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External Review for AHSW

By the last day of the Spring semester final exams in the Spring semester prior to the candidacy year, all candidates seeking promotion and/or tenure will submit to the P&T Committee Chairperson the names and full contact information of eight individuals who could serve as external reviewers. The candidate will submit a brief statement as to why the candidate believes each person is qualified to assess/evaluate their research/creative accomplishments and their contributions to the profession. The relationship of the candidate to each potential reviewer must be included. External reviewers must be at a comparable institution and must be at or above the rank for which the candidate is being considered. In some cases, individuals other than those in academic positions could be selected upon approval of the P&T Committee. To assist the candidate in selecting comparable institutions, refer to the Carnegie Foundation website and/or to the the following website: OHIO Institution Effectiveness Peer University Study webpage. .

By the last day of the Spring semester final exams in the Spring semester prior to the candidacy year, the candidate will submit the materials to be reviewed by the external reviewers, including the candidate's curriculum vitae, copies of three peer-reviewed scholarly or creative works, and a short professional statement. If asked, the P&T Committee can assist the candidate in selecting the three scholarly works that will be sent for external review.

From the list of potential external reviewers, the P&T Committee will identify all on the potential reviewer list that are considered acceptable for reviewing the candidate (e.g., at a variety of peer institutions, at appropriate rank, with appropriate professional background, with minimal relationship with candidate). The committee will select two external reviewers from this list and then the School Director will select a third reviewer from the list in consultation with the Division Director. The School Director will solicit the reviews and receive the reviews and the vitae of each external reviewer. If a chosen external reviewer declines the invitation to serve in this capacity, another will be chosen from the submitted list. In the case where all options on the list are exhausted, an external reviewer(s) may be chosen from "off the list" by the School Director in consultation with the P&T Committee, the Division Director, and the candidate.

External reviewers will receive a copy of the P&T criteria, the candidate's curriculum vitae, and three pieces of work selected by the candidate, along with the candidate's short professional statement. These packets will be emailed by the School Director, with a formal letter drafted by the P &T Committee, but signed by the School Director. Reviewers will be asked to provide a written assessment of the quality, significance, and impact on the profession of the candidate's research and creative activities, and service to the profession. Reviewers will be asked to comment on the accomplishments of the candidate relative to others who are at a similar stage of their professional career. Reviewers will also be asked to comment on the quantity of work; however, the Committee will take into consideration the individual's distribution of workload when evaluating quantity. The letter to external reviewers must request responses to the following questions:

  • How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity?
  • In your professional judgment, what is the quality and significance of the candidate's work as reflected in the curriculum vitae and examples of research/creative/scholarly accomplishments provided?
  • In your professional judgment, how does the candidate's research/creative/scholarly work compare (or rank) in relationship to other successful individuals in the field at this stage of professional development?
  • In your professional judgment, how does the candidate's service, including national/professional service, compare (or rank) in relationship to other successful individuals in the field at this stage of professional development?

Each reviewer will be asked to return the evaluation by the deadline of the second Monday of September. The external reviewers will also be asked to send their biography, biosketch, and/or curriculum vitae (which the School Director will summarize into a biography for the P&T Committee). It is important to remember that the assessments by the external reviewers will be considered only one part of the evaluation process. The P&T Committee has the final responsibility for evaluating candidates for promotion and/or tenure. These external assessments will also be considered at the College and University levels because they will be forwarded as part of the candidate's dossier.

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