chapters or sections or volumes, monographs, technical reports, reviews)
  5. Internally and externally supported research projects and grants
  6. Peer-reviewed papers, posters, and other scholarly presentations
  7. Workshops, service programs, and invited guest speaker
  8. Other professional accomplishments (e.g., consultations, workshops, continuing education courses, service programs, patents received)
  9. Development of clinical outcomes or quality assurance measures
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