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Committee Responsibilities for AHSW

The P&T Committee will be responsible for meeting the deadlines for promotion and/or tenure as specified in these guidelines and the College P&T Policy, as well as the guidelines found in the Ohio University Faculty Handbook.

Each member of the P&T Committee is required to review the dossier and teaching portfolio individually before the entire Committee meets to review these materials. Members of the Committee should notify the Chairperson prior to a full Committee meeting about missing materials or the need to obtain additional information.

After the final review of the dossier, the teaching portfolio, and the external reviews for promotion and/or tenure, the Committee will vote by secret ballot "for" or "against" tenure and/or promotion. The majority of votes will determine the recommendation from the committee. Any abstentions will not count but will be noted in the written recommendation of the committee. In the event of a tie vote, the P&T Committee recommendation would not be in favor of promotion and/or tenure and the candidate can follow the appeals procedure outlined in the faculty handbook (Faculty Handbook (2023), section II.F). Following the vote, the P&T Chair will prepare a letter to the School Director with the written recommendation of the committee. The letter should state the vote results. Any individual member of the Committee may submit an addendum to the evaluation summary that may reflect a different viewpoint. This letter will be given to the School Director by the end of the first week of business after winter break, with a copy sent to the candidate.

Letters from the Committee, with a positive recommendation, go forward to the School Director, along with the materials submitted by the candidate. The School Director then makes a decision about the candidate's case for promotion and/or tenure and writes a letter to the CHSP Dean by the last day of the Fall semester; this letter is also copied to the candidate and School P&T Committee.

A candidacy that does not result in a positive recommendation does not go beyond the School committee level. The candidate should refer to the Ohio University Faculty Handbook regarding the appeal process (section II.F).

The weight given to teaching must be considered in light of other demands made on the faculty member by hiring agreements or activities necessary to fulfill the School's mission. For example, a candidate may have been hired with the understanding that the workload would include administrative responsibilities or may have received resources for scholarly and creative activities that include a reduced teaching workload. Likewise, a candidate may have a higher teaching load due to laboratory sections which increase contact hours with the students. Specific teaching responsibilities will include dialogue between the faculty member, School Director, and Division Director, and will reflect the goals and needs of the School and the professional goals of the faculty member. The School Director shall provide to the faculty member a written record of agreements reflecting decisions concerning workload assignments that may later affect tenure and promotion decisions, and copies must be retained in the candidate's permanent file. These documents may be used in the evaluative materials submitted by the candidate at the time of review.

Review of Prospective Administrators and Faculty for Rank and Tenure

The P&T Committee will evaluate prospective administrators and faculty for rank and tenure, in accordance with the Faculty Handbook.

Annual Review of the School Director

Per the College of Health Sciences and Professions P&T Policy, the P&T Committee will facilitate the faculty annual evaluation of the School Director.

Promotion and Tenure Orientation for All New Tenure-Track Probationary Faculty

The P&T Committee Chair will provide a copy of these guidelines, along with the College P&T Policy, to all new tenure-track faculty during the first semester of being hired.

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