Project AdaPT

Project AdaPT is a pilot clinical study that is investigating guideline-based Physical Therapy (PT) care for people with chronic low back pain. This study is testing the feasibility of an adaptive intervention model, which provides different treatment pathways for people who are not responding to their initial treatment.

One of these care pathways is augmenting PT with the Healthy Minds Program (HMP). The Healthy Minds program is a self-guided, app-delivered intervention that offers podcast-style lessons on the science of wellbeing in addition to guided meditations to cultivate awareness, insight, connection, and purpose.

The second care pathway is augmenting PT+HMP with a Tai Chi program for those individuals who are not initially responding to PT+HMP.

Laboratory measures include trunk motion analysis (captured with 3D motion capture technology), quantitative sensory testing of pressure and thermal pain threshold and tolerance, and actigraphy.

Scientist using a sensor
Collecting data
Participant squatting