When using a Purchasing Card to buy capital equipment (equipment with a cost greater than $5,000) the following information must be provided in the comments section of Concur:
- Manufacturer's name, serial number and model number;
- Acquisition date or date received;
- Location of equipment;
- Unit acquisition cost (if not clearly identified);
- Name of department taking ownership.
A copy of the transaction receipt must be sent to finance.equipmentInventory@ohio.edu , within five business days of receiving the item. The Pcard transaction reference number must be noted on the receipt. Refer to Policy 19.054 , "Equipment Inventory Control” and Policy 55.074 , “Purchasing Card” for more detail.
If non-capital equipment is purchased and the total transaction amount is greater than $5,000, please write a brief description of items purchased and the cost breakdown in the notes section for clarity.