News + Updates

Well represented in the Summer Research Symposium!

The lab was well represented in the 2024 Summer Research Symposium! In total we have 5 posters and 1 podium. Anupama presented her super cool project titled: A click chemistry-based bioorthogonal...


The lab got outside and did some intense as well as friendly pickleball matches! Guess who is the best player. 

New paper in GeroScience!

Congratulations to the co-first authors Huanhuan Liu and Trent Davis on publishing their research paper in the journal GeroScience! In this paper, we reported that both germline ( GHR -/- ) and adult...

Anupama received the ORCA award!

Congratulations to Dr. Anupama for receiving the 2024  Ohio Musculoskeletal and Neurological Institute (OMNI) Outstanding Research Contribution Award (ORCA)  for her stellar performance the first year...

Three-lab celebration of new NIH grants!

Yesterday we had a three-lab celebration of three recent growth hormone (GH) related NIH grants: Kopchick lab (R01 renewal on GHR antagonism on lifespan), Zhu lab (R01 on GH and OA), Holub lab...

New school year, expanded research team!

Today we had our first lab meeting for this new 2023-2024 school year. We have recently tripled our lab size. One new postdoc fellow (Anupama) and two new PhD students (Shadi Moradi and Siqi Ren)...

New paper on growth hormone and OA

Congratulations to the lab for publishing a paper in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatology, entitled 'Promotion of joint degeneration and chondrocyte metabolic dysfunction by excessive growth hormone...

New Hevolution Grant on aging and OA!

We are super excited that we received a five-year grant (a total of $2.4 million) from the Hevolution Foundation!! This new grant mechanism is targeting promising aging focused research. We are...

New NIH R15 grant!

Great news for the Zhu lab to receive a three-year R15 grant from NIH-NIAMS!! Dr. Liu (co-I), Dr. Vishu Puri (co-I) from Diabetes Institute, Dr. Brian Clark (student mentoring committee), and Dr...